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Pokhara valley is a land of diversity.Every place contains its own value, its own uniqueness , and its own casts and culture. In Pokhara you can find varieties of casts. Every particular place is famous because of their people who lives there who breaths there.Here Here most of the people belongs to Gurung (Tamu) cast.

Here is a small description  about this cast:

This place is the main symbolism of Gurung Cast (Tamu). This place represents the whole Gurungs. This specific gurung organization  called  Tamu Pye Lhu Sangh  was established on 3, 2047 of Kartik(1990-20, Oct) at  Shaktighat. In this particular  place gurungs used to gather and used to  worship  to their ancestors.

From the cultural and traditional cultural point of view, gurungs are called rich. The 3 men shown in the photo  Pachyu, Ghyabri, and Bonpo Lama respectively are 3 Gurus (Khegi) of  Gurung and the written information given on the wall  informs  us how the fire originated.

These are the historical equipments used by the Bonpo Lama (Medic Wizards)

One of the main and amazing features of Gurung’s is that they used to calculate one’s age by Barga (Loh).There are 12 different animals who represents  one’s age and they are arranged in a single circle.
The swinging flag on the top of house is called as Aala and the hanging instruments is called as Tautu

This is also a snap of death ceremony. Gurung people used to give special  priority to someone’s death farewell. All funeral process is called as Arghu in which statue called Plha is builded in front of house as you can see in the picture model.

The main motive of this Tamu Pye Lhu Sangh is to bring all the Gurungs together in a single chain. Spreading the message  of Love, peace and brother

♪ marpha village ♪

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