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게시물에서 찾기Korea Indymedia

89개의 게시물을 찾았습니다.

  1. 2009/01/02
    새로 만든 버튼!(2)
    Korea Indymedia
  2. 2009/01/02
    자율미디어 전략을 모색한다
    Korea Indymedia
  3. 2006/03/03
    STRIKE! The 3rd Day..(1)
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  4. 2006/03/02
    STRIKE! The 2nd Day..
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  5. 2006/03/01
    Since 3.1: GENERAL STRIKE!!
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  6. 2005/12/22
    Migrant Workers' Struggle.. VICTORY!!
    Korea Indymedia
  7. 2005/12/12
    S. KOREA. Migrant Workers in Struggle #2
    Korea Indymedia
  8. 2005/12/07
    S. KOREA. Migrant Workers in Struggle
    Korea Indymedia
  9. 2005/11/29
    Korea Indymedia
  10. 2005/06/21
    6월 반딧불 : 삶은 계속되어야 한다 원폭 피해 2세들의 인권과 반핵평화운동
    Korea Indymedia

새로 만든 버튼!

네빈이 디자인한 imc korea 버튼입니다. 멋있죠? 사고싶은 분들은 연락주세요. 저희 모임과 각종 집회 현장에서 판매할 예정입니다.

♪ Bangla Song ♪
진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

자율미디어 전략을 모색한다



자율 미디어 전략을 모색한다

자본과 국가로부터 독립적인 미디어의 발전이 필요하다

오병일 / 네트워커

편집자주 : 그녀의 한국 방문은 이번이 두 번째다. 첫 번째 방문은 지난 해 5월 영상미디어센터 <미디액트>에서 개최한 “‘다른’ 미디어 세상은 가능하다”라는 국제 세미나에 토론자로 참여한 것이었고, 이번 방문의 목적은 강연과 자신의 연구 활동을 위한 것이다. 공동체 미디어 활동가 도로시 키드를 광화문 영상미디어센터 회의실에서 만났다.

오병일 : 먼저 자기 소개를 부탁드린다.

도로시 : 샌프란시스코 대학에서 미디어 연구(Media Studies)를 가르치고 있다. 또한 오래동안 미디어 활동가로 일해왔다. 1970년대 초반에는 캐나다의 사회적 이슈를 비디오로 기록하는 작업을 했고, 90년대에는 주로 공동체 라디오 운동을 했다. 세계공동체라디오연합(AMARC)에서도 일했는데 여성 운동에 대한 프로그램을 교류하는 일이었다. 최근에는 미디어 운동의 역사를 기록하는 작업을 하고 있다.

오병일 : 이번이 한국에 두 번째 방문인 것으로 안다. 그동안 한국의 미디어 운동에 대해서 많이 접하였을텐데, 해외의 미디어 운동과의 차이점이 있다면?

도로시 : 내가 받은 느낌은 매우 빨리 빨리 변한다는 것이다. 미디어 운동의 역사는 짧지만 세련되어 있고 기술적으로도 매우 앞서있다. 정보산업 육성을 위한 한국 정부의 정책 때문이기도 하겠지만, 누구나 알다시피 한국은 초고속 통신망이 집중되어 있고 값이 싼 장비들이 많아 제작 장비에 대한 접근도가 높다. 한국에서 좋은 작품들이 매우 많이 나오고 있다고 본다.

둘째는 한국의 사회운동이 매우 활발한데, 진보넷이나 독립 미디어가 생산한 작품을 통해 주요한 사회 운동을 잘 알 수 있다는 것이다. 사회운동에 전념하는 독립 미디어 제작자의 비율이 아마도 세계 다른 나라들보다 높은 것 같다. 물론 이건 통계에 근거한 것이 아니라 단지 내 느낌일 뿐이다. 한국은 세계 다른 나라에게 가르칠 수 있는 점이 많다고 본다.

또 다른 면에서 한국은 매우 동질적 사회여서 그런지, 단체들 사이의 연대 관계가 밀접하다. 예를 들어, 미디어센터, 독립 영상 단체, 진보넷, 노동운동 등이 모두 연결되어 있다. 일정하게 여성운동이나 이주노동자 운동과도 연결되어 있다. 반면 미국에서는 사회 영역간의 분리가 주된 문제이다. 어쨌든 내가 한국의 미디어 운동에서 받은 느낌은 매우 긍정적이다.

오병일 : 부정적인 측면은 무엇이라고 생각하는가?

도로시 : 독립 미디어 운동이 사회 정의라는 원칙을 지키면서 활동을 유지하는 지속가능성을 갖기는 쉽지 않다. 돈을 구하기 힘들고, 그래서 정부나 영리적 기업에 의존하지 않기 힘들다. 물론 이것은 한국 뿐만이 아니라 세계 어디서나 똑같이 겪는 어려움이다. 한국은 상업 영화 산업이 강한 편인데 그래서 영화 제작자들이 상업 영화에서 일하기를 원하는 경향이 있을 것이다. 미디어 센터 역시 정부와 협력하려는 경향이 있다. 어떻게 정치적으로 독립성을 유지할 것인가, 사회적 가치의 측면에서 급진적 입장을 견지할 것인가하는 것은 세계 어디서나 있는 공통의 과제이지만 한국 역시 마찬가지다.

오병일 : 미디어 운동 전문가는 아니지만 내 느낌에는 한국에서는 지역 기반의 미디어 운동이 약한 것 같다. 반면 라틴아메리카 등에서는 공동체 라디오와 같은 운동이 활발한 것 같은데...

도로시 : 내 느낌에도 한국은 지역 기반이 약하고 지나치게 서울 중심적인 것 같다. 나 역시 잘 알지는 못하지만, 아마도 사회의 발전 양식에 따라 다를 것이다. 서울은 매우 빠르게 개발되었고, 남미의 다른 나라도 그렇기는 하지만 속도나 규모에서 서울과 같지는 않다. 남미에서 사람들이 시골에서 도시로 이동할 때 그들은 자신의 집을 스스로 지어야 한다. 국가가 그들에게 무엇을 해주지 않기 때문이다. 그들은 인프라도 구축해야 하고, 물도 만들어야 하고, 이런 것들을 하면서 공동체를 형성한다. 많은 공동체 라디오 방송국이 이런 곳에 기반하고 있다.

