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게시물에서 찾기이건희

Devil's Empire,SAMSUNG/Keep going marriage fraud, 무한반복의 음모.

Devil's Empire,SAMSUNG/Keep going marriage fraud, 무한반복의 음모.





I heard that some older men talking about each other at subway line 3;



“Nobody get the money for him”

아니 누가 돈을 줘~~

“Well, who's going to do it?

그걸 누가 해?



I have got a chance many times to indirect message from LEE GUN HEE & cooperators every day, whenever I go to outside.


Obviously, it is ridicule to me.


Also, I heard that two women says; “he want to so much gift” at nearby Jeong-Dok Library PM 06:41. 기가 막힙니다. 너무 많은 걸 바란답니다.


Also, I witness that young man & woman’s couple show up to me suddenly, when I approached at home PM 08:24.


It seems like that they are waiting to show me that hand and glove with each other. Also, it is aimed that ridicule to me, always use it. 사람 말려 죽이려 듭니다. 솔직히 이제 이 일에서 떠나고 싶군요. 보상하고 끝냅시다. 이렇게 요구해도 묵살하고 계속 반복합니다. 그래서Mad Dogs라는 비난을 하게 됩니다.


Please attached photograph. The same thing had been kept going over 7 years repeatedly. 미칩니다. 이거 왜들 이러세요? 그리고는 내가 말을 걸고 시도하면, 까칠하게 대하고, 제대로 응해주지 않으며, 남자 데리고 나타나고 그럽니다. 그런 후, 에테르 아바타 가지고 노는 겁니다.그러다가 내가 이 문제로 비난하고 그러면, 에테르 아바타를 두들겨 패는 겁니다. 참는데도 한계가 있다고 반복하고 있다. 주인공은 허구, 죄수, 노예, 홀애비를 만들어 놓고, 에테르 아바타를 양산해서, 그걸로 재미 보고, 그걸로 땜질하는 수법입니다. 나쁜 사람들입니다. 저는, 얼굴마담, 미끼 입니다.


Today, I visit the Jeong-Dok Library at Samcheong-Dong, and I saw so many women on the way to Jeong-Dok Library, always use it.


The critical point is that they have not any heartful attitude. I know it very well through the experience last 7 years. It seems like that they lack delicacy and consideration for others. Of course, maybe put them into the haughty attitude & get gay due to LEE GUN HEE’s order.


The ill-bred young people annoyed me greatly. Sometimes, I was driven by an irresistible impulse.


I’m a 49 years-old, but the most of them is under 30 years-old. At 2006 years, I’m a 43 years-old, and then the most of mobilized young people is under 30 years-old, nevertheless, they never care it.


The root cause is that they think light of me as a beggar or having arrogance as render aid to me. Also, it is caused by LEE GUN HEE & SAMSUNG.


Of course, I never get any promised gift not yet, even though, LEE GUN HEE & LEE MYUNG BAK prefer to regards himself as a benefactor for me.


Besides, they would like to kill me without evidence still; also they tried to kill me last 5 years by using unknown Ether skills continuously.


I never have seen any women whose act sincerely towards me last 7 years, it was very strange thing to me that all the women relating this events got a contumelious attitude for me. I have never seen the same thing at the past, even though I’m not an excellent guy. Especially, there are never appeals to force, also there are never severe insults, and there are never abuses of me. Also, it must be not LOVE. Also, it is the common sense. That’s exactly why I called mad dogsfor them.

Of course, the mad dogs never know whether true & sincerely love. I guess that the most of mad dogs must be originated from Hell or lower astral plane.


Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ~~~~~~~~~


It must be the normal state. LOVE never know it.


Do you mistake vanity to love? As I know, she never dirty acts that, if she has fall in love with some guy. Even though, I think that they have orders to do it from LEE GUN HEE & cooperators. It is just only untruth love for MAD Dogs. I regards it as the worst of worst case in the world. 인류 역사에서 두번 다시 없을 극악한 사례이다.


You will never see the same a case in future, also the same cases never see across the ages and in all countries of the world.


Besides, I never have a mind to any woman now and they never got the sincerely mind also. It is impossible to me that make girlfriend or fall in love with someone under the ugly underside now. Love should be unartificial accidents.



Also, I don’t want to try to make girlfriend under the ugly underside now.


That’s the reason why I want to get promised compensate from them without any conditions.


