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  1. 2006/07/25 Global Trade Talks Halted
  2. 2006/07/23 International Development Economics Association
  3. 2006/07/07 NYTimes Article on North Korean Standoff
  4. 2006/07/07 NYTimes article on the North Korean Test fire

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Global Trade Talks Halted

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 New York Times July 24, 2006

Global Trade Talks Are Halted as U.S. and European Union Fail to Agree



GENEVA, July 24 — Negotiations aimed at reaching a new global trade agreement collapsed today, dealing a blow to the Bush administration’s international economic agenda and touching off a bitter new round of recriminations between the United States and Europe over farm trade barriers.


After two days of discussions, the director general of the World Trade Organization, Pascal Lamy, formally suspended the talks. American trade officials said there appeared to be little prospect of resuming the talks any time soon, probably dooming the chances of a trade accord during President Bush’s remaining time in office.


Negotiators had earlier said that if the outlines of an agreement were not secured by late this month, it would be nearly impossible to negotiate a trade-expanding agreement in time for the United States Congress to vote on it by the middle of next year. President Bush’s authority to negotiate a trade deal and have it put to an up-or-down vote without amendment in Congress expires then.


The failure of the talks was particularly embarrassing because, just last month at a summit in St. Petersburg, Russia, President Bush and other world leaders all called for a redoubled effort to make concessions and break the impasse that has paralyzed trade talks for years.


The two top American negotiators in Geneva — Susan C. Schwab, the United States Trade Representative, and Mike Johanns, the Agriculture Secretary — said they were deeply disappointed by the suspension of the talks, but they recognized that Mr. Lamy had no choice, because there had been no convergence among the parties.


“Unless we figure out how to move forward from here, we will have missed a unique opportunity to help developing countries and to spur economic growth,” Ms. Schwab said. “There was no package on the table that we could have recommended to the President or to the United States Congress.”


Ms. Schwab and Mr. Johanns said that they came to Geneva prepared to make further concessions on agriculture tariffs and what are called trade-distorting subsidies, which protect farmers from overseas competition, but they said that the European Union and some developing countries failed to make similar offers.


Ms. Schwab said in a telephone conference call with reporters that when American officials added up the latest European market-access proposals for farm products, “it became quite clear that there was no there there.”


Mr. Johanns added: “There are no negotiations planned in the future. This round has been suspended.”


But European negotiators declared that it was the United States that had been intransigent. They said that the Americans failed to recognize that the European Union had gone through a series of painful cuts in tariffs and subsidies for their own farmers, and had not matched those steps with fresh concessions.


“Unfortunately the Americans were not able or willing to do their part,” said Peter Mandelson, the chief European Union negotiator. “They preferred to stand still.”


The latest round of global trade negotiations has been sputtering almost since it was begun in 2001 in the city of Doha in Qatar. At the outset, negotiators were hoping to make the talks a centerpiece of the wealthy industrial countries’ commitment to helping the poor countries of the world expand their exports.


The talks became known as the “Doha Development Round” because of their focus on alleviating poverty in countries with goods to sell to Europe, the United States and other wealthy parts of the world. In all, 149 countries were involved in the negotiations, but they tended to be break into blocs of countries with similar interests.


In theory, the wealthy countries were hoping to gain greater access to poorer countries for their manufactured goods and some services, like insurance, in exchange for allowing the poorer countries to export more easily to them.


But the talks foundered over barriers to agricultural trade, not only in Europe and the United States but also among the “top tier” of advanced developing countries, like India and Brazil, which have resisted farm imports because of widespread disquiet among their farmers. This summer, for example, some Indian farmers have publicly committed suicide over their inability to sell their produce at high prices.


Most of the tension was between Europe and the United States, however. Last October, the Bush administration proposed a sweeping set of cuts in both tariffs and subsidies and called on the Europeans to do the same. The Europeans responded with a package of cuts that the United States deemed insufficient.


Trade deals have a history of rough going in Congress, and the Bush administration concluded that it could not get approval for a trade deal unless American farmers could be certain that they could win much greater access for their products in Europe and in India, China and other countries.


