- 명동해방전선은...
- 명동해방전선
To cut a long story short today was not a successful day for us, not really!
Like last Thursday a crane truck, in order of Daewoo Construction (Mafia) tried to enter the Myeong-dong "redevelopment" area to continue the demolition of buildings close to our struggle center ('Cafe Mari').
Well, for the first two hours - from 06:00am(KST) until 08:00am - we were able to block the shit. At 08:00 the truck left the site and we - very happy to sleep few hours more - went back to our struggle center('Cafe Mari').
But only three hours later we'd to learn that ultimatey the truck entered its destination and was already prepared to start the demolition process. At around noon two of our comrades, backed by about 40 activists/supporters just occupied the crane. But of course only a short while later the riot cops(at least 120) moved in and punctually(^^) to supper time(06:00pm KST) they finished our "performance"(i.e. protest).
The final result: Five(*) of our comrades, incl. four MDLF activists were arrested(they're are still in custody) and at least one person was taken by the ambulance to a hospital. Here some impressions(chronologically arranged) from today's "events" in Myeong-dong:
* According to Yonhap: Seven actvists were arrested, incl. two supporting organized street vendors.
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