I will go aboard, if they will give it to me.


글을 적는 와중에도 연타로 사람을 구타하고 있는 느낌이다. 에테르 아바타를 여기 저기 만들어 놓고, 마음에 안 드는 글을 적으면 두들겨 패는 악랄한 보복을 자행하고 있다. 도대체 이 자들 정체가 무엇인가? 아마도 아바타를 이용해서, 사람을 두들겨 패고, 괴롭히는 짓을 하고 있다는 추론이다. 에테르 아바타들 세계로 처 박아 놓고, 아바타들을 시켜서 두들겨 패고, 고문하고, 괴롭히고 있다는 말이다. 바로 이 수법이, 이 악마들이 사람을 가지고 노는 수법이라는 점을 반복해서 밝혀 둔다. 즉, 이중 현실이다.


You never out of physical body, it is the just only temp human’s soul to make slave. I think that human soul or core consciousness are moved in Ether AVATAR prison and face up to serious violence or dead by them, if they are out of physical body as Ether AVATAR. Because that human’s soul can be captured by wickedness reptilians as disguised human form.


현재 나를 계속 두들겨 패고, 고문하는 수법이 바로 이 수법이므로, 조심하시오. 





































진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

Devil's Empire,SAMSUNG/무한반복 보상없는 아바타 사기범죄

Devil's empire, SAMSUNG/Never compensate for me, 교활한 속임수









I think that LEE GUN HEE tried to skillful deceive another people as if I’m dead and changed another person. You never trust them. They are not human.  


Look at the photograph, you can see the exaggerated advertisement; “LOTTE get 3 hundred million won for you”


Of course, It looks like it’s the advertisement, but I don’t think so. One of the cheating tools is using indirect message such as the advertisement, news, conversation around people, newspaper.




I don’t think its general advertisement rather a decoy to cheating me. To deceive relating people & me and gain time, they want to get decoyed me, always as usual for 7 years.


And then, they will get announced money for another person as it disguised me  under pretense to abide by an agreement.


LEE GUN HEE would like to play for time by talking on still, because that the thieves want to keep going the marriage fraud at least 5 years after this.


I guess; they are aimed that have control of the world by using this ways, under nobody knows it. It is the Ether AVATAR crimes & put major leaders into good slave for them. I have heard that they had already been achieved success to captured USA leader’s soul to make good slave for them by using Ether AVATAR of mine since 2007. 엄청나게 이용해 처 먹었다!! Please investigate it, Be sure to investigate whether it’s true or not.


The CIA, USA should be investigate it & look up that kind of information.


It must be a matter of grave concern, if it was true.


As mentioned above, this is a serious problem as a matter of vital importance to the destiny of the nation. I think that they must be not human.


Please trust me; they must be the malignance aliens.


Obviously, I observe their real identity as wickedness reptilians & headquarter as Ether density; also I glance at there are so many human bones at 2009,2010 years.


As I know, the Reptilians as disguised human form were used to taken human who resist their policy to headquarter without evidence to do remove them.


And then, it seems like that they can be replacing it to Ether AVATAR or changed core consciousness of physical body.


Besides, I have heard that the reptilians take with food as human, under nobody knows it. Because that they are able to disguised as human form such as LEE GUN HEE. Please trust me.    


You never trust them.


The country's leaders deceive the nation into supporting the unjustified marriage fraud for global cheating.


The country’s leaders are LEE GUN HEE, LEE MYUNG BAK.


Also, they had been trying to keep this issue from getting the foreigner last 7 years, the government keeps relating people from telling the truth.




Now, I doubt that so many selfish & greedy human’s soul & reptilians cooperate to do how to make use of me, taking advantage of the confusion. Most of selfish & greedy human’s soul wants to get fish in troubled waters, when I’m in trouble and can’t grasp the situation. They’d like to snatch promised money & women from me under pretense as if I changed another person. The shameless thieves tried to take away promised things for me.


I heard that LEE GUN HEE says; you must be insisting on same as me under pretense as if I’m changing another person, if they will move ether AVATAR of mine into your Ether Body.


If so, you can get all of things for him. LEE GUN HEE’s hidden policy is get rid of the identity of mine and changed another person, he never get me the promised gift.


That’s the reason why LEE GUN HEE tried to get out consciousness of mine from physical body by using ether magic & mind control last 7 years.


