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게시물에서 찾기2010/03/23

2개의 게시물을 찾았습니다.

  1. 2010/03/23
    marriage system(6)
  2. 2010/03/23
    Critical Security Studies

marriage system


결혼은 포장된 '매춘' 인가  - 마광수


this post makes me think about problematic binary gender system in law and state value system.

economic and societal changes influence sex (meant here as actual sexual activity),marriage, and the society itself in this context.

from what i've learnt so far, i reflect marriage as an articifial tool of heterosexualising individuals and social values.

marriage, as i've seen it so far, is a merely well-wrapped (heterosexual) relationship between supposedly a male and a female. this is must-do process to be accepted by a society. supposed female has to be feminine and male to be masculine in this relationship. this requires immitation of socially established gendered roles and social norms.   

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

Critical Security Studies

Week5. 15 March 2010 monday


Critical approach of post-positivistsenables to think about human security, environmental security, and etc.

CSS came at the end of the Cold War (reaction to it) and broadening research agenda.


* CSS critiques positivist realism:

- realist framework does not change. security always means same thing.

- nation-state system is not organic. it exists but not natural. it's a socially constructed system, thus it can be socially deconstructed.

- it's not a problem solving approach. positivists don't think in terms of changes in international system. they are just being reactive.

- absence of security failed. the issues like poverty and human insecurity.

- states focus on nation-state level of security. they are to ensure people's well-being but they do inappropriate things to their own people.


* Broadening Security:

Food security

Health security

Environmental security

Social (group) security

Energy security

Individual security


* Deepening Security:

it's not objective nor fixed.

Booth argues emancipation of individual is the key to security.

security is not about accumulation of power in anarchical status.

all fundamental assumptions realists make have to be challenged

emancipation is to find out the way to cooperate. in this case, everything is subjective.

freedom to think about your own values. <- this is different from liberalism which emphasises certain values.

should not impose certain values on others.


* Critiques of CSS

freedom to think about your own values. however, CSS would oppose to certain values (e.g. holocaust)

in this sense, it is not real post-positivism.



진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크