Korea Indymedia general meeting, June 23, 2009.
Who? Eemoogee, Moona, Ina, Giraffe, Honging.
What? Agenda:
Outreach strategies - web advertisement? / street advertisement? / or we don't need any of them?
Webpage improvement - the program for radio was installed on our website? if not, why we couldn't?
Any plans to collaborate with other activists for action radio? such as inviting them to interviews, making imc radio show more dynamics on each social issues here. I would like to suggest many (because all people cannot come) imc activists to be in the show one day.
Feature story reporting group.
Discussion & Decisions:
1. Giraffe will make a video tutorial about posting stories and Moona will send fliers and booklets about Korea IMC that she made so we can distribute and post those in the streets.
2. We will contact other friends and comrades we know who are good at designing stuff and ask them for help to make a better looking website.
3. No decisions made today. First we need to configure the website so that we can do live radio broadcasting, then have a workshop about how to do that. After we have accomplished this, we can start planning the radio programs, content, schedules, etc.
4. We hope to start a story-writing journalist working group that covers issues and reports the news. We will meet frequently to review each other’s work, help each other and collaborate on writing stories. Our first & next working group meeting will be on July 1st, 7pm at the Candle Light Media Center. HongIng is currently working on a feature story about Seoul urban redevelopment and “new towns.” Miwon is working on a feature story about the 2MB administration’s “river development project.”
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