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게시물에서 찾기2010/12/16

1개의 게시물을 찾았습니다.

  1. 2010/12/16
    환경활동가의 영어 회화 세미나!

환경활동가의 영어 회화 세미나!

제프 영어, 데릭 젠센 <How Shall I Live My Life?> 수유너머N에서 합니다

12월 19일 일요일부터 들어갑니다.

일요일 낮2시 수유너머!

함께 하실분 붙으세요~~~

사용자 삽입 이미지

문의: 010 4906 9941제프


How Shall I Live My Life?: On Liberating the Earth From Civilization

  Derrick Jensen discusses the destructive dominant culture with ten people who have devoted their lives to undermining it in this collection of interviews.

Whether it is Carolyn Raffensperger and her radical approach to public health, or Thomas Berry on perceiving the sacred; be it Kathleen Dean Moore reminding us that our bodies are made of mountains, rivers, and sunlight; or Vine Deloria asserting that our dreams tell us more about the world than science ever can, the activists and philosophers interviewed in How Shall I Live My Life? each bravely present a few of the endless forms that resistance can and must take.

Some of his books have also been translated into Korean, you can check out some of those as well as an introduction to Jensen in Korean here http://book.nate.com/detail.html?sbid=2687803&sBinfo=auinfo


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