The United States offered to cut spending on farm subsidies to $19.7 billion from $47.9 billion now. But European officials said that those figures were misleading and that the United States offer was actually much smaller than that.


President Jacques Chirac of France said about a week ago that the European would not consider further concessions unless the United States agreed to still deeper cuts in farm subsidies.


After the Group of 8 summit in St. Petersburg, Russia, Mr. Lamy held what American officials said was a “confessional” round of talks, in which he asked each party to “confess” privately what it would offer hypothetically if other parties were more forthcoming in their concessions.


The Bush administration was stymied, American officials acknowledged, because the farm bloc in the United States had become so distrustful of other nations’ protectionist practices that they told American officials they could not support a trade deal that did not win them much greater market access.


In June, 57 senators from both parties wrote to President Bush, demanding that the United States make no further offers to lower American barriers until further changes came from Europe.


“An unbalanced proposal that asks U.S. agriculture and rural communities to give more while getting less in market access is unacceptable,” the senators said.


Farm organizations sent the president a similar letter.


Trade officials said these letters reflected the political reality in the United States: that a trade deal would not be approved by lawmakers if it was what they called a “Doha lite” accord, with only limited lowering of barriers on all sides.


Ms. Schwab said today that despite those political constraints, she and Mr. Johanns came to Geneva over the weekend and told Mr. Lamy privately what the United States would do if the Europeans were more forthcoming.


Though only Mr. Lamy knew all the details of what the United States and the Europeans had offered, Ms. Schwab said, it was clear that the gap between the two sides was so great that continuing the talks would be futile.


“When we talked to Lamy yesterday, as things started getting pretty rocky, he acknowledged that it would not be useful for the U.S. to put its flexibilities on the table at this point, because they would be pocketed and there would not be convergence,” Ms. Schwab said.


Steven R. Weisman reported from Washington for this article, and Tom Wright reported from Geneva. Brian Knowlton contributed reporting from Washington.

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2006/07/25 05:06 2006/07/25 05:06

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2006/07/23 04:37 2006/07/23 04:37

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NYTimes Article on North Korean Standoff

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July 6, 2006

News Analysis : Few Good Choices in North Korean Standoff


The Bush administration has tried to ignore North Korea, then, reluctantly, to engage it, and then to squeeze its bankers in a manner intended to make the country's leader, Kim Jong Il, personally feel the pinch.

Yet none of these steps in the past six years has worked. So now, after a barrage of missile launchings by North Korea, President Bush and his national security advisers found themselves on Wednesday facing what one close aide described as an array of "familiar bad choices."

The choices have less to do with North Korea's newest missile — which, as Mr. Bush pointed out on Wednesday, "didn't stay up very long and tumbled into the sea" — than with the bigger question of whether the president is prepared to leave office in 2009 without constraining an unpredictable dictator who boasts about having a nuclear arsenal.

"We're at the moment when the president has to decide whether he wants an unconstrained, nuclear North Korea to be part of his legacy," said Jonathan D. Pollack, a professor of Asian and Pacific studies at the United States Naval War College who has spent much of his career studying North Korea and its improbable strategies for survival.

"Until now, the attitude has been, 'If the North Koreans want to stew in their own juices, let them,' " Mr. Pollack said. "But it's becoming clear that Mr. Bush may leave office with the North Korean problem much worse."

Dealing with North Korea has frustrated every president since Truman. But it has proved particularly vexing for Mr. Bush because his administration has engaged in a six-year internal argument about whether to negotiate with the country or try to plot its collapse — it has sought to do both, simultaneously — and because America's partners in dealing with North Korea each have differing interests in North Korea's future.

On Wednesday, rejecting pressure from the Bush administration, China and Russia said they would not get behind an American drive to bring sanctions against North Korea, saying they favored less punitive actions.

It was the latest disappointment in a string of attempts to enlist China to help moderate the North. Still, answering questions on Wednesday, Mr. Bush expressed no interest in dropping his objections to one-on-one talks with the North, a government he once said he "detests."