지난 해에 브라질 포르투알레그레에서 ‘아워미디어(OurMedia)’라는 회의를 했는데, 그때 우리가 방문한 라디오 방송국은 스쿼터(땅이나 건물을 점거하여 정착한 사람들)들의 공동체였다. 그들은 집단적 조직화의 경험을 가지고 있었다. 그들은 컴퓨터 센터를 만들고, 탁아소를 만들고, 라디오 방송국을 만들었는데, 이들 모두는 공동체 인프라의 일부이다. 콜롬비아와 같이 내가 방문한 중앙 아메리카도 비슷하다.

오병일 : 당신이 자율(Autonomy) 운동에 관심이 많다고 들었다. 자율 미디어 운동의 개념에 대해 소개해달라.

도로시 : 자율(Automomy)는 그리스어에서 왔는데, 영어로는 ‘무엇으로부터 독립적인 것(to be independent of)’, 그리고 ‘자기 통제적인 것(to be self-directed)’을 의미한다. 내가 이해하는 자율 미디어(autonomous media)는 ‘민중 스스로가 통제하며, 기업이나 국가의 재정 지원으로부터 독립적인 미디어(media that is self-directed by people themselves and distinct from financial backing of corporation and state.)’를 의미한다.

상업 미디어의 프로그램은 주로 무료이지만 시청자들을 광고로 이끈다. 그들은 주로 광고 판매에 기반한다. 자율 미디어는 민중의 투쟁과 인간 개발을 지원하는 것에 기반한다. 자율 미디어는 정부로부터도 독립적이다. 국영 방송국은 미디어를 이용해서 사람들이 국가 프로젝트에 참여하도록 한다. 때때로 컨텐츠 측면에서 상업 미디어보다 낫지만 국영 미디어는 시스템을 위협하지도 않고 시스템에 대한 급진적 비판을 다루지 않는다. 자율 미디어는 이런 것들과 구별된다. 그것은 민중들 스스로에 의해 통제된다.

자율 미디어는 거기서 일하는 사람들이 얼마나 전문적인가가 중요하지 않다. 예를 들어, 진보넷에서 일하는 사람들은 진보 운동에 대한 관심이나 협력적으로 일하는 방식 등이 전문성만큼 중요할 것이다. 상업 미디어나 국영 미디어에서 일하는 사람들은 주로 그들의 전문적 역량에 의해서 평가된다.

오병일 : 자율 미디어가 주류 미디어를 극복할 수 있는 방안은 무엇이라고 보는가?

도로시 : 나는 자율 미디어가 세 가지를 발전시켜야 한다고 본다. 우선 자율 미디어는 자신의 미디어를 발전시킬 필요가 있다. 더 좋은 질의 작품을 생산하고, 더 많은 사람들에게 접근하며, 그리고 지속가능성을 갖는 것이다. 둘째는 우리 관점을 가지고 주류 미디어를 압박하는 것이다. 항상 상업 미디어와 국영 미디어에 비판적이어야 하고, 그 내에서 더 많은 공간을 확보할 필요가 있다. 나는 ‘자율(autonomy)’이 ‘분리(separate)’라고 생각하지 않는다. 그것은 어떻게 보아야 하는가하는 ‘관점’일 뿐이다. 우리의 기반을 구축하는 것과 함께, 주류 미디어가 더 많은 공공채널(Public Access Channel)을 제공하도록 요구해야 한다.

또한 상업 미디어가 덜 선정적이 되도록, 덜 국가주의적이 되도록 비판해야 한다. 국영 미디어도 더 많은 대화와 시민들의 토론을 반영하도록 해야 한다. 셋째는 시민사회 내에서 토론을 발전시키는 것이다. 나는 그러한 토론이 일어날 수 있는 가장 중요한 공간은 이미 커뮤니케이션에 관여하고 있는 사회 운동이라고 본다. 왜냐하면 그들은 커뮤니케이션이 얼마나 중요한지 인식하고 있기 때문이다. 이들과의 네트워크를 강화할 필요가 있다.

오병일 : 상업 미디어에 공공 채널을 요구할 뿐만 아니라 미디어의 소유권 문제도 제기해야 하지 않을까?

도로시 : 동의한다. 나 역시 우리가 상업 미디어의 소유권에 대해 문제제기해야 한다고 생각한다. 미디어 모니터 그룹과 같이 다른 단체도 이런 제기를 하고 있는데, 우리가 그들의 입장에 항상 동의하는 것은 아니지만 그들과의 네트워크를 강화해야 한다. 또한 우리는 다음과 같은 사실에 대해서 문제제기해야 한다. 즉, 상업 미디어가 공중에의 접근을 무료로 하고 있다는 것이다. 그들은 공중파를 사용하고 있으며, 국가로부터 재정 지원을 받는다.

결국 세금을 낸 시민들의 재정 지원을 받는 것이다. 그들은 보조금을 받기도 한다. 우리는 이러한 상황에 대해 연구하고 일반 사람들이 쉽게 이해할 수 있는 언어로 얘기할 필요가 있다. ‘당신이 거대 미디어 기업에 보조금을 지급하고 있다! 따라서 우리는 그들로부터 더 많은 것을 되돌려받을 필요가 있다.’ 우리는 이런 요구를 해야 한다. 한국의 통신 관련법은 잘 모르지만, 미국에서는 누구도 그러한 사실에 대해서 문제제기를 하지 않는다. 단지 정해진 시스템일 뿐이다. 상업 미디어를 좋아하지 않는 사람들조차 매우 무비판적인 인식을 갖고 있다.

오병일 : 자율 미디어 관점에서 보았을 때, 지역 공동체가 미디어를 통해 연결되어 혁명을 지원했던 베네주엘라 사례를 어떻게 보는가? 그리고 국제적인 신자유주의 반대 연대를 이끌어냈던 멕시코 사파티스타의 사례는 어떠한가?

