- '노란봉투'캠페인/국제연대..
- no chr.!
From today’s Kyunghyang Shinmun:
A Burned-Down Shantytown near Rich Gangnamgu Area
One resident looks for something among the ashes of a burned-down shanty town Gaepo 4 dong, Gangnamgu, Seoul, because of a fire started by a Kim, third-grader at a nearby elementary school.
According to the police, Kim started a fire by a lighter on wooden chopsticks for fun, while riding on a bicycle. But the fire grew bigger when the chopsticks were placed on a styrofoam, which he could not extinguish.
This shanty town is composed of 135 households of the urban poor. Out of these, 85 households were burned because of this boy's playful fire-setting. The 189 residents make their living by collecting recyclable things coming from a rich neighboring high-rise buildings.
While urban redevelopment started in this area in February, the Gangnamgu Office imposed 50 million to 150 million won of compensatory fine per household for their illegal occupation of the land.
The residents, who are urban poor, have lived here for 30 years since they were forcibly moved from other areas in December of 1981. With the compensatory fine imposed, they cannot move to any place. The wish of the residents is just to stay and live where they have been.
The life of the urban poor in the vicinity of a rich Gangnamgu neighborhood is so vulnerable as to be totally demolished by a small boy's play with fire.
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관리 메뉴
청년창안대회 - 세상을 바꾸는 아이디어 공모전스티브 잡스가 바꾸지 못한 것,
청년들의 할 일이다.
청년창안 대회란?
일터와 대학, 그리고 청년의 삶. 더 나은 곳, 더 나은 삶으로 바꿀 수 있는 좋은 생각이 없을까? 청년들 스스로 이를 해결하는 아이디어를 모아보자.
응모기간. 2011년 5월 20일(화) ~ 6월 19일(일)
응모할곳. y_idea@naver.com
응모자격. 만 15세부터 39세까지의 모든 청년들(개인 또는 2~5인으로 이뤄진 팀 참가 가능)
응모분야. 청년의 삶을 변화시킬 수 있는 모든 분야의 아이디어. 예)주거, 취업,등록금, 소셜 네트워크
창안료와 상금.
대상 1편. 100만원과 상패
최우수상 2편. 50만원과 상패
우수상 10편. 10만원과 상패
가작 10편. 도서 2권 증정(전태일 평전, 레알청춘)과 상패
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심사 일정 및 발표
- 예심 발표. 6월 22일
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