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게시물에서 찾기Korea Indymedia

10개의 게시물을 찾았습니다.

  1. 2010/01/09
    General Meeting: Jan 17, 4pm, Rhea
    Korea Indymedia
  2. 2009/12/05
    General Meeting Notes (Dec 5)
    Korea Indymedia
  3. 2009/06/26
    June 23, General Meeting notes (영어)
    Korea Indymedia
  4. 2009/05/17
    5월 19일 전체회의
    Korea Indymedia
  5. 2009/05/11
    전체회의 5월 12일 7시 General Meeting May 12, 7pm
    Korea Indymedia
  6. 2009/04/17
    한국 인디미디어는 공식적인 인디미디어가 되었다!!!(2)
    Korea Indymedia
  7. 2009/04/03
    4월 7일 전체회의(1)
    Korea Indymedia
  8. 2009/03/31
    Korea IMC나 Seoul IMC가 나냐?(3)
    Korea Indymedia
  9. 2009/03/12
    General Meeting March 11
    Korea Indymedia
  10. 2009/02/05
    General Meeting, Feb 5, 2009
    Korea Indymedia

General Meeting: Jan 17, 4pm, Rhea

The next Korea Indymedia general meeting will be held at the Rhea Candle Light Media Center, 4pm, Jan 17, sunday.

Everybody come!

Agenda contents (please add more):

1) new tech team formation; website redesign; learning html and php code
2) outreach and planning possible events
3) content production; film production for the new Korea Indymedia channel on YouTube
4) Etc (i know there's more! Please post suggests in comments below!)


A message from comrade christian:


"dear comrades,

in the last days i had a kind of 'conversation' with g-raf (via imc's jinbonet e-mail)...

i just want to add that the most important thing is following: anyone who is interested in keeping imc s.k. alive should (MUST!!) provide regular contributions (text, pictures, videos...) about the (different) struggles in s.k., inform about important ongoing discussions in the s.k. (political/social...) society etc... otherwise i am afraid imc s.k. will die.

basic prerequisite (of course): the web site must work - always and without any problems!!

i wish you a successful 'general meeting' (please publish the minutes as soon as possible)!

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

General Meeting Notes (Dec 5)

Korea Indymedia General Meeting 12-5-2009


Jeff, Giraffe and Andrew came to the meeting.





      1. Website improvement

      2. Content production & translation

      3. Outreach




-Website improvement


Giraffe: I sent a Drupal book to the listserv and everyone should study it and learn how to make our own Korea Indymedia website theme to make the website look better. We can also search the internet for tutorials about how to make our own themes.


Andrew and Jeff: Let’s post on some forums, social networking sites and try to find new members that already have tech skills and can help out with the website. Maybe we can make poster too?


-Content production & translation


Giraffe: I’m hoping we can get together in groups to cover actions. We can go to demonstrations and other actions and interview people, take photos, take notes and then write good news stories about things happening. News content usually is better when groups of people produce it collectively.




Andrew: contacting english teachers and teacher’s clubs and letting them know about indymedia can be helpful.


Jeff: We need to do re-outreach to our original core members that created korea indymedia together but are no longer involved. We should try to get more general people to use indymedia but it’s not really happening naturally. We might need to do some PR work. For some reason, our comrades in the rhea candle light media center and other struggle spots, organizations, etc. aren’t using korea indymedia. For some reason, many people don’t seem to think that korea indymedia is something we need. We could try to make korea indymedia more relevant to activists who are already doing media work in places like the candle light media center, let people know how to use it and find out why they’re not already using it much.


Giraffe: Tabling might be helpful, but time-consuming and maybe inefficient. Workshops could also be helpful – organizing workshops on Indymedia, introducing Korea Indymedia, sharing skills and information about media content production. Contacting JinboNet activists and making a better relationship with them could also help a lot.


Andrew: Perhaps putting our content on other websites with links to the korea indymedia website could be helpful in getting more attention.

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

June 23, General Meeting notes (영어)

Korea Indymedia general meeting, June 23, 2009.


Who? Eemoogee, Moona, Ina, Giraffe, Honging.


What? Agenda:


      1. Outreach strategies - web advertisement? / street advertisement? / or we don't need any of them?

      2. Webpage improvement - the program for radio was installed on our website? if not, why we couldn't?

      3. Any plans to collaborate with other activists for action radio? such as inviting them to interviews, making imc radio show more dynamics on each social issues here. I would like to suggest many (because all people cannot come) imc activists to be in the show one day.

      4. Feature story reporting group.


Discussion & Decisions:


1. Giraffe will make a video tutorial about posting stories and Moona will send fliers and booklets about Korea IMC that she made so we can distribute and post those in the streets.