도로시 : 베네주엘라의 경우 완전히 자율 미디어라고 보기는 힘들다. 왜냐하면 차베스 정부가 지역 공동체 미디어에 많은 재정적 지원을 하기 때문이다. 다른 측면에서도 차베스 정부로부터 완전히 독립적인 것은 아닌데, 차베스 정부는 아직 공동체 미디어에 대한 많은 통제권을 가지고 있다. 내가 베네주엘라에 가본 것은 아니지만 그렇게 알고 있다. 어떤 자율주의자들은 베네주엘라에 대해 매우 비판적이기도 하다. 그들은 지역 공동체 미디어가 차베스 당의 연장이라고 본다.

사파티스타는 자율 미디어의 사례에 가깝다고 본다. 사파티스타는 몇 가지 점에서 뛰어났다. 하나는 주류 미디어에 대해 어떻게 말해야하는지 잘 이해하고 있었다. 또 하나는 북미자유무역협정(NAFTA)에 대한 반대 캠페인에 많은 사회단체들이 조직되었는데, 사파티스타는 그 네트워크를 투쟁에 잘 활용하였다. 그러나 멕시코 치아파스 지역의 미디어 발전은 매우 불균등하다. 대부분의 사람들은 인터넷에 접근할 수 없다. 그들에게 가장 중요한 미디어는 치아파스의 공공 회의, 작은 모임들, 그리고 라디오 등이다.

오병일 : 자율 미디어의 다른 사례는 어떤 것들이 있는가?

도로시 : 좋은 사례는 아르헨티나이다. 지난 2-3년간 자율 미디어의 발전이 있었다. 노동자의 투쟁과 공장 점거, 이웃 지역의 투쟁에 대한 지원 등이 있었고, 아르헨티나의 독립 미디어가 그들과 많은 일을 함께 했다. 진보넷 역시 자율 미디어의 사례이다. (웃음) 왜냐하면 상업 미디어나 국가에 의해 통제되지 않으니까. 사실 이런 사례들은 매우 많다. 그렇지 않았다면 자율 미디어에 대한 나의 사고가 존재하지 못했을 것이다. 내 생각은 단지 추상적인 철학이 아니라 구체적인 사례로부터 나온 것이다.

오병일 : 인디미디어센터(IMC)에 대해서는 어떻게 생각하는가? 그 성공과 한계는 무엇인가?

도로시 : IMC 이전에 서구에서는 고립된 공동체 라디오, 고립된 영상 활동가, 고립된 뉴스 저널리스트 등으로 존재했다. IMC는 이러한 서로 다른 독립 미디어가 하나의 기반에 모일 수 있도록 하였다. IMC는 서로 다른 사회운동을 이어주는 역할도 한다. 전 세계적으로 130여개의 IMC 사이트가 있고, 세계가 어떻게 움직이는지에 대한 훨씬 많은 정보가 생산되고 있다. 나는 IMC가 믿을 수 없을 만큼 성공적이라고 생각한다.

그러나 거버넌스(정책 결정 및 의사소통 방식)에 대한 문제제기가 있고, 서구의 젊은 남성이 지배하는 구조라는 점점 커가는 문제가 존재한다. IMC가 해결해야할 문제 중 하나는 지속가능성인데, 재정 기반이 취약하기 때문에 완전히 자원활동에 기반하고 있다. 그래서 누가 시간을 낼 수 있는가의 문제를 야기하는데, 주로 돈이 많은 사람들이 자신의 시간을 할애할 수 있다. 나는 자원활동 구조를 지지하기는 하지만, 이것은 구조적인 문제이기도 하다.

예를 들어 북미 사람들은 라디오의 중요성을 인식하지 못한다. 치아파스같은 다른 저개발 지역에서는 인터넷은 라디오만큼 중요하지 않다. 각 지역의 역사적 맥락의 중요성을 종종 사람들은 이해하지 못한다. IMC의 문제는 일부는 사회적인, 일부는 구조적인 문제라고 본다.

오병일 : 최근 한국에는 저작권 문제가 뜨거운데, 독립 미디어 제작자는 저작권에 대해 어떠한 입장을 가져야 한다고 보는가?

도로시 : 나는 이 주제에 대해서는 잘 알지는 못한다. 두 가지를 생각할 필요가 있을 것 같다. 하나는 공정 이용의 개념이 확대되어야 한다는 것이다. 다른 한편, 우리는 그 영역에서 생계를 이어가는 노동자들을 지원할 필요가 있다. 예를 들어, 오늘날 미국 영화 산업에서 일하는 노동자들은 제대로 보상받고 있지 못한데, 우리는 그들의 투쟁을 지지할 필요가 있다. 작가로서 나는 사람들이 자유롭게 내 저작물에 접근하는 것이 좋다. 나는 사람들이 그것을 읽고 그것에 대해 얘기하기를 원한다. 반면, 나는 내 저작물에 대해 정당한 지불을 받을 권리를 완전히 포기하고 싶지는 않다. 이 둘을 조화시키는 것은 쉽지 않은 문제이다.
진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

STRIKE! The 3rd Day..










After an article on Jinbonet reported in the morning the arrest of 250 female trade unionists(usually they're working in the KTX, the S. Korean high speed/bullet train) now also Korea Times(in the edition for tomorrow, 3.4) confirmed this information. (Well, it must be a special gift by the S.K. government for the coming International Day of Women Struggle!!). And according to the S.K. media much more arrests are expected soon. 


K.Times wrote following article:


Police Begin Rounding Up Striking Rail Workers


The state-run train operator has stripped more than 2,200 striking rail workers of their posts since the union leadership continued a walkout for the third straight day Friday, disrupting the country's train services.

``We've decided to take stern disciplinary action against the strikers for taking part in the illegal walkout, to end the collective action,'' Lee Chul, president of Korea Railroad (Korail), said in a press conference.

He also said that there would be no more official negotiations until the unionists report back to duty, adding management would strictly deal with the strike in accordance with the law as they are holding the public ``hostage'' to press for their demands.

Korail said the number of workers relieved of their posts was estimated at 2,244 _ 1,857 on Friday and 387 on Thursday.

Police have also begun cracking down on the work stoppages, detaining some 200 unionists on charges of illegally staging a sit-in protest in six union chapters across the country.