Never trust SAMSUNG & LEE GUN HEE. They are not human. LEE GUN HEE & LEE MYUNG BAK must be wickedness Reptilians as disguised human formor selfish & greedy villains.


I have heard that the wickedness Reptilians as disguised human form had a firm grip on the whole country as put major Koreans political leaders into slave state since 2008. And then, they tried to extend their power another countries by using marriage fraud. That’s the reason why they never give up that marriage fraud, and tried to force me into keep silence and attempt to make me the Ether AVATAR without self-consciousness. They must be the worst of worst malignance aliens or wickedness villains.


I guess they tried to take away the consciousness of foreign leader by using Ether AVATAR of mine; it must be very skillful method. To make unfortified state another people, they’d like to put up me and using Ether AVATAR of mine to do snatch people’s soul from them more easily.


Those shameless villains wish to keep going the cheating game for 5 years after this, why? I have heard that the wickedness reptilians conquered about a half of the world by using the marriage fraud. Be careful! You never run into virtual sex or AVATAR sex, you never trust them.


Their main strategies are aimed that captured main leaders for each country to make slave state by using Ether AVATAR of mine. Never agree to Ether AVATAR sex.



내 모든 것을 전부 강탈하려 하고 있습니다. 사람들 눈을 교묘하게 속이는 가운데, 그렇게 하려 합니다. 이게 아스트랄 계의 사악한 놈들이 협조하지 않으면 안 되는 일입니다.나중에 걸리면 살기를 바라지 마라. 이가 부드득 갈리고 있다. 피를 보아야 정신을 차릴 놈들이로다. 이판사판으로 가면 어떻게 할건데? 이 도둑놈들아.


The criminals relating with spiritual robber must be severely punished.


반드시 이 영적 사기범죄에 가담한 더러운 영들과 인간들을 모두 잡아서 무겁게 처벌하라.


In other words, they’d like to regards the person as me as if I’m dead, if the smallest Ether AVATAR of mine moves into another person’s ether body.


And then the thieves snatch promised money from me instead of me, under pretense as if I changed another person. 처 죽일 개만도 못한 놈들입니다. Obviously, shameless thieves would like to put another person in my position instead of me, even though I’m still alive here, I’m not dead


To move a piece of consciousness of mine go there unconditionally, if I get imagine for someone or something, LEE GUN HEE & cooperators built up devil’s ether tools on the Ether skull of mine mainly.


Please attached photograph, they have abilities to catch all of mind of mine as reading spiritual ether history or by using Ether AVATAR. You can see the man whom the same person, I remember & imagine the past accident at subway line 2 nearby SAMSUNG Station since 2007.

At that time, I saw that he is tampering with hip of going together woman. Maybe the woman is his brother and sister. They put me move into relating person’s ether skull or Ether AVATAR automatically, whatever I imagine. And then they insist on that I changed the person, and so we get promised money to him.


They announced that they will get 3 billion won for me as compensated last 7 years lost through indirectly message; it must be to deceive another people by using this ways. They never get promised compensate for me. Always it was taken away Ether AVATAR or other thieves. You never trust the wickedness villains.


In other words, they’d like to regards the person who shows up the KBS 1 news as me, and so we have to get promised compensation to him. Hhhhhhh


LEE GUN HEE must be the best skillful fire fox. He is the worst of worst wickedness villains. Never trust LEE GUN HEE.


I think he must be punishing with death.

최악의 악당 놈, 최악의 악질 파충류 놈입니다.


3억 운운하는 것도, 이런 식으로 다른 놈으로 내가 변했다고 주장하며, 그 놈에게 돈을 주겠다는 의미입니다. 계속 이렇게 속이며, 본인은 아무 것도 받지 못하게 만들고, 종국에는 죽이려는 의도입니다. 즉, 에테르 아바타를 이용한 지속적인 사기입니다.


지금까지 계속해서, 다른 놈, 즉 만들어진 아바타나, 전혀 다른 놈들에게 돈을 지급하게 하는 수법으로, 내게 보상했다고 거짓말을 해 온 것입니다.


미친 놈들입니다.


To do so, they had been forcing me into the terrible hell that I never make a sexual relationship with women. It must be skillful strategies by them.


Because that they are able to snatch person’s soul from him more easily, if the person stay in starve desire.