2. We will contact other friends and comrades we know who are good at designing stuff and ask them for help to make a better looking website.


3. No decisions made today. First we need to configure the website so that we can do live radio broadcasting, then have a workshop about how to do that. After we have accomplished this, we can start planning the radio programs, content, schedules, etc.


4. We hope to start a story-writing journalist working group that covers issues and reports the news. We will meet frequently to review each other’s work, help each other and collaborate on writing stories. Our first & next working group meeting will be on July 1st, 7pm at the Candle Light Media Center. HongIng is currently working on a feature story about Seoul urban redevelopment and “new towns.” Miwon is working on a feature story about the 2MB administration’s “river development project.”

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

5월 19일 전체회의

5월 19일 저녁 7시에 촛불미디어센터에서 전체회의를 개최하기로 했어요.

제안하고 싶은 아젠다 항목들은

*웹사이트에서 나올 수 있는 디지털 라디오 생방송에 대한 생각들을 나눠 이야기합시다. 웹사이트가 server가 되어야 SHOUTcast와 icecast를 이용해서 라디오 생방송이 나올 수 있겠어요. 인디미디어 웹사이트에서 생방송이 나올까요? 그러면 어떤 프로그램, 내용이 나올까요? 생방송 프로그램들을 하면 어디, 언제 할까요? 등등등에 대한 생각들을 나누고 이야기합시다.

*또 상영회를 개최할까에 대해 이야기합시다. 그리고 또 다른 홍보(알려줌)방식들에 대해 이야기하는 것이 어떨까요?

*웹사이트의 미학에 대해 꼭 이야기합시다. 어떤 로고, 배열구조, 이미지, 등등이 나왔으면 좋겠다는 이야기, 내가 이런 것 저런 것을 할 수 있거나 없다는 이야기, 등등을 합시다. 한 명의 아이디어보다 집단적인 혼합 혹은 종합인 미학이 얼마나 좋겠지요.

*Other Press 뉴스와이어는 누구도 아직 이용해본 적이 없어서 어떻게 이용할 수 있는지를 꼭 발견시킵시다. 어떻게 이용할 수 있는지에 대한 지식을 추구 혹은 탐구를 합시다. 

*또 당신의 항목을!

화요일에 촛불미디어센터에서 뵈어요!

We made plans to have a general meeting, May 19th, 7pm at the Candle Light Media Center.

I have a few agenda items to propose:

*We can have live digital radio broadcasting on our website, so we should share ideas and talk about that possibility. As long as our website can become a server for the data, we can use SHOUTcast or icecast to do live broadcasting (and other people too, of course).

*We should consider having another film screening someday. Also, how about talking about other ways to get out to people?

*We gotta talk about the website aesthetics. Logos, images, structural arrangements, colors, everything. What would you want to see? What can you make or create? What can't you create? Rather than having one person design the website, I was hoping to develop a collective synthesis or mixture of aesthetics.

*Nobody's used the Other Press newswire yet, so we should figure out how to use it. Let's have an investigation and learn how to do it because it seems useful.

*Your agenda proposal_____________________________________________________________.

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

전체회의 5월 12일 7시 General Meeting May 12, 7pm

내일 5월 12일 저녁 7시에 전체회의를 개최하기로 했어요. 촛불미디어센터에서 모입시다.

제가 제안하고 싶은 아젠다 항목들은

*웹사이트에서 나올 수 있는 디지털 라디오 생방송에 대한 생각들을 나눠 이야기합시다. 웹사이트가 server가 되어야 SHOUTcast와 icecast를 이용해서 라디오 생방송이 나올 수 있겠어요.

*또 상영회를 개최할까에 대해 이야기합시다. 그리고 또 다른 홍보(알려줌)방식들에 대해 이야기하는 것이 어떨까요?

*웹사이트의 미학에 대해 꼭 이야기합시다. 어떤 로고, 배열구조, 이미지, 등등이 나왔으면 좋겠다는 이야기, 내가 이런 것 저런 것을 할 수 있거나 없다는 이야기, 등등을 합시다. 한 명의 아이디어보다 집단적인 혼합 혹은 종합인 미학이 얼마나 좋겠지요.

*Other Press 뉴스와이어는 누구도 아직 이용해본 적이 없어서 어떻게 이용할 수 있는지를 꼭 발견시킵시다. 어떻게 이용할 수 있는지에 대한 지식을 추구 혹은 탐구를 합시다. 

*또 당신의 항목을!

내일 뵈어요!

We made plans to have a general meeting tomorrow, May 12th at 7pm. Let's meet at the Candle Light Media Center.

I have a few agenda items to propose:

*We can have live digital radio broadcasting on our website, so we should share ideas and talk about that possibility. As long as our website can become a server for the data, we can use SHOUTcast or icecast to do live broadcasting (and other people too, of course).