Police also raided the union headquarters office in Yongsan, central Seoul, confiscating boxes of documents and computer files, while setting up a special arrest unit to apprehend 11 rail union leaders on charges of illegally organizing the collective action.

They are also set to detain some 250 female attendants of the Korea Train Express (KTX), the nation's bullet train, who have been protesting their unstable job security since last Saturday.

More striking workers are likely to be taken into police custody as the government renewed its warning against the strikers that it would mobilize all possible means to end the walkout, indicating a full-scale police crackdown is imminent.

Read the full article here:


S. Korea's semi-official news agency Yonhap reported today this:

Gov't vows stern action against striking railroad workers


The South Korean government warned the country's striking railway workers Friday to return to their jobs or face what it called the highest level of legal punishment.

"The government will continue to maintain its emergency measures without any disruptions to help minimize people's inconvenience from the strike by the (Korean) Railroad Workers' Union," said Kim Chang-ho, head of the Government Information Agency.

Kim said the government was considering "all possible measures" to deal with the illegal strike by the unionized railroad workers.

The remarks followed an emergency meeting of related ministers at the prime minister's office, which was attended by justice, transportation and labor ministers as well as the national police chief.

This was followed by another warning from the employer of the striking workers, whose head said there will be no more negotiations with the striking workers until their return.

"Although (the company) will continue to talk with the union, there will no official or unofficial negotiations," Lee Chul, head of the state-run railroad corporation, said in a news conference.

"We will take stern measures according to our regulations to make sure (the striking workers) can no longer think that they will be forgiven as in the past, even if we have to take disciplinary measures against a large number or all of the striking workers," he added.

The rather quick and harsh response came two days after about 13,000 railroad workers throughout the nation walked off their jobs Wednesday. The labor action caused an estimated loss of at least 10 billion won (US$10.3 million) for the government-funded corporation as of 3 p.m. Friday, and inconvenience for millions of public transportation users.

Korea Railroad has also relieved 2,244 of the striking officials of their posts thus far.

While the repeated threats of legal and company action are causing more workers to break ranks and return to work, most striking employees are sticking to their guns three days into the strike.

The company said the number of striking workers who returned to work has reached 30 percent as of Friday, up from some 22 percent in the previous day.

It pointed to the return of all train engineers that operate the important subway lines in and around the capital city. The subway provides essential transportation to people between Seoul and such cities as Uijeongbu, Goyang, Suwon, Ansan and Cheonan.

The forced curtailing of subway services by the strike has caused severe transportation problems in the capital area over the past few days.

Kim Myoung-hoon, the head of the railroad union, said union members have been ordered to break into smaller groups and disperse to different locations throughout the country to carry on with their walkout until the very end.

The tactic is aimed at avoiding a government crackdown on the striking workers, Kim said in an interview with a local labor newspaper. During a 2003 strike, a government crackdown resulted in the arrest of dozens of union members and company disciplinary actions against thousands of union members, he said.

More than 130 striking workers have already been detained by police while staging separate rallies throughout the nation, including in the Gyeonggi and southern Gyeongsang provinces, according to police officials, while many more were expected to face similar action amid nationwide government crackdowns.

Kim, however, said the union will not give in to such threats, saying the end of the ongoing strike is "strictly up to the company."
"If the company continues to demand the end of our strike by tabling a proposal that the union cannot accept, the union will have no choice but to face death while fighting instead of having to face an insulting submission," he said.

The union leaders said that railway employees have asked the National Human Rights Commission to arbitrate the crackdown by police, stressing that the government's actions are a clear violation of international rules governing walkouts.

The human rights commission said it is reviewing the appeal, but said in order to arbitrate the motion, all 11 of its members would need to concur that the government's emergency measures had violated the rights of workers...



 The S.K. "left-liberal" daily Hankyoreh published yesterday following editoral:


Pushing Union to the Brink Isn't the Answer


The railway union strike has been going on for two days now, and yesterday members started rehearsing tactics that involve scattering should the police try to intervene at the sit-in. Subsequently it looks like a worst-case scenario in which there is an all-out confrontation can be avoidable.

The effects of the strike are already being felt here and there, so the public desperately wants to know how long it is going to last. It would be most desirable for there to be a quick resolution through good-faith negotiations, but just having an end to the strike will not mean all the problems are gone. The key issues are the need for more employees and the reinstatement of those who have been fired, and the formal hiring of the female attendants on the high speed rail instead of keeping them in their irregular worker status. All the issues are basically connected to government policy. The rail company remains crushed by the massive debt it was left with, and so there is little room for the management to work with.

That is what makes the government's response a problem, because nowhere do you see signs that it wants to try to resolve the situation. When negotiations broke down towards the end of last month it decided to invoke its authority to intervene and in doing so made a legal strike impossible. Forced arbitration is something the even government and ruling party once wanted to abolish, saying it excessively limited unions' right of collective action. Now the government upped the pressure on the union as soon as it went on strike by threatening to send in the riot police. Its attitude appears to be to wait until there is more public opinion critical of the union while continuously pushing it to the brink.

The government has long preached about bringing labor-business relations to a new and higher level. That of course makes sense. Labor-business relations have to be stable for the economy to go well. The premise, however, is going to be a change in how unions are viewed. Currently they are seen as objects of police suppression and control, and they need to be seen as partners in dialogue. Tactics meant to push unions around may be effective in the short-term, but the government needs to realize that it will harm relations over the long run.


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

STRIKE! The 2nd Day..



Instead of Meeting the Demands of the Striking Railway Workers, The Government

is Sending Now the Riot Cops


Following today's S. Korean(of course bourgeois) semi-official news agency Yonhap reported:


Striking railway workers begin to disperse following police threat


Thousands of railway workers who had been rallying in eastern Seoul for the past two days began to disperse Thursday following the threat of a police crackdown, union officials said.

About 6,000 unionists from the state-run Korean Railroad Corp. (KORAIL) were leaving a train base in eastern Seoul in smaller groups to rally in different places as directed by the union leadership, the officials said.

Some unionists, mostly senior drivers, have already informed the company of their intention to return to work, raising hope for an earlier normalization of railway operations. Many others are expected to follow suit.

