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게시물에서 찾기2008/03/25

1개의 게시물을 찾았습니다.

  1. 2008/03/25


I had a camera at last week.
The camera was my dream during old.
So I'm happy in having a good camera.

If I talk a few Change at now a day.
I have more see, I have more take apiece of world, I have more thingk about 'it'.
'It' is curiosity.






My sight line and feeling about world is myself.
Because I want that I can take copious photo.

But my photo of value is low .... it is reality.
I was living in flat every day.
But I am guessing something.
The training myself is trip and free and challenge.

아마도 10개월 무이자를 해결하고 나서 가능하겠지만 말이죠.




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