- '노란봉투'캠페인/국제연대..
- no chr.!
Y'day afternoon in front of Seoul's City Hall: "Thousands of activists hold the annualy 'Nationwide Workers’ Rally' hosted by Korea Confederation of Trade Unions. KCTU announced that there were approximately 40,000 participants in the event and that the rally was the largest over last six years since the Nationwide Worker’s Rally in 2005 (with 50,000 participants)" (Hankyoreh, 11.14)
And here're just some impressions from yesterday's events(*):
Since the early morning multiple protests by workers and citizens were held at several places in the S. Korean capital urging solidarity amongst the “99% standing against 1% of capitalism”...
11AM in front of Seoul Stn:
1PM, only few meters away at least 8,000 workers gathered...
...and marched later (3PM) to Seoul City Hall plaza...
* More pics you can see here!!
Related reports:
☞ 전국노동자대회’, 4만여 노동자 서울시청 운집 (NewsCham, 11.13)
☞ 민주노총 “1%에 맞선 99%, 우리가 대안이다!” (KCTU, 11.13)
☞ 전국노동자대회 “이명박 정권, 한미FTA 강행하면 전면전 불가피” (VoP, 11.13)
☞ MB정권 저항 '4만개 촛불' 서울광장 태웠다 (OMN, 11.13)
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