The move came after police threatened to send troops to disperse striking railway workers, calling the collective action illegal.

"We have yet to decide on the timing, but will soon put public forces at the site of the strike," an official at the National Police Agency said on condition of anonymity.

Another police source said the deployment would be made in the evening at the earliest to disrupt the walkout.

The threatened police measure is now ineffective in Seoul with the voluntary dispersal of striking unionists, but thousands of others at sit-in rallies at regional bases are still under pressure.

Police obtained court-issued warrants to arrest 11 union leaders on charges of orchestrating the illegal strike.

About 12,800 unionists, almost half of the 25,510 members of the union, went on strike in the early hours of Wednesday, a holiday in South Korea, despite a government warning of a crackdown on illegal strikes by public workers.

They demand higher pay, better working conditions and reinstatement of fired colleagues.

The National Labor Relations Commission said Tuesday it would arbitrate the strike, mandating a 15-day cooling off period by unionists. The commission's decision to arbitrate makes the railway workers' strike illegal.

Unionists continued to strike for a second day Thursday as overnight negotiations to end the strike broke down with no progress.

The impact of the strike began to be felt Thursday morning as people went back to work and students started school after the holiday.

In the capital area, the strike curtailed subway services operated by the company by 30 percent of the normal level, leaving many of the country's train commuters stranded on crowded platforms during the morning rush hour.

Subway operations between Seoul and the western satellite city of Incheon fell to the 40 percent of normal.

KORAIL operates the country's national passenger and freight railways and jointly operates three subway lines with Seoul Metro Subway.

In Daejeon, 164 kilometers south of Seoul, the number of high-speed KTX trains passing through the city was cut to 48 from 100, forcing passengers to use express buses instead.

Tickets for KTX trains from Seoul to Busan, the country's second-largest city, were sold out in the morning hours of the day, except for seats in business class, because of the smaller number of trains in service.

No official data on losses from the strike are available yet, but the nation's container, cement and oil companies were hit hard, according to company officials.

Government officials said about half of the container-carrying trains from Busan to Seoul were canceled.



Tomorrow's(3.3) Korea Times:

Rail Workers Break Up to Avert Crackdown


Here you can read a article(aeh~ better said: baiting) in the

ultra-reactionary Chosun Ilbo:

Commuter Nightmare on Second Day of Rail Strikes


And here you can read what the - also very right-wing - JoongAng Ilbo

is writing today:

Rail snarl enters 3rd day, no sign of a settlement


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크










Since today, 3.1, 1 a.m., the majority of the unionized railway workers, organized in the Korean Federation of Railwy Workers' Trade Unions/KCTU, are in general strike. Their demands: higher wages, an increase in personnel and the reinstatement of dismissed workers.

But while ... just want that the authorities meet their demands, the government is threatening them with police, prosecution and prison(DEMOCRACY A LA S. KOREA..).


2.25. Railway workers in preparing for the strike on one of

Seoul's main subway stations



Yonhap, S. Korea's  semi-official news agency wrote today following:


S. Korea's railway union goes on strike


South Korea's railway union went on strike Wednesday despite threats of prosecution after negotiations derailed over working conditions and the reinstatement of dismissed employees.

With thousands of members looking on, the union leaders declared the start of the strike at 1 a.m. at the Seoul depot, disrupting the nation's railway services.

The National Labor Relations Commission had banned the strike, ruling Tuesday that it will arbitrate the dispute between the union and the state-funded Korea Railroad (KORAIL).

The commission has the authority to intervene in labor conflicts in sectors critical to the national economy. Its decision to arbitrate mandates a 15-day "cooling-off" period by unionists.

KORAIL workers are demanding better working conditions and the reinstatement of dismissed colleagues, which the company's management refuses to accept.

"Most of the railway workers' demands are not subject to negotiation," Labor Minister Lee Sang-soo said. "As the labor commission has decided to arbitrate the labor row, if the railway workers go on strike, it will be illegal."
The government will use dialogue to meet the labor's reasonable demands, he added.

The police are seeking to arrest 10 KORAIL union leaders after receiving arrest warrant for them.

"We asked them by phone to appear for questioning but they didn't comply with our demands. So we asked for the arrest warrants," said an official at the National Police Agency.

The prosecution, for its part, also said they would be tough on all employees involved in the proposed strike.

"If the unionized workers ignore the government warning and resort to an illegal walkout, we will hunt down its organizers," an official at the Supreme Prosecutors' Office said. "We will seek an arrest warrant for the head of the union."
KORAIL gave its workers until 9 a.m. to return to work or face administrative actions, including dismissal. It said that 16,388 workers are taking part in the strike. About 1,000 have returned to work in compliance with company orders.

In response to the warnings issued by government officials and prosecutors, KORAIL union leaders said they cannot accept state arbitration that effectively limits laborers' rights.

"Unless the management relents on its hard-line stance, we have no choice but to insist on a walkout," a union spokesman said. He added that government intervention will only complicate matters that should be handled within the corporation.

Read the full article here:





Last morning, the first gathering of the striking railway workers

(source of the pics: 참세상)


Read more about it in S.K. daily newspapers:


Korea Times, a bourgeois daily published following article:

Railway Strike Disrupts 60% of Services

Korea Herald(nearly just the same like K. Times) wrote already 2.25:

Seoul warns... rail unions against illegal strikes




Of course, as soon we know about new developments, we will report about it!!



And finally here you can read how the S.K. government was dealing with strikes of the railway workers in the past - June, 2003, for example:

Mass Strikes in South Korea: The Government calls for Police and Public Prosecutor 

(source: jinbonet/base21, 2003)

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

Migrant Workers' Struggle.. VICTORY!!


