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게시물에서 찾기tech imc meeting 모임 기술

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  1. 2009/01/23
    IMC-kimchee tech team notes - 1-20
    Korea Indymedia

IMC-kimchee tech team notes - 1-20

IMC-kimchee tech team notes - 

people: 지각생, 돕, 제프, 승현, 도영

talked about software we can use for our imc site.

Dada imc software uses ruby, which doesn't work well in korea. we would need our own server.

plone, zope, python, would also require our own server

dada, mir, sfactive?

drupal uses php so we can be hosted here.

should we have our server abroad or korea? safer abroad?

dope: had server before in UK it seemed to slow. speed is an issue

CIA has raided servers in UK before.

there is a method to have server abroad and cache common pages for rapid pace.

jinbo.net people - dope asked if they would support imc, and they will decide 1-21.

maybe they will offer space or we can buy it. raise money how?

pb and j holds fundraisers for ngo's and events. contact linda for info

dopehead.net - his server is too small

we could start own site first. run it. then later get recommendation.

미문동 has server we can use. but maybe unstable for the long term.

one server in Labor net and 2 in MWTV, need place with constant internet and power.

blood sisters office? must find one.

what webspace? jinbo.net? 20,000 won a month, and little space.


much space on media culture action server computers?

not much~

need a sugar daddy.

rogue imc has hosted other imc's.  ethan will ask them.

jigak suggests we start with our own server. use mimoondong but buy memory. hosting is expensive and not safe from the oppression of the state. jinbo.net is safest from the law.

doyoung mentioned maybe using MWTV space for our servers.

maybe we can have meetings in their studio as well? 

jigak will find out about dadaimc compatability. 

japan imc is not doing well. only about 2 people,

g8 media network (japan) doyoung will ask them about solidarity.

rack space to put computer in suyu. ask mwtv to ask suyu to use the space. (mention imc)

ask Labor.net for DNS domain space

buan media activist camp 에 asia media network, public video network, champon~ maybe use them for hosting and server space.

on Thursday a media activist will be here from japan. ask then.

doyoung will ask about champon's  ability to host us.

suggestion that 지각 makes the site. 승현 manages it.

tech team should find new people 모집!!!!!

ask bum if he'll be global list liason.

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