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게시물에서 찾기implanting Verichip

1개의 게시물을 찾았습니다.

  1. 2009/11/25
    skill of implanting Verichip (1)

skill of implanting Verichip

The corrupt Korean policeman p use the skill of implanting  Verichip.


First they used this in 1999 when I moved to Shinsu-dong when Korean policeman p and fellow policemen implanted  Verichip.   It happened only 5,6times until 2006 . I did not know why I slept all day at that time. 


But I have slept and lost my consciousness 15 to 20hours a day everyday from 2006 and became to know there is the skill of making the person sleep and lose consciousness.



I could not control myself because I sleept all day.


Now I have 3 cameras in my room for people to watch me.


But whenever I adjust  the camera not to show me, they lose my consciousness  and make me sleep all day.


I have not slept on my bed for more than 1 month, but on the chair.


I cannot adjust the camera not to show me any time, because the corrupt Korean policeman p tries to lose my consciousness all day.  


When I am not on the camera, I am unconscious in my room. 


Implanting  Verichip

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