Yesterday, December 21st, after an intense round of negotations with the Chief of the Korean National Human Rights Commission, the Migrants' Trade Union of Korea officially ended their 17 day occupation of the Korean National Human Rights Office. They started their occupation demanding the release of their union president, Anwar Hossain, and agreed to leave only after securing the following from the KNRHC: First, the KNHRC has promised officially to back the MTU as a legtimate and legal trade union in Korea. To this end, they will lobby the Korean government to register the MTU as an official trade union, thus guaranteeing to the MTU the three most basic labor rights: the right form union, the right to collective bargaining and the right to strike. Since its inception, the Korean government has deemed the MTU an illegal organization because its member are living in Korea without a working visa. Second, the KNHRC as agreed to make a commission on Migrants' Rights- an official branch of the human rights office devoted soley to migrants' issues. In this commission, migrant workers will have representation and direct input into the KNHRC's statements and policies on migrant workers throught the MTU. Though they did not secure the release of Anwar, they achieved a great victory for their union. The MTU thanks everyone for the support they have given over the last 17 days. Your letters and solidarity statements helped make this victory possible. Please continue to send letters to the Minister of Justice and demand the release of our union president, Anwar Hossain.

Let's fight together!

Please read more here and here (news&dates).
진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

S. KOREA. Migrant Workers in Struggle #2








Saturday was day 6 of the occupation of the National Human Right Commission (NHRC) and the 57th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This morning (12.10) at about 10 am, the Korean government held ceremonies to commemorate the annivesary. In the ceremonies, the Minister of Justice, Chan Cheon-bae, gave awards to organizations and individuals who promote human rights for all. As part of their cultural program, they also had migrant workers sing traditional songs from their home countries and participate in the ceremonies.



In order to point out their hypocrisy, MTU members and some 60 supporters joined the ceremony to protest the the NHRC's decision to support the Immigration Department's unlawful detention of Anwar Hossain, MTU's president, the crackdown on undocumented migrant workers, the recent arrest of yet another MTU leader, and the Korean government's unwillingness to grant basic working rights to migrant workers. One demonstrator was ejected peaceably from the ceremony for shouting, "Stop Crackdown!" The other protesters held signs reading, "Stop ignoring migrant workers!" and "Recognize Migrant Workers' Rights!"



"Last night (Sat., 12.10) we went to a program at Hanyang University that was organized by (or maybe for?) the mothers of martyrs from the dictatorship era. This program was mainly entertainment, but at the end, we got to give a really quick little speech explaining who we are and what the demands are. I say "we" because I was paraded up on stage with the real migrant workers. It was good exposure for MTU because there were a couple of thousand people there, but it wasn't anything "action" oriented. I rarely know what we are going to do ahead of time- I just follow along and do what I'm told. It's still really difficult to get questions answered.", one comrade reported later in the following morning.


About yesterday, Sunday, 12.11, following was reported from the spot:


"Today folks are out in Incheon, Dongdaemun and elsewhere organizing and just a few of us are holding down the fort at the office. The nights here are packed with people and during the day there are constantly people coming and going. It's nearly impossible to sleep at night because of all of the meetings that can't happen during the day, so folks are looking a little tired and catching naps whenever and wherever they can. Still though, everyone seems to be holding up well. Spirits are high even though they are sometimes tense and the Korean government seems to be getting a little nervous about how much press we are generating. We were on KBS two or three separate times yesterday- first the protest at the human rights celebration and then a really long piece on Radhika getting deported and a third really emotional piece about two men from Bangladesh who lost fingers in industrial accidents here and can't go back home for the shame of no longer being able to provide for their families. It was a good media day, even if 2/3 of the reasons for being on the news really sucked."



Radhika is still in Mok-dong Detention Center, it was reported yersterday (12.11). It looks like she'll be there until the 14th or 15th, but she really wants to go home. She said that being a femaledetainee is really humiliating. They have cameras in their rooms, thebathrooms, everywhere so they have absolutely no privacy. It sounds like she is having a really awful time.

And as I remember, and I remember very well, Mok-dong Detention Center is just a rat hole. If you must stay there longer than few days you can become easily complete crazy. This is definitely not a place for human beings!!!

Here you can read more about Comrade Radhika:




A Korean report about Saturday you can read here:



International Solidarity


The International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers’ Associations (IUF) has posted an appeal for solidarity with MTU’s struggle. The entire text you can read here:


Répression du MTU (by Inprecor, France, but it was already written last Oct.)

Le combat pour le droit d’organisation des migrants est particulièrement dur, car il est plus difficile à populariser que celui des fonctionnaires. Le Syndicat des migrants (MTU), lui aussi adhérent à la KCTU, a été formé le 24 avril 2005. Il lutte pour la légalisation des travailleurs sans papiers et le droit du travail dans l’entreprise. Il en appelle à la solidarité internationale et propose d’échanger expériences et informations sur la façon dont la défense des immigrés est assurée dans divers pays. ...

Please read (if you understand French language...^^) more here:




진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

S. KOREA. Migrant Workers in Struggle

Migrant workers in S. Korea’s capital Seoul are occupying the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC, actually a part of the S. Korean government). Here a report from the situation yesterday and today, local Korean time.

Several activists of the Migrant Workers‘ Trade Union ( MTU ) occupied yesterday (Dec. 5) the Commission 13 th floor office at 10 a.m. after they held a press conference where the workers criticized a recent proposal made by the Commission. The Commission decided that the Immigration Office should NOT be held accountable for the arguably 'illegal' arrest and detainment of Anwar Hossain, the elected chairman of MTU, the migrant workers' union leader. The proposal means that it was perfectly legal to arrest and detain him. (f**cking bullsh*t!) So Anowar Hossain cannot be temporarily released from the detention center. Angry at the proposal, migrant workers occupied the Commissioner's office at 13th floor. And the occupation is still going on. (Dec. 6, a.m. 1:30)

Dec. 5, the beginning of the occupation of NHRC

It's the second day of the occupation today (Dec. 6, a.m. 12:00). As of this moment, there is no urgent danger of arrest. Occupying migrant workers will hold a press conference at 11 a.m. today. One of the migrant workers' demands is to have a meeting with the Commissioner of the NHRC so that they can openly criticize the National Human Rights Commission's hypocricy and it's biase to the Immigration Office.

