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게시물에서 찾기Migrant workers' struggle

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  1. 2018/12/26
    15년 전에: 명동농성투쟁..
    no chr.!
  2. 2018/12/18
    2018 세계이주노동자의 날
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  3. 2018/12/07
    15년 전에: 명동농성투쟁..
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  4. 2018/12/04
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  5. 2018/11/23
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  6. 2018/11/18
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  7. 2018/11/06
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  8. 2018/10/22
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  9. 2018/10/19
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  10. 2018/10/15
    [10.14] '이주노동자대회'
    no chr.!

15년 전에: 명동농성투쟁..

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Today, 15 years ago, we - Myeong-dong Sit-in Struggle Collective(MSSC) - published the following report:


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On the same day the bourgeois Korea Herald published the following feature:

Migrant workers demand work visas

Over 100 people stage sit-in for 41 days to protest deportation

Christmas Day, an appointed time for giving and caring, has come and gone for Sohana. It was like the 40 previous days, her plea from a makeshift camp in the center of Seoul went unheeded. 

The plight of the 32-year-old Indonesian woman is similar to more than 100 other men and women around her. All are illegal migrant workers. All of them are protesting against the government's labor policy. All of them are demanding employment visas. 

As the days have become shorter and nights colder, the group has huddled in four makeshift camps near Myeongdong Cathedral. 

"It is so cold that people in sleep fumble to draw any inch-larger patch of blanket near them. In these four makeshift camps, 100 people live and sleep," says Sohana, who, like many Indonesians, goes by only one name. 

She is one of six female migrants participating in the Myeongdong struggle. She entered Korea on industrial-trainee visa in 1997. 

"Preparing meals and washing dishes are all done on the street. When I began the sit-in on Nov. 15, I was expecting some improvements at least by Christmas. But during the past 40 days of life in the tent, nothing has changed. No answers from the Korean government. No help from our embassy. Nobody cares," she told The Korea Herald. 

An estimated 110,000 illegal migrant workers are expected to be forced out of the nation as those with longer than four years of stay were excluded in the legalization ended Oct. 31. 

The Korean government began a roundup and deportation of illegal foreign workers the next month and about 2,450 people were caught as of Dec. 21. Some 700 are kept under detention and 1,823 have been deported to their native lands, according to figures by the Ministry of Justice. 

The legalization and the subsequent crackdown were part of government moves to clear the decks ahead of the implementation of the new work-permit system next August. 

An estimated 2,500 foreign workers are protesting in groups throughout the nation against the government crackdown and new foreign labor system. Civic and religious communities are helping many of them. 

"Those who are neither joined in struggle nor caught by the police should be hiding in countryside or city slums," said Chin Je-hyeon, a Korean volunteer for migrant workers. 

"The government has no idea what is going to happen when these cornered people are further driven at bay," she said. 

Before the passage of the foreign work-permit scheme in the National Assembly last August, the Korean government had used cheap foreign labor under the industrial-trainee system. 

Human rights activists said the system virtually left foreign workers exposed to serious labor abuse and exploitation. Migrants were deprived of basic labor rights because their legal status was little more than trainee, they said. 

Many trainees ran away from their designated workplaces, becoming illegal residents. Others came to Korea on tourist visas and refused to leave the nation. 

Early this year, 227,000 foreign workers, or nearly 80 percent of the total foreign labor, were estimated to be illegal residents. 

More than half of them were from China. People from Vietnam, Bangladesh, the Philippines, and Indonesia made up for another 25 percent, according to labor ministry figures. 

Government officials say the new foreign work-permit system is designed to ensure better labor conditions for migrant workers by granting them the basic labor rights such as to organize trade unions and collective actions. 

"The work-permit system is as disastrous as the previous trainee system," said Jahid, 29, from Bangladesh. 

"The new scheme, just like the old one, prohibits migrant workers from changing worksites more than three times during their three years of permitted stay in Korea. As long as we are not allowed to change jobs more freely, we cannot claim anything, no union either, for fear of dismissal," he said. 

"Politicians and government officials never listened to our demands. Eventually, the work-permit system is another tool to control us," he said. 

However, the labor and justice ministries have vowed to continue supervision and crackdown until the rate of illegal foreign labor out of the total migrant work force falls below 10 percent. 

"If foreign workers are allowed to shift jobs, they will leave their designated manufacturing worksites for higher wage offers. It will eventually raise domestic pay levels, leaving manufacturing worksites hollowed again," said Jung Eon-kee, an official at the foreign labor division in the Ministry of Labor. 

"After all, they would likely attempt to overstay their visas, falling to be illegal again," he said. 