*We should consider having another film screening someday. Also, how about talking about other ways to get out to people?

*We gotta talk about the website aesthetics. Logos, images, structural arrangements, colors, everything. What would you want to see? What can you make or create? What can't you create? Rather than having one person design the website, I was hoping to develop a collective synthesis or mixture of aesthetics.

*Nobody's used the Other Press newswire yet, so we should figure out how to use it. Let's have an investigation and learn how to do it because it seems useful.

*Your agenda proposal_____________________________________________________________.

See ya tomorrow!

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

한국 인디미디어는 공식적인 인디미디어가 되었다!!!

한국 인디미디어 신철경과 동안 헝가리와 호주 인디미디어 사람들이 <한국>이라는 이름을 제기했고 <남한>이라는 이름을 왜 안 쓰냐고 제기했다. 우리 서로 이해하고 받아드도록 토론했다.

한국 인디미디어 준비모임이 공식적인 신청경과를 시작한지 2주일 정도 되었고 오늘에 인디미디어 국제적인 넽워크에 연결해서 이제 실제적인 인디미디어다. 동지들 축하해!!!

지금 할 일은

1) 우리 웹사이트의 url주소를 korea.indymedia.org으로 바꾸고;

2) 공식적인 인디미디어 리스트에 한국을 추가해놓고;

3) 우리 4월 26일에 촛불미디어센터에서 개최할 상영회에서 celebration을 즐겁게 하쟈!
진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

4월 7일 전체회의

다음 주 화요일 7일 7시 촛불미디어센터에서 전체회의를 개최합니다. 공공적인 회의라니 아무나 올 수 있습니다. 인디미디어에 관심 있는 당신이 오세요.

전체회의에서 인디미디어에 관한 중요한 결정을 하고, 새로운 프로젝트를 제안해 도모하고, 등등의 회의입니다.

전체회의의 아젠다 항목을 제한합니다:

1) 국제넷워크에 공식적으로 연결하기 위해서 신청하는 과정을 시작합니다. 오늘, 내일, 내일모래 정도 시작할 것이니 이에 대해 좀 이야기하면 좋을 것 같습니다.

2) 윕사이트 logo...기린(내가)의 스텐실은 별로잖아요. 새로운 아름다운 것을 만듭시다. 어떤 것을 어떤 식으로 만들까요? 어떤 것을 어떤 식으로 만들 수 있어요? 누가 만들 수 있어요? 등등등.

3) 이미 많이 이야기했지만 최근에 인터넷에서만 토론했잖아요. 우리 이름에 대해 좀 이야기합시다. <한국 인디미디어> VS. <서울 인디미디어>: 우리 먼저 <한국 인디미디어>를 선택해 신청하기 시작하지만 그냥 좀 이야기합시다.

4) 다른 항목을 제안해주세요. 여기 댓글으로 제안하면 됩니다. 인디미디어 테크, 홍보, 편집정책이나 자기자신의 개인적 프로젝트에 대한 항목을 제안한다면 좀 간단히 이야기해서 인디미디어에 대한 결정해야 하는 항목을 우선합시다.

4월 7일 7시 촛불미디어센터에서 봅시다!
진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

Korea IMC나 Seoul IMC가 나냐?

오늘 한국 인디미디어에서 위기가 생겼다. 우리 공직적으로 지원해보는 길에 국제적 네트워크에서 한국 인디미디어라는 제목에 대해 제기했다. 왜 한국 인디미디어? 전국적으로 대표하는가? 참여하는 사람들이 다 서울에 거주하는가?

왜 서울 인디미디어라고 부르지 않는가? 참여하는 사람들이 다 서울에 거주하는 사람이잖아.

국제적 네트워크가 <한국 인디미디어>를 받아들지 않을 가능성이 강하다.

이 문제는 한국 인디미디어 메일 리스트에서 터뜨려왔다.

우리 인디미디어가 이름을 바꿀까?

어떻게 생각해?
진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

General Meeting March 11

Korea IMC general meeting

Mar 11, 2009

Attendees: Jeff, Bum, Moona, Miwon, Jigaksaeng, Tammy, Giraffe, Sharon, Agatha, Takeshi, Jimmy.