Today, Dec. 6, the morning press conference in the occupied NHRC

A lawyer for the Migrant Workers' Trade Union (MTU) consulted to the occupiers that if this occupation lasts for a long time, then the police may use force to break the occupation or/and arrest them. In the mean time, MTU is trying hard to get the word out that Anwar Hossain was illegally arrested and he must be released immediately. Also the Commission should admit their responsibility. According to the „law“, the Commission cannot make another proposal on the same issue. Once it is made, it is final. And so migrant workers' union considers filing another petition regarding to Anwar Hossain. The MTU members have said that they will not leave until the issue is resolved to their satisfaction. That is that the NHRC reverse their decision and recommend the full release of Anwar from the Cheonju detention center. Following the text of MTU’s last urgent appeal and the background of the story:

Demand the Immediate Release of Anwar Hossain, President of MigrantWorkers' Union, KCTU! Stop Crackdown on Migrant Workers!

A. Hossain behind bars, in the "Immigration Processing Center", aka prison in Cheonju

On May 14, 2005, Anwar Hossain, president of the Migrants' Trade Union in Korea, was forcibly arrested by more than 30 Korean immigration officials in the early hours of the morning. Anwar was beaten by immigration police and had to receive treatment for the injuries that were sustained at the time of his arrest. Anwar has been languishing in Cheonju Detention Center, about two hours south of Seoul, since his arrest in May. In the detention center, Anwar was been isolated from detainees who speak Korean or Bangla, and is only allowed association with those he cannot communicate with. He physical health has also been steadily deteriorating since his capture. Immediately after Anwar was arrested, MTU filed suit in Korea's courts and appealed to the Korean National Human Rights Commission requesting a temporary release of Anwar. In their investigation, the KNHRC found that Anwar's arrest was actually illegal. According to Korean immigration law, a warrant must be issued within 48 hours of an arrest. In Anwar's case, more than 52 hours passed before a valid warrant for his arrest was issued. It was later found out that there was actually a warrant issued within the initial 48 hour period, but it was signed by an employee who doesn't have the authority to issue warrants. However, due to this evidence, the KNHRC has sided with immigration officials and denied recommending the full release of Anwar, as well as the temporary release of Anwar. This means that Anwar will have to remain in the detention center until the outcome of his court case, which could take several years to resolve as it is still in the lowest level of the court system and will likely be appealed until it reaches the highest level of the Korean court system, the Special Court. Anwar is not a criminal. The KNHRC investigation has shown that his arrest was illegal, and continuing to detain him is not only illegal according to Korea's own immigration laws, but also inhumane. Demand justice for Anwar! Please send a letter to the Korean Ministry of Justice and the Korean National Human Rights Commission demanding the full release of Anwar Hossain. A sample letter follows. Take Action! The English history and reports about MTU's and formers ETU-MB's activities you can read here. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please send a copy of your letter to Send a letter to Cho Young-hwang, the Chief of the KNHRC: cyh@humanrights.go.kr Dear Mr. Cho, It has come to my attention that Anwar Hossian, President of the Seoul-Gyeonggi-Incheon Migrants' Trade Union is still in detention at the Cheonju Detention Center just south of Seoul. While in detention, his health has been steadily deteriorating and he has been denied association with people he can communicate with. This isolation is making his mental health suffer in addition to his physical health, and is a form of torture. Furthermore, you found through your own investigation that his arrest was actually illegal because an arrest warrant was not issued within the legal time frame set forth by Korean immigration law. Mr. Hossain is not a criminal and it is not just treat him like one. I implore you to release Mr. Hossain immediately, pending the outcome of his lawsuit. To do otherwise is clearly politically motivated and an obvious ploy meant to thwart the Migrant' Trade Union organizing efforts. Yours sincerely, Send a message to the Minister of Justice: (This is a little difficult because the website is in Korean, but please try. Here are instructions. ) Use this link to access the freeboard on his homepage: http://www.jb21.or.kr/netizen/list.asp?bid=1 Next, click on the green button on the far right hand side. It looks like this: This will open a new page. At the very bottom of that page, there is a small grey icon that looks like this: It means 'write'. Click on it. The first line asks you for a subject: "Release Anwar Hossain" The second line asks you for your email address. The third line asks for your name. Finally, you can enter the text below. The last thing you have to do is enter a password at the bottom of the form. You can write anything here and it will work. Dear Mr. Cheon, It has come to my attention that Anwar Hossian, President of the Seoul-Gyeonggi-Incheon Migrants' Trade Union is still in detention at the Cheonju Detention Center just south of Seoul. While in detention, his health has been steadily deteriorating and he has been denied association with people he can communicate with. This isolation is making his mental health suffer in addition to his physical health, and is a form of torture. Furthermore, it was found through an investigation conducted by the Korean National Human Rights Comission that his arrest was actually illegal because an arrest warrant was not issued within the legal time frame set forth by Korean immigration law. Mr. Hossain is not a criminal and it is not just treat him like one. I implore you to release Mr. Hossain immediately, pending the outcome of his lawsuit. To do otherwise is clearly politically motivated and an obvious ploy meant to thwart the Migrant' Trade Union organizing efforts. Sincerely, A Brief History of the Migrants' Trade Unions MTU was officially formed on April 28th, 2005, after a 14 year history of struggle against Korea's oppressive and racist immigration laws, as well as unfair, unsafe and discriminatory workplace practices. The history of the migrant workers struggle started in 1991 in the small town of Maseok, when migrant workers banded together to fight an employer who refused to compensate an employee for a workplace injury. Through direct actions such as strikes and protests, migrant workers were able to achieve victories at their work sites. These victories led the formation of a larger group of migrant activists who began challenging not only employers, but also the Korean government. Eventually, in 2002 they would come together to form ETU-MB- the Equality Trade Union, Migrants' Branch. Starting in November of 2003, ETU-MB staged a 377 day sit-in struggle at Myeong Dong Cathedral in protest of the crackdown on migrant workers in Korea, as well as the implementation of Korea's immigration law called Employment Permit System (EPS). After the sit-in struggle in Myeong Dong, MTU was formed so that migrant workers could have power within their own organization and make decisions for themselves. MTU is the only organization in Korea that is organized and led solely by migrant workers in Korea. They are still struggling against EPS and the constant crackdown on Korea's migrant workers. CRACKDOWN AGAINST MIGRANT WORKERS From the beginning, the South Korean government refused to recognize the Migrant Workers Trade Union (MTU) and publicly announced that the MTU could not have the three basic labor rights---the right to organize, the right to strike, and the right to collective bargaining. In addition, the South Korean government launched an all-out campaign to repress the MTU. During a press conference held by the MTU to announce its formation, immigration officials secretly videotaped the proceedings in an effort to specifically target migrant workers participating in the MTU. Clearly, the arrest of President Anwar is a direct attempt by the South Korean government to repress the MTU and crackdown against migrant workers in South Korea. The recent repression by the South Korean government is not new. The government has consistently targeted migrant workers activists who have been arrested and deported. In 2003, many migrant workers were labeled as “terrorists” and forcibly deported. Samar Thapa, a key leader of the ETU-MB and the Myeong Dong sit-down demonstration was “kidnapped” in broad day light by immigration officials and deported in an effort to stop the mobilization efforts by migrant workers. Like all workers in South Korea, migrant workers should be treated with dignity and respect. Migrant workers should be guaranteed the same fundamental labor rights that are enjoyed by native workers. Despite the government crackdown and threats of deportation, the MTU will continue to organize and fight for the rights of migrant workers. On behalf of more than 400,000 workers in South Korea, MTU calls on the South Korean government to stop the crackdown against migrant workers and recognize the labor rights of migrant workers.
진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크


