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게시물에서 찾기2020/06/09

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  1. 2020/06/09
    드릴 말씀 없습니다(#189)
    no chr.!

드릴 말씀 없습니다(#189)

사용자 삽입 이미지


North Korea on Tuesday cut all inter-Korean communication channels in what it called the first step in exacting the price of betrayal by South Korea. In addition to the move -- the seventh of its kind since 1976 -- the North’s official media reported that Pyongyang’s leaders have already reviewed phased plans for “projects against the enemy” saying that all activities concerning the South will now be hostile...(source: K. Herald, 6.09/more you can read here)

The south Korean authorities connived at the hostile acts against the DPRK by the riff-raff, while trying to dodge heavy responsibility with nasty excuses. This has driven the inter- Korean relations into a catastrophe.

All the people of the DPRK have been angered by the treacherous and cunning behavior of the south Korean authorities with whom we still have lots of accounts to settle.

The disgusting riff-raff have committed hostile acts against the DPRK by taking advantage of the south Korean authorities' irresponsible stance and with their connivance. They dared to hurt the dignity of our supreme leadership and mock the sacred mental core of all our people. This was a sign of hostility to all our people.

As far as the issue of the dignity of our supreme leadership is concerned, there can neither be a pardon nor an opportunity.

They should be forced to pay dearly for this.

We will never barter the dignity of our supreme leadership for anything, but defend it at the cost of our lives.

We have reached a conclusion that there is no need to sit face to face with the south Korean authorities and there is no issue to discuss with them, as they have only aroused our dismay.

At the review meeting of the work of the departments for affairs with the south, Kim Yong Chol, vice-chairman of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, and Kim Yo Jong, first vice department director of the C.C., WPK, stressed that the work towards the south should thoroughly turn into the one against enemy. They discussed phased plans for the work against the enemy in order to make the betrayers and riff-raff pay for their crimes, and then, to begin with, gave an instruction to completely cut off all the communication and liaison lines between the north and the south.

Accordingly, the relevant field of our side will completely cut off and shut down the liaison line between the authorities of the north and the south, which has been maintained through the north-south joint liaison office, the East and West Seas communication lines between the militaries of the north and the south, the inter-Korean trial communication line and the hotline between the office building of the Central Committee of the WPK and the Chongwadae from 12:00 on June 9, 2020.

This measure is the first step of the determination to completely shut down all contact means with south Korea and get rid of unnecessary things.
(source: KCNA, 6.09)


The dishonest act of the south Korean authorities of conniving at and shielding the provocative leaflet scattering operation by filthy "defectors from the north" has touched off towering zeal for retaliation among our people.

Shocked by the serious warning issued by us, the south Korean authorities set out in a hurry for follow-up measures. But far from taking due measures, they make nonsense that "it seems the north hopes for dialogue and negotiations", "the leaflet scattering must be stopped because it pollutes ecological environment in the region and has adverse impact on the living conditions of citizens."

They also have gone so impudent as to claim that they have taken measures to stop leaflet-scattering from long ago to fundamentally defuse tension in the areas where both sides stand in confrontation and that a proposal for an effective system has been under examination in a bid to give impression that the inglorious incident happened by accident.

The south Korean authorities' act of keeping a straight face without any proper attitude of sincerely admitting their wrongdoing is an expression of their deep-rooted consciousness of standoff with the fellow countrymen and an act of deliberate perfidy to push the north-south ties to the phase of rupture.

Leaflet scattering is the most undisguised psychological warfare conducted for the purpose of neutralizing the other warring partner and it is, in actuality, an act of a preemptive attack that precedes a war.

To feign ignorance of and support the worst hostile act of hurting the dignity of the supreme leadership which our people regard dearer than their own lives is an unpardonable treason.

Riff-raffs now make a little more advanced excuses to the effect that the "government" is in the process of reviewing a bill after working it out. But our people will never be taken in by it.

To leave the defectors as they are to commit the leaflet scattering is a clear proof that the south Korean authorities have moved overtly and covertly to totally scrap the April 27 Panmunjom Declaration and the north-south agreement in the military field.

Confidence is the mind of trusting and relying on each other and it gets deeper with promises kept.

However, the south Korean authorities, without any practical measures to respect us and not to denounce our social system, are reeling off lame excuses and pretexts in their arrogant behavior to evade and gloss over their crime.

The perfidious act of the confrontational maniacs of inciting escalated tension only makes us reach a clear conclusion that enemies are enemies after all.

A saying goes that "sow the wind and reap the whirlwind".

The south Korean authorities must clearly understand that with nothing can it calm down the greatly enraged mindset of this country.

We do not make an empty talk.

Treason against the nation is bound to be followed by the harshest punishment.
(source: KCNA, 6.08)


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