Another alternative for Mr. Bush would be take a hard line that might risk an escalation of the half-century-old confrontation between the United States and North Korea. But such a tack is now complicated by the widespread assumption that even if the North does not have the ability to launch a nuclear weapon, it now probably possesses enough extra nuclear fuel that it may be tempted to sell some to a terrorist group or another state.

That is Mr. Bush's biggest concern, and late last year the National Security Council ordered a study of the likelihood that Mr. Kim, in his effort to seek attention or gain negotiating leverage, would threaten to do it. The results, according to a senior administration official who would not speak for attribution about intelligence matters, were inconclusive.

But so far the North has only dared to offer reminders, like the test firings while Americans were celebrating the Fourth of July, that it possesses weapons that could destroy Seoul or threaten Japan, including American forces based there. The launchings were only the second time that North Korea had tested an intercontinental-range missile that, depending on whose numbers one believes, could eventually hit the United States. (The last such test launching was in 1998, and as Anthony H. Cordesman of the Center for Strategic and International Studies put it Wednesday, "both failed dismally.")

To many experts, the missile tests fit into a pattern: whenever Mr. Kim has concluded that he was not getting attention to his demands, he has staged a crisis. His father, Kim Il Sung, did so in 1994, and won an agreement from the Clinton administration that later fell apart. Kim Jong Il did so in 2003, as American troops were flowing toward Iraq, when North Korea threw out international inspectors and reprocessed the 8,000 spent nuclear fuel rods into what the Central Intelligence Agency says is enough bomb-grade material for six or more weapons.

At that time, top Pentagon officials briefed Mr. Bush on his military options, including bombing the North's nuclear facilities. "It didn't take very long," one official deeply involved in that briefing said, "because it was pretty clear there wasn't an acceptable military option — or at least, a risk anyone was willing to take."

But Mr. Bush came to office appearing to have already determined that he would not negotiate, either. He often said that he distrusted North Korea's government and detested how Mr. Kim treated the North Korea people. In the first months of his presidency, he refused to endorse South Korea's "sunshine policy" of luring North Korea out of its shell with economic incentives. Yet the isolation strategy ultimately failed: North Korea kept producing plutonium.

Mr. Bush then reversed course, reluctantly agreeing to engage with the North Koreans at a distance, through six-nation talks convened by China and joined by Japan, South Korea and Russia. An agreement in principle was reached in September, calling for disarmament for security guarantees and eventual aid, but with no timetable. Even before the ink was dry, the North Koreans were interpreting it differently than the other signatories were.

Mr. Bush has most recently bet that China would eventually tire of the North Korean antics and enforce some discipline. Mr. Bush repeated that he and Jiang Zemin, China's former leader, had agreed that a nuclear North Korea was "unacceptable." But the reality, administration officials acknowledge, is that China fears a collapsed and chaotic North Korea more than it fears a nuclear-armed North Korea.

That could change now. The Chinese warned the North Koreans not to fire the missiles; the fact that Mr. Kim dismissed that warning is bound to anger China's leaders.

But so far, Mr. Bush has not been able to harness his partners into coordinated pressure on the North. If that changes soon, at the United Nations Security Council and around the world, it could be that the president will finally have a way forward.

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2006/07/07 05:42 2006/07/07 05:42

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NYTimes article on the North Korean Test fire

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July 6, 2006

North Korea Vows to Continue Missile Tests

SEOUL, South Korea, July 6 — North Korea declared today that it will continue to test-fire missiles, and vowed to resist with force if other nations tried to stop it, even as it acknowledged for the first time that it had launched seven missiles the day before.

Responding to international condemnation with characteristic defiance and vagueness, North Korea said that the launchings of the seven missiles, including the new intercontinental Taepodong 2, had been "routine military exercises" designed to raise the nation's "capacity for self-defense."

In a statement attributed to the North Korean foreign ministry and released on its official KCNA news agency, the North stated that it "will have no option but to take stronger physical actions of other forms, should any other country dare take issue with the exercises and put pressure upon it."

