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이젠 위험 한 건 무섭다~~

지하조직님의 [민주당 전당대회, 어케 즐길것인가...?] 에 관련된 글.


민주당 전당대회 참가 신청서를 무작정 제출했다. 혹시나 하는 0.00000001%의 가능성을 갖고....

근데 안될것이 뻔하기에 지난번에 찾았던 전당대회 반대자들의 일정을 찾아봤다.


Schedule of actions:

SUNDAY the 24th
-10:30am, Civic Center Park: Massive march against militarization and occupations called for by Recreate 68. This will be a family-friendly, low-risk event.
-Midday: Funk the War! Following the march, a large, low-risk street party called for by the Alliance for Real Democracy will fill downtown with music and festivities against the war
-Late Afternoon: As the convention-goers check into hotels and attend their pre-convention party, our own raging party in resistance to the militarized occupation of Denver and the world will reclaim public space and spread the festivities onto the streets. Be ready to take the rowdy celebration to the doorsteps of delegate hotels etc.


MONDAY the 25th
-10:30am, Civic Center Park: March against the prison industrial complex and for freedom for all political prisoners.
-Evening: Meet at the Civic Center at 6pm to join the anticapitalist march (see below) or participate in organized and decentralized actions that will actively disrupt the capitalist corruption and cronyism of the two party system by targeting specific fundraisers, delegate parties and corporations backing the DNC. come ready for quick decentralized actions spanning the downtown area at a variety of risk levels.


TUESDAY the 26th
-Afternoon: Confront the Spectacle- We vote no! As delegates are arriving at the Pepsi Center, snake marches will converge on the entrances through the fence of the no-protest zone in order to create spaces for different levels of delegate movement disruption. Flying squads will assist the disruption and create distractions as we bring their party to a halt.


WEDNESDAY the 27th
-All day: Actions and alternatives- Real solutions to the climate crisis! A day of direct action against ecological destruction. We will create solutions to global warming without the politicians by shutting down sources of greenhouse gas emissions and corporations who destroy the earth (and fund the Democrats). we will also engage in creative resistance outlining solutions and alternatives; bike bloc! car free zones! guerrilla gardening!


THURSDAY the 28th
-10:30am, Rude Park: No Borders March! No one is illegal! Join this national mobilization for immigrants rights and help us draw connections between the struggles of immigrant communities and the struggle against global capitalism. This will be a low-risk event safe for all people regardless of immigration status. so play nice.
-Evening: A special Denver anarchist variety show party, put on by none other then Denver’s Louis Vitton.


전당대회 기간 전에도 몇몇 행사들이 있지만 일단 중심 스케줄은 위와 같은데.... 이거 읽다가 완전 쫄았다. 행진이나 콘서트 등의 low-risk action부터 파티가 열리는 호텔을 쳐들어가는 high-risk action까지.... 순간 high-risk action은 가지 않겠다고 거리두기부터 하는 내 자신이 밉지만 어쩌겠는가? 난 잡히면 이 땅에서 쫒겨나는걸.... 내가 원래 이런 눔이지 뭐.....


근데 이런 택을 공개 하다니....


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크


  • 제목
  • 이미지
    블로그 이미지
  • 설명
    겨우 쓰레기장에서 나와서 세상좀 보니까, 더 큰 쓰레기장이 나오네....
  • 소유자

최근 글 목록

  1. 필름포럼 전시회
  2. 철도 민영화와 전혀 상관없는 기차 사진
  3. 이것은 70년대 사진이 아니무니다(3)
  4. 지하조직
  5. 구 세대(2)


방문객 통계

  • 전체
  • 오늘
  • 어제