심히 걱정된다 - 2008/05/20 16:56

class JMail
      VAR $sp;                                                              // SMTP connection
      VAR $body;                                                              // Mail body
      VAR $host;                                                              // SMTP host
      VAR $port;                                                              // SMTP port
      VAR $sMail;                                                              // Sender mail address;
      VAR $sName;                                                              // Sender Name;
      VAR $rMail;                                                              // Receiver mail address;
      VAR $rName;                                                              // Receiver Name;
      VAR $returnpath;                                                // Return path;
      VAR $subject;                                                        // Mail subject
      VAR $content_type;                                                // Mail content type
      VAR $charset="euc-kr";                                          // Charset
      VAR $enctype="8bit";                                          // Character encoding type
      VAR $attach;                                                        // Attached file
      VAR $attach_name;                                                // Attached file name
      VAR $attach_type;                                                // Attached file type
      VAR $attach_size;                                                // Attached file size
      VAR $boundary="----=_NextPart_JMailer_";      // Default Boundary

      VAR $msg="

JMail Error Message


      function JMail($host="xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx", $port="25")

      Connect SMTP Server
      function connect()
              if ($this->sp)
                    if (!$this->sp=fsockopen($this->host, $this->port, $errno, $errstr, 30))
                            $msg="Error no : $errno

Error Message :
      Set Sender Address
      function setFrom($email, $name)
              if ($this->checkMail($email))
                    $this->error("보내는 사람의 메일주소가 형식에 어긋납니다.");

              if ($this->checkSpace($name))
                    $this->error("보내는 사람의 이름이 형식에 어긋납니다.");

      Set Receiver Address
      function setReceive($email, $name)
              if ($this->checkMail($email))
                    $this->error("받는 사람의 메일주소가 형식에 어긋납니다.");

              if ($this->checkSpace($name))
                    $this->error("받는 사람의 이름이 형식에 어긋납니다.");

      Set Attach file
      function setFile(&$attach, $filename, $filetype, $filesize)

      Set mail message
      function setBody($message)

      Set Return path
      function setReturnPath($email)
              if ($this->checkMail($email))
                    $this->error("Return path의 메일주소가 형식에 어긋납니다.");

      Set Content type
      function setContent($type)
              if ($type == "text")
              else if ($type == "html")
                    $this->error("Content-type 은 text, html 중 선택해 주세요");

      Set Subject
      function setSubject($subject)
              if ($this->checkSpace($subject))
                    $this->error("메일 제목이 형식에 어긋납니다.");

      Set Charset
      function setCharset($set)

      Set Encoding type
      function setEncoding($type)

      Set Boundary
      function setBoundary()

      Return Attached file type
      function getAttachedFileType()
              if (!$this->attach_type)
                    return "application/octet-stream";
              return $this->attach_type;

      Return Encoded Attached file
      function getAttachedFile()
              $encoded=fread($fp, $this->attach_size);

              return $encoded;
      function putRcpt()
              for ($i=1; $irMail)+1; $i++)
                    fputs($this->sp, "rcpt to: <".$this->rMail[$i].">rn");
                    $retval = fgets($this->sp, 128);

              return $retval;

      function putTo()
              fputs($this->sp, "To: ");
              for ($i=1; $irMail)+1; $i++)

                    $str.=""".$this->rName[$i]."""." <".$this->rMail[$i].">";
                    if ($i < sizeof($this->rMail))

              fputs($this->sp, $str);

      Close SMTP Connection
      function close()

      function sendBody()
              //if ($this->content_type == "text/html")
                    //$this->body=str_replace("n", "
", $this->body);
              fputs($this->sp, "Content-Type: ".$this->content_type.";rn");
              fputs($this->sp, "      charset="".$this->charset.""rn");
              fputs($this->sp, "Content-Transfer-Encoding: ".$this->enctype."rnrn");
              fputs($this->sp, $this->body);
              fputs($this->sp, "rn");

      Send mail
      function send()
              //만약 return path가 설정이 되지 않으면 보내는 사람 메일주소를 입력한다.
              if (!$this->returnpath)      $this->returnpath=$this->sMail;
              if (!$this->content_type)      $this->content_type="text/html";
              if (!$this->sName) $this->error("보내는 사람의 이름이 지정되지 않았습니다.");
              if (!$this->sMail) $this->error("보내는 사람의 메일이 지정되지 않았습니다.");
              if (!$this->rName) $this->error("받을 사람의 이름이 지정되지 않았습니다.");
              if (!$this->rMail) $this->error("받을 사람의 메일이 지정되지 않았습니다.");
              if (!$this->subject) $this->error("메일 제목이 지정되지 않았습니다.");
              if (!$this->body) $this->error("메일 본문이 지정되지 않았습니다.");


              fgets($this->sp, 128);
              fputs($this->sp, "helo JMailerrn"); fgets($this->sp, 128);
              fputs($this->sp, "mail from: <".$this->sMail.">rn");      $retval[0] = fgets($this->sp, 128);
              fputs($this->sp, "datarn");                                                fgets($this->sp, 128);
              fputs($this->sp, "Return-Path: <".$this->returnpath.">rn");
              fputs($this->sp, "From: ".$this->sName."<".$this->sMail.">rn");
              fputs($this->sp, "Subject: ".$this->subject."rn");
              fputs($this->sp, "MIME-Version: 1.0rn");

              if ($this->attach)
                    fputs($this->sp, "Content-Type: multipart/mixed;rn");
                    fputs($this->sp, "      boundary="".$this->boundary.""rn");
                    fputs($this->sp, "rnThis is a multi-part message in MIME formatrnrn");
                    fputs($this->sp, "--".$this->boundary."rn");

                    fputs($this->sp, "--".$this->boundary."rn");
                    fputs($this->sp, "Content-Type: ".$this->getAttachedFileType().";rn");
                    fputs($this->sp, "      name="".$this->attach_name.""rn");
                    fputs($this->sp, "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64rn");
                    fputs($this->sp, "Content-Disposition: attachment;rn");
                    fputs($this->sp, "      filename="".$this->attach_name.""rnrn");
                    fputs($this->sp, $this->getAttachedFile());
                    fputs($this->sp, "rn");
                    fputs($this->sp, "--".$this->boundary."--rn");

              fputs($this->sp, "rn.rn");
              $retval[1]=fgets($this->sp, 128);

              if (!ereg("^250", $retval[0]) || !ereg("^250", $retval[1]))
                    $errormsg="메일을 보내지 못하였습니다.


      Check Mail address with regular expression
      function checkMail($email)
              if ($this->checkSpace($email))
                    if (!ereg("(^[_0-9a-zA-Z-]+(.[_0-9a-zA-Z-]+)*@[0-9a-zA-Z-]+(.[0-9a-zA-Z-]+)*$)",trim($email)))
                            return false;
                    return false;

              return true;

      Check space with regular expression
      function checkSpace($str)
              if (!ereg("([^[:space:]]+)",trim($str)))
                    return false;

              return true;
      Echo error message
      $msg : error message
      function error($msg)

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