The North issued its warning as the American and Japanese diplomats tried with mixed success to gather international support for a United Nations Security Council resolution drafted by Japan, threatening sanctions if the North does not dismantle its nuclear program.

President Bush called the leaders of China and Russia today, seeking a unified response against the test firings. But China and Russia, each a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council with a veto over its actions, said they opposed taking punitive measures against North Korea.

At a White House appearance with Prime Minister Stephen Harper of Canada, Mr. Bush played down American differences with Moscow and Beijing.

"You know, diplomacy takes a while, particularly when you're dealing with a variety of partners, and so we're spending time diplomatically, making sure that voice is unified," the president said. "Let's send a common message: You won't be rewarded for ignoring the rest of the world."

Still, China and Russia gave little sign today that they were willing to consider sanctions. "We think the Security Council should make a necessary response, but the response should be helpful to maintain peace and stability on the Korean peninsula and should help diplomatic efforts," Jiang Yu, the spokeswoman for the Chinese foreign ministry, said in a news conference in Beijing.

Asked whether China — the North's biggest trading partner and aid donor — was considering cutting aid as a result of the tests, Ms. Jiang said, "At present we are not taking this aspect into consideration."

In Moscow, President Vladimir V. Putin said he was disappointed by the test firings, but added that North Korea was correct to say it had the legal right to conduct them.

North Korea said it was no longer bound by past moratoriums on the test firing of missiles because the United States and Japan had broken previous agreements.

In its statement, the North said Wednesday's missile launchings were successful. Experts said, however, that the Taepodong 2 failed just 42 seconds after takeoff.

North Korea's continued defiance appears intended to press the United States into direct talks with North Korea, analysts and politicians said. The country has demanded that Washington stop cracking down on banks that do business with North Korea, and has twice invited Christopher R. Hill, the assistant secretary of state for East Asia and the main negotiator with North Korea, to visit Pyongyang.For its part, Washington wants the stalled six-nation talks over the North's nuclear program, which include Russia, China, Japan, South Korea and Russia, to be revived instead, and it has refused to meet bilaterally with North Korea on the issue.

"These actions by North Korea are an act of defiance meant to remind the U.S. that to ignore it comes at a price," said Peter Beck, director of Northeast Asia at the International Crisis Group in Seoul.

"The tests may also have been intended to rally the North Korean people, to justify the hardships that they are undergoing," Mr. Beck said, adding that one of the biggest anti-American rallies in years was held in Pyongyang last week.

At a National Assembly hearing here, South Korea's Defense Minister, Yoon Kwang Ung, said that North Korea may fire additional missiles. Mr. Yoon said he was basing his assessment on "the traffic of equipment and personnel in and out of launch sites."

The South Korean media reported Wednesday that North Korea has three or four more mid-range missiles sitting on launch pads. According to experts, North Korea is believed to have about 200 mid-range and 600 short-range missiles in all.

The missile launchings have drawn contrasting responses from South Korea and Japan, America's two allies in the region.

Caught between its alliance with the United States and its policy of engaging the North, South Korea condemned the tests but appeared unlikely to impose more than a few very limited penalties against the North.

In the long term, few people here expect South Korea, which is the North's second largest trading partner and aid donor after China, to significantly alter its policy of engagement of the North. What both China and South Korea fear almost as much as military confrontation, experts say, is the sudden collapse of the North Korean regime and a subsequent flood of millions of refugees. At a National Assembly hearing, Lee Jong Seok, the Minister of Unification, said that cabinet-level meetings between the North and South will go ahead as scheduled next week, and that economic joint ventures will proceed. Military talks between the two Koreas are also scheduled for later this month.

By contrast, Japan has taken a very tough stance. Fukushiro Nukaga, the head of Japan's Defense Agency, told a parliamentary committee today that Japan will step up its efforts to establish a missile defense shield with the United States.

"We would like to cooperate with the United States and put our joint missile interception into shape as quickly as possible," Mr. Nukaga said.

John O'Neil reported from New York for this article, and Choe Sang-Hungfrom Seoul

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2006/07/07 05:31 2006/07/07 05:31

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