Miwon – translation, time keeping

Jeff – facilitation

Bum – translation

Giraffe – note taking (english)

Jigaksaeng – note taking (korean)

Agenda Items:

  1. Document preparation

  2. Website

  3. Consensus decision-making process

  4. Film Screening

  5. Content production

  6. Contacting groups


    Consensus decision-making process

New role: vibes watcher. Someone who watches individuals and makes a list of those who want to speak, announce concerns or


consensus decision making process passes (with the understanding that there may be minor adjustments for longer meetings, etc)

Documents discussion:

(15 minutes)

in order to join the global IMC network (official participation in the network to Nick, sponsor from IMC austin) the following documents are necessary:

mission statement (3 pages—see summary: background information New Year’s Eve to the present; 4 categories of activity: website development Drupal, tech meetings, organization of website, outreach working group with different activist groups, outreach on individual levels, editing working group public meetings, web content eg Yongsan disaster newstories, resistance to NATO meetings, objectives & plans for the future)

further discussion:

1) objectives & plans for the future section of the mission statement document

e.g. why a korea imc? Dreams?

  • (Giraffe and Moona) get news from within korea out

  • have a more participatory website/open news publishing/anonymity –

    (potential 3rd objective?)

  • trying to get more global issues written for a korean audience in korean (concern: there are other media that already does this? Concern about priorities or are these trends in objectives re: english media that provides independent journalism outlet for social issues occurring within korea; updating articles)capacity or vision issue? writing in multiple languages (e.g. korean, english...) , volunteers & translation for editorial team; open news wire (like indybay? between korean newswire and international news wire upload?)--leave as an option?

Call for consensus: PASSED

add to the objectives and plans for the future section of the mission statement (to be drafted by Bum):

provide a medium for bringing an open news wire for foreign news into korea on the website /anonymous open publishing

concern: do we need to clarify what the the objectives are for fundamentally...? additional concern: vanguard perception? Clarification: anonymous open publishing as an objective that resonates with imc

add a goal to the mission statement: making a global network based on grassroots media and activist activity in solidarity (Moona)

  1. editorial policy (call to not discuss in person and to continue this on the activist board for feedback and Moona will wrap this up with the additional clarification on features) (Giraffe would like to add using the email as a way for folks to submit feature proposals/center with photos) clarification and proposal: submit the documents as they are and revise them after? (make minor revision re: gender demographics or age demographics /identity section of application Miwon will take care of that) deadline: March 18, 2009 PASSED

  2. membership criteria

  3. principles of unity


Screening event

space: (redemption bar) ssangsangmadang reggae space /free tibet activist/James

date: Saturday March 21 Hongdae crowd 6pm

web poster design (Kenchang) and event roles (Miwon, Moona) and projector (Jeff)?


Question to visit later: will we be having other events?

website discussion

Proposal: add email function (already existing voter function) submit features stories line=editorial team will manage this email, watch for spam

look at test site; migrate over

clarification: why are there two options? Two standards/trolls?

Voting function is new on drupal /imc web mechanism adoption -- Jigaksaeng and Giraffe will look at this more/experimenting?

Clarification: just create a check function on wire stories to see if the writers would like the stories to be a feature story (and have this monitored...provide guidelines link for writers)

proposal: experiment with all three options, Jigaksaeng is up for the work (email is easiest/immediate) progressively PASS

items of concern for the web development:

background color to white

sidebars (same color as background)

no korean map on the banner

what will go in the banner?

Disability standards (font size and color)

links on website? don’t post other banners on main page (aesthetically authoritarian), but can add links within articles for more information? Does this include blogrolls and feeds?


next meeting: March 25th Wednesday

roles: facilitator: Miwon

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

General Meeting, Feb 5, 2009

Feb 5 2009. 전체모임 General Meeting

Today we will fill out the application, write the mission statement and apply to become part of the network. Also, we will try to decide who will be liaisons for the global Tech, NewIMC, Process and Communication.

Editorial Policy 편집정책:

-Copyright: what if we translate a copyrighted story and post it on IMC features? Should we do this or avoid it?

-Two things to add on to the Editorial Guidelines: 1) copy and pasting other stories from another website and posting on IMC should be avoided, but not restricted; 2) allow translating and posting content from other websites.

-Decided to make the Editorial Policy less strict and detailed since we can make modifications in the future if we face problems.


-Tech: Beom will be the Korea IMC liaison for the global Tech list.

-NewIMC: Mi Won will be the Korea IMC liaison for the global NewIMC list.

-Process: Giraffe will be the Korea IMC liaison for the global Process list.

-Communication: Jeff will be the Korea IMC liaison for the global Communication list.

Proposed name and website URL:

Korea Indymedia


Application 신청:

We filled out the application and applied to be part of the global indymedia network. The application form is uploaded on the blog. We are now waiting for a response from the global network. 오늘 신청서를 쓰고 국제적 네트워크에 보냈습니다. 신청서 내용을 불로그에 올렸습니다. 지금 국제적 네트워크에서의 대답을 기다리고 있습니다.

Feel free to translate these minutes into another language and repost on the blog and/or list.

이 모임 기록을 번역해주실 동지에게 너무 감사하겠습니다. 

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