"When the Korean football team took the field in 2002 World Cup, Koreans said their country was the 'Pride of Asia.' Look at these people. Can you still say that?" asks Mahabub, 29, in the Myeongdong protest group.



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진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

2018 세계이주노동자의 날

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Yesterday's Hankyoreh reported the following: Despite the subzero temperatures, 60 or so migrant workers came out to Seoul’s Gwanghwamun Plaza on the afternoon of Dec. 16 to mark International Migrants Day. On Sunday, groups including the Migrants’ Trade Union and Migrants Act launched an event called “Nationwide Joint Action on International Migrants Day” on the stairs leading up to the Sejong Center for the Performing Arts in Seoul. “Korean society traps migrant workers in the legal categories of ‘foreign workers’ and ‘illegal aliens’ and refuses to recognize them as members of society. Migrants are humans and workers, just like everyone else. Migrant workers should also be guaranteed legitimate rights as members of society,” demonstrators said...(more you can read here)

Related article:

‘Migrant workers are not consumables, we are humans!’ (K. Herald, 12.17)

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Related reports in Korean:
세계 이주노동자의 날 “불법인 사람은 없다” (미디어오늘, 12.16)
"이주노동자는 다른 나라에서 온 노동‘력’이 아닌 노동‘자’" (노동과 세계, 12.16)
‘외노자’ 아닌 똑같은 노동자, 사람입니다 (참세상, 12.16)
“한국도 이주노동자 원하고, 나도 일하고 싶어…고용허가제 폐지해야” (뉴스민, 12.16)



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진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

15년 전에: 명동농성투쟁..

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Dec.1, 2004 Znet stated the following: The Equality Trade Union-Migrants Branch(ETU-MB), a trade union of largely undocumented migrant workers in South Korea, ended its 380 day long sit-in in front of downtown Seoul's Myeongdong Cathedral on Sunday. Their sit-in had started on November 15, 2003 to protest the government's crackdown on undocumented migrant workers...


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About one year earlier Base21(참세상's former English section) reported the following: Since more than one week ETU-MB (Equality Trade Union-Migrants Branch) activists and their allies from KCTU (Korean Confederation of Trade Unions), Hanguk Migrant Worker's Human Rights Center, Incheon, Nepal Struggle Team and KASAMMAKO (Alliance of Filipino Migrant Organizations & Migrante Sectoral Party - Korea Chapter), are occupying Myeongdong Cathedral's compound downtown Seoul. They decided to use this mean to give the struggle of migrant workers more power, because they are thinking, that the gov't only will listen to us if we force them...

2003.12.15, one month after the beginning of the sit-in struggle, we created a special home page(*) to inform about our daily activities, the national/int'l solidarity, our upcoming (internal/external)projects/plans and the press review in the S. Korean (bourgeois)media.

* Our daily news(etc.) you'll get on "fash news"(the first contribution you'll find on page #9). We also published (at least)hundreds of photos, depicting our sit-in struggle. You'll get them @"picPDS". The first contribution "nov 15, begin of our sit in struggle on myeongdong cathedral's compound" you can see page #48.

PS. Before Dec. 15 we published our (english)daily news on ETU-MB's home page(please check out "News&Dates", page 13, article #15).


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진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크


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진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크


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진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크


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진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크


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사용자 삽입 이미지


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크


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Y'day(10.21) afternoon in Incheon/Bupyeong: migrant workers, citizens and members of the Buddhist Jogye Order(resp. its Social Labour Committee) mourned...


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...the recent death of a Burmese migrant worker, who fell head-first out of the window of a makeshift cafeteria that was eight meters above the ground at a construction site in Gimpo, Gyeonggi Province, Aug. 22, while running away from a sudden police raid. Another migrant worker who witnessed the fall said he was not able to land on his feet because an officer grabbed his legs before the jump. He died of brain damage 17 days later...

A few days ago(10.14) Korea Times published the following photo...


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PS. Similar deaths have occurred in the past, mostly during sudden on-site police raids. Some 80 migrant workers have sustained injuries during these raids since 2008, according to the Ministry of Justice. Ten have died, most of them after falls..(source: K. Times)


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진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크


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사용자 삽입 이미지


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

[10.14] '이주노동자대회'

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Y'day(10.14) afternoon in central Seoul: Under the motto "I'm not a slave, I'm a worker!"/"No one is illegal! The system is illegal" about 1000 migrant workers joined this year's National Migrant Workers' Rally(here you can read a detailed report, published in yesterday's Korea Times), where they presented the following list of demands...


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KCTU's report(in Korean), incl. a lot of pics...


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...you'll get here.




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진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

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