처 죽일 개만도 못한 놈들이 이건희 일당입니다. 인간들이 아닙니다.


Especially, the effect for a hallucination get stronger, if the person isolated everything, everyone. I’m perfect isolated everyone, everything by them now.

환각, 최면으로 사람을 속이고 이용해 먹고, 장애인 만들고 죽이려는 의도로 모든 것으로부터 고립시킨 상태입니다. 죽이려는 의도입니다. 다른 의도 없습니다.







The mad dogsmake a perfect bullying plan for me that put the people relating it into ridicule & bullying to me, whatever I written specific subject. Their intention must be put me into keep the silence.


Because that most of the time the rumors relating me turn out to be untrue.


Probably, LEE GUN HEE & cooperators says; he is full of shortcomings such as inability, laziness, incontinence, antisocial personality. And so, we‘d like to help him to live depend on rich woman through marriage, he can’t become independent.  Hhhh mad dogs, so much mad dogs live in Earth.



First thing we have to do is investigate whether it true or not, I’m in trouble due to perfect bullying plan for SAMSUNG, after tender one's resignation at SAMSUNG electronics.


At any rate, I do not want to concern about it, because that is the person’s privacy. Now, I’d like to concern about the marriage fraud for 7 years.


LEE GUN HEE must be the malignance aliens as Reptilians or alliance secret dark circle such as freemason or Bilderberg group. Please trust me. Obviously, I have seen his identity as Reptilian who most of people believe it Dragon at July 2008.


At that time, I saw the frenzied reptilian’s illusion or Dragon at PC room, of course, through spiritual eyes can be seeing it, not the physical eyes. Also, I have seen it as more cleanness form at Apr 2009. It was a terrible reptilian’s form. Please imagine the predator’s movie. They are almost same as form of the predator’s movie.


As you know, LEE GUN HEE holding himself responsible for the accident, he indicated his desire to resign at July 2008. The root cause originated from the marriage events, even though the accidents explained for evading taxes outwardly.


The bad lies can ruin people's relationships and create problems.


That is the reason why I am in severe trouble for 7 years, LEE GUN HEE want to kill me using unknown dark skills. You never imagine it how feel a strongest pain.


I never know unknown technologies until then how to put the person into strongest pain or make an attempt on the person’s life without proof evidence. Therefore, I know the LEE GUN HEE & SAMSUNG’s Core identity very well now. They must be the malignance aliens as it called Reptilians who originated from ORION or other unknown planets, even though I’m not certain it.


I remember it as well if it had happened yesterday. You never endure terrible torture same as it, I affirm it to be a fact. Today, I know it how to make the invisible torture and attempt on the person’s life.


I suppose that the most of human cannot endure same as the terrible pain & attempt human’s life dark skills, also, it is the top secret.


In addition, their technic explained by hit the ether body. Especially, one of the strongest attack’s skills are explained by hitting from bottom to top for Human’s skull. Of course, it means that ether skull.


Your soul can be out of body, if it can be get the person a fatal blow.


I’m in the tortures of hell for 7 years, especially, It is beyond all description from July 2008 to Apr 2009.



They have adapted new strategies to deceive me, as if it seems to be the world for me. Of course, I never get a chance what I want actually. It is the just only useless mirages and same as it for the past 7 years.


The reason why is as it called the worst of worst skillful fire foxes for them.


To do temp me tomake bad judgments, those skillful foxes try to do everything.  


I heard that the fire foxes says; the reason why you cannot achieve the goals is that the most of women have a quarrel with each other to get a marriage with you. Above mentioned is just one of the examples. Of course, only if they've got a thing for me. Why I called the fire foxes for them?


Please refer to so many political issues, for example, Noriega's regime was corrupt, brutal, authoritarian, but President Reagan and Vice-President Bush had overlooked this because Noriega was useful to the United States.


LEE MYUNG BAK knows it very well, but he had overlooked the marriage fraud because it was useful to the president such as a diplomatic relations, improves its national image, make ill gained and so on.


I think LEE GUN HEE & LEE MYUNG BAK would like me to deal with a squeezed orange and then it seems like that they are achieved the goals now.


If I’m useless for them as a results of divulge the true, they stared severe abuse of me; you are a beggar, you don’t know your place, you are so older man to get marriage, you should be shame for your school background, look at your small & tiny body,


The most of core person in charge of the marriage fraud must be the worst of worst villains; maybe their spiritual level is under animals. The reason why that I called them as mad dogs. Do you agree with in my opinion?


Be sure to remember it that the physical body is just clothing for human’s soul.


Did you know what the major points for controlling human’s destiny?   


I think the point is that human’s destinies already have a fix before a birth. The advanced aliens called it as programmed life.


In other words, human’s spiritual level is a low-grade class compare with advanced aliens. Most of human are inferior and bad due to selfish & greedy, and ignorance. In addition, the malignance aliens or devil’s power controls most of powerful human.


I hope; our world change the higher than the past. We have to aimed to build up the Utopia world.


At any rate, human can be so much affected their physical body, general people does not know the facts regards as human’s destiny.


I‘d like to regards it as get the person gift or a curse from astral plane. SSIPAL.


I have become as a different values compare with older time through the marriage fraud, even though, he get a chance to obtain the spiritual valuables through severe trouble.


Do you remember why the Buddha tries to explain the emancipation?


I’d like to discuss the issues for human’s destiny later.


Most of master says; human’s life is in a state of spiritual darkness. They do not know that they are not human as having physical body.


What do you think about it? Are you able to distinguish yourself whether the physical body or spiritual being.


Can you explain the sexual desire whether originated from physical body or at any rate yourself, your identity?


Physical body originates it. Unfortunately, Physical body is not your real identity

Can you explain your identity or true for yourself? If you can change the physical body as woman or man, you should be changing your values for the human’s world. I regard the physical body as human’s soul, soul is not spiritual essence.


글을 적고 있는데도, 계속 구타 당하는 느낌, 욕설을 퍼붓고 조롱하는 느낌이 들어 온다. 이는 2008년7월부터 있었던 일들인데, 이건희 일당이 에테르 아바타들을 동원하여, 에테르 레벨에서 사람을 두들겨 패고, 고문하고, 죽이는 수법의 일종이다. 에테르 아바타를 보내서, 사람 행세를 하며, 욕설을 퍼붓고, 두들겨 패는 악행을 자행한다는 말이다. 사람 눈에 안 보이는데, 이는 이것들이 에테르 밀도 수준에서 움직이기 때문이다.


I would like to say that astral plane is same as human’s level, if the astral plane have higher spiritual level, human’s society must be more advanced & fairness, richness, better live than the past, and then it can be more approached the utopia world.


I really don’t want to blame another people; nevertheless they are not allowing it.



They never finish the marriage fraud for 7 years. Please refer to below photograph.


Those pictures are captured by KBS1 9 News and reporter says;

To provide for your old age, you’d better receive a pension rather than payment in a lump sum.

LEE GUN HEE & cooperators as skillful fire foxes had been insisting on above it last 7 years continuously. There are two main reasons that one is maintain controlling me as ruler’s position, the others is that they wish to keep going to do the marriage fraud by using Ether AVATAR, and so they want to gain more time about 5 years after this.


They must be the worst skillful fire FOXES.


Be sure to remember their strategies for Ether AVATAR. For example, they can be deceive people as if get me the money by using Ether AVATAR, even though they never get the money for me.


Be sure to remember that the Ether AVATAR looks like the original person!!!!!!


At present, I had moved into another region such as ether density as it called MATRIX by them, because that they want to change my appearance to do ether technologies to do evasion of responsibility and cheating the people. Also, they’d like to remove me without the proof evidence.



Probably, I guess that they will attempt to replace it the Ether AVATAR to do keep going the marriage fraud under deceiving the people for a long long time.




Also, they work out a cunning scheme as move the smallest ether avatar to another person to do deceive me & another people.


They’d like to regards me as another person to cheat relating people as the skillful lie, even though I’m who I’m still. Sometimes I guess how to deceive me & another people that it is just only creating illusions from ether density. In other words, that must be the skillful trick. LEE GUN HEE must be the worst of worst villains.





Obviously, I had been gotten all of updates for windows 7 yesterday, Nevertheless, I see unfinished updates message on the screen.


What is worse, as you can see the photograph, I can find out double message as all of the cheating, another message says “completed all of updates”. Do you understand this situation?


Message for uncompleted 5 updates


Message for completed all of updates.

Please refer to time of photograph. I think that those phenomenon are happened by highest hacker




They are used to crowd showered abuse on me, whenever I written for marriage fraud.


Yesterday evening & todays before the dawn, someone put me in the severe abuse & violence state, in case of written about marriage fraud, it should be happen.


What is worse, they get strong violence & threat to me continuously by using Ether Avatar. I heard that threaten me with death, if you’d like to keep going write it.


They want to force me into doing silence by using threat & violence. Also, they are trying to evade the responsibility by saying skillful lies, such as useless lip service without apologize & compensation. They always get through difficult situations by saying what is expected of them.


It seems like that they want to maintain the marriage fraud after this.


I have already heard that they say; we’d like to more operate it 5 years at least.


In other words, to do keep going the AVATAR cheating, they would like to evade the responsibility as using skillful lies under the pretense that does not concern me at all.


At the same time, put me into severe abuse & violence of me, I’m taken to their secret place whatever I think or imagine about something by using Ether Avatar. I suppose that they’d like to using person’s lust, I am unable to getting the chance to make a sexual relationship, because of the skillful disturbing make girlfriend.


To snatch my conscious to Ether AVATAR, First; temp me to do having sexual imagination or seeing the photograph or adults movies, put me into starve sexual desire by using skillful disturbing make girlfriend.


As you know, I’m in severe trouble last 7 years due to LEE GUN HEE. And so, it was impossible to me that got a chance to make sexual relationships with women.


I have confidence to their identity as reptilians or dark circle, and they are able to make slave targeting person by using those ways, as it called Ether AVATAR sex or virtual sex. This ways can be snatched person’s soul and take it to unknown place.


As a result of those activities, they can be put the person who loss of self into slave state for them. Be careful it!


I think; they are aimed that despair drive me to commit suicide or temp me to go the limit, those activities that taken me all the forms of impoverishment can be put me into self-abandoned.


It is impossible to me that having lives a life worthy of a human being for 7 years.


I guess, to do cheating people, LEE GUN HEE had been made the Ether AVATAR which was copied from me, and then he may be insisting on the real person it.


Obviously, Ether AVATAR must bein existence, because that I have seen it several times. For example, I have seen it that someone comes into view at closed place suddenly. I have so much experience to observe showing up unidentified girl or men at inner convenience store suddenly, even though nobody comes in the store, when I worked at convenience store.


It must be the AVATAR which is copied from original person. They looks like to have no self-consciousness and unable to see how matters stand, because that AVATAR have no self-consciousness or have no remember theirs identity.


Please investigate the AVATAR crimes by using AVATAR of mine, even though I’m not certain whether it’s true or not. I have so many experiences to put me in insult & abuse, violence, ridicule state by someonelast 7 years.


I felt it indirectly, even though it is not certain.


They must be using Ether AVATAR, if it is true.


Please remember it, Ether AVATAR looks like the real person. I guess; LEE GUN HEE & LEE MYUNG BAK can be achieving the great success using those ways to do AVATAR’s sex or virtual sex with another people.


Also, maybe they are able to snatch the person’s soul as ether body’s form to do threat or kill them without proof evidence. There must be hidden strategies to do control the country. It is the LEE GUN HEE.


Besides, I doubt that they’d like to keep going the marriage fraud by using this ways. Because it is the golden goose for them.


Never care for me it.

















진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

Devil's empire, SAMSUNG/Never compensate for me, 교활한 속임수

Devil's empire, SAMSUNG/Never compensate for me, 교활한 속임수







Now, I doubt that so many selfish & greedy human’s soul & reptilians cooperate to do how to make use of me, taking advantage of the confusion. Most of selfish & greedy human’s soul wants to get fish in troubled waters, when I’m in trouble and can’t grasp the situation. They’d like to snatch promised money & women from me under pretense as if I changed another person. The shameless thieves tried to take away promised things for me.


I heard that LEE GUN HEE says; you must be insisting on same as me under pretense as if I’m changing another person, if they will move ether AVATAR of mine into your Ether Body.


If so, you can get all of things for him. LEE GUN HEE’s hidden policy is get rid of the identity of mine and changed another person, he never get me the promised gift.


That’s the reason why LEE GUN HEE tried to get out consciousness of mine from physical body by using ether magic & mind control last 7 years.


Never trust SAMSUNG & LEE GUN HEE. They are not human. LEE GUN HEE & LEE MYUNG BAK must be wickedness Reptilians as disguised human formor selfish & greedy villains.


I have heard that the wickedness Reptilians as disguised human form had a firm grip on the whole country as put major Koreans political leaders into slave state since 2008. And then, they tried to extend their power another countries by using marriage fraud. That’s the reason why they never give up that marriage fraud, and tried to force me into keep silence and attempt to make me the Ether AVATAR without self-consciousness. They must be the worst of worst malignance aliens or wickedness villains.


I guess they tried to take away the consciousness of foreign leader by using Ether AVATAR of mine; it must be very skillful method. To make unfortified state another people, they’d like to put up me and using Ether AVATAR of mine to do snatch people’s soul from them more easily.


Those shameless villains wish to keep going the cheating game for 5 years after this, why? I have heard that the wickedness reptilians conquered about a half of the world by using the marriage fraud. Be careful! You never run into virtual sex or AVATAR sex, you never trust them.


Their main strategies are aimed that captured main leaders for each country to make slave state by using Ether AVATAR of mine. Never agree to Ether AVATAR sex.



내 모든 것을 전부 강탈하려 하고 있습니다. 사람들 눈을 교묘하게 속이는 가운데, 그렇게 하려 합니다. 이게 아스트랄 계의 사악한 놈들이 협조하지 않으면 안 되는 일입니다.나중에 걸리면 살기를 바라지 마라. 이가 부드득 갈리고 있다. 피를 보아야 정신을 차릴 놈들이로다. 이판사판으로 가면 어떻게 할건데? 이 도둑놈들아.


The criminals relating with spiritual robber must be severely punished.


반드시 이 영적 사기범죄에 가담한 더러운 영들과 인간들을 모두 잡아서 무겁게 처벌하라.


In other words, they’d like to regards the person as me as if I’m dead, if the smallest Ether AVATAR of mine moves into another person’s ether body.


And then the thieves snatch promised money from me instead of me, under pretense as if I changed another person. 처 죽일 개만도 못한 놈들입니다. Obviously, shameless thieves would like to put another person in my position instead of me, even though I’m still alive here, I’m not dead


To move a piece of consciousness of mine go there unconditionally, if I get imagine for someone or something, LEE GUN HEE & cooperators built up devil’s ether tools on the Ether skull of mine mainly.


Please attached photograph, they have abilities to catch all of mind of mine as reading spiritual ether history or by using Ether AVATAR. You can see the man whom the same person, I remember & imagine the past accident at subway line 2 nearby SAMSUNG Station since 2007.

At that time, I saw that he is tampering with hip of going together woman. Maybe the woman is his brother and sister. They put me move into relating person’s ether skull or Ether AVATAR automatically, whatever I imagine. And then they insist on that I changed the person, and so we get promised money to him.


They announced that they will get 3 billion won for me as compensated last 7 years lost through indirectly message; it must be to deceive another people by using this ways. They never get promised compensate for me. Always it was taken away Ether AVATAR or other thieves. You never trust the wickedness villains.


In other words, they’d like to regards the person who shows up the KBS 1 news as me, and so we have to get promised compensation to him. Hhhhhhh


LEE GUN HEE must be the best skillful fire fox. He is the worst of worst wickedness villains. Never trust LEE GUN HEE.


I think he must be punishing with death.

최악의 악당 놈, 최악의 악질 파충류 놈입니다.


3억 운운하는 것도, 이런 식으로 다른 놈으로 내가 변했다고 주장하며, 그 놈에게 돈을 주겠다는 의미입니다. 계속 이렇게 속이며, 본인은 아무 것도 받지 못하게 만들고, 종국에는 죽이려는 의도입니다. 즉, 에테르 아바타를 이용한 지속적인 사기입니다.


지금까지 계속해서, 다른 놈, 즉 만들어진 아바타나, 전혀 다른 놈들에게 돈을 지급하게 하는 수법으로, 내게 보상했다고 거짓말을 해 온 것입니다.


미친 놈들입니다.


To do so, they had been forcing me into the terrible hell that I never make a sexual relationship with women. It must be skillful strategies by them.


Because that they are able to snatch person’s soul from him more easily, if the person stay in starve desire.


처 죽일 개만도 못한 놈들이 이건희 일당입니다. 인간들이 아닙니다.


Especially, the effect for a hallucination get stronger, if the person isolated everything