At 11.15, the entire day until the evening thousands of unionized farmers protested on Yeouido (Seoul) against the government's decision to increase the quota of rice imports in the coming years. Farmers and large units (at least 10,000) of the infamous riot cops (all the frontline combat units were on the spot!) clashed until the early night hours.

Now nearly two weeks ago we must learn that one of the farmers activists died last week in follows the police terror. Following you can see a video documentary, as an evidence of the riot cops brutality. Here, short after the beginning of the demonstration, the cops attacked a symbolic funeral ceremony for two comrades who comitted suicide short before to protest against the government's decision to increase the import quota of rice in the coming years.

The 2nd part of the documentary you can see here: here, incl. articles of tomorrows bourgeois Korean newspapers.


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

6월 반딧불 : 삶은 계속되어야 한다 원폭 피해 2세들의 인권과 반핵평화운동

6월 반딧불 : 삶은 계속되어야 한다 원폭 피해


<원자폭탄 Original Child Bomb>, 캐리 쇼느게블, 2003, 57분, 다큐, 미국

원자폭탄과 핵무기의 위험성과 파괴력은 쉽게 이야기하지만, 실제로 그것이 가진 파괴력이 어떠한지를 상상하기란 어려운 일이다. 토마스 머튼의 시 "Original Child Bomb"에 영감을 얻어 만든 이 영화는 핵폭탄의 발생과 그것의 사용에 따른 인간의 희생에 관한 명상적인 영화이다. 영화의 초반부에 재현되는 사진가는 히로시마에 투하된 원폭을 공중에서 촬영한 미공군으로, 전쟁이 끝난 후 수도원에 들어가 영원히 침묵을 지켰다고 한다. 그리고 같은 수도원에 살았던 토마스 머튼이 핵무기의 탄생과 히로시마와 나가사키에서의 원폭투하에 대해 쓴 시가 바로 "Original Child Bomb"이다.

핵폭탄은 버섯모양의 구름으로 우리에게 친숙한 이미지이지만, 핵무기가 사람들에게 미친 엄청난 피해와 고통에 관한 사진 자료들은 오랫동안 공개되지 못했다. 이 영화는 희생자의 관점에서 히로시마와 나가사키에 원폭이 투하된 1945년을 재구성하기 위해 기밀리스트에서 제외된 자료 화면과 사진, 그림과 애니메이션을 사용한다. 여기에 당시 히로시마와 나가사키에서 사람들이 죽어가는 고통스러운 광경을 목격한 생존자들의 목소리가 더해진다. 영화는 전문가가 아닌 평범한 사람들을 중심으로, 그 날 그곳에 있었던 어머니, 형제, 군인들의 증언을 담고 있다.

그토록 파괴적인 핵무기의 위협은 현재까지 이어지고 있다. 시적이고, 명상적인 화면과 음악으로 채워진 이 영화는 핵폭탄으로 일그러지고 뭉개진 사람들의 고통과 아픔이 지금도 여전히 계속되고 있음을 강조한다. 핵무기를 둘러싼 세계적인 논쟁과 정치적 수사, 핵무기를 보유한 국가들과 그것을 보여주는 화면들은 이 영화가 그저 지나간 과거의 고통에 대한 애도나 명상이 아님을 보여준다. 점점 격렬해지고, 빠르게 지나가는 화면들과 아이의 속삭임은 지금 현재 핵무기가 유포하는 위험과 위기에 대한 경고이자 각성과 행동의 촉구이다.

지난 달 한국 원폭 피해자 2세 김형율씨의 사망으로 원폭피해에 대한 문제가 언론을 통해 보도되었지만, 여전히 우리는 핵에 관한 한 무지하고, 또 무관심하다. 해방 60주년을 맞는 올 2005년이 원자폭탄이 떨어진 지 60년이 되는 해라는 것을 기억하는 이도 드물다. 원폭 문제가 대물림되고 있고, 그래서 아직도 보이지 않는 곳에서 방사능과 낙진의 고통에 시달리고 있는 사람들이 있다는 사실을 그동안 외면해온 탓이다.

6월 반딧불은 김형율씨 사망을 계기로 국내 원폭 피해 2세들의 인권을 이야기하는 자리를 마련하고자 한다. 올해 인권영화제 상영작인 <원자폭탄>은 핵무기가 가진 엄청난 파괴력과 그것이 인간에게 미치는 비극과 고통의 무게를 여실히 느끼게 해주는 작품이다. <원자폭탄> 상영 후에는 반핵평화운동의 차원에서 핵무기 확장 반대의 중요성을 다시 되짚어보고, 반핵의 의미를 살릴 수 있는 공익광고 만들기가 진행된다.

△ 때와 곳 : 6월 25일(토) 늦은 3시, 영상미디어센터 미디액트 대강의실
△ 상영작 : <원자폭탄 Original Child Bomb>
△ 부대행사 : 건강세상네트워크 강주성 대표에게 들어보는 원폭 피해 2세들의 인권과 반행평화를 위한 공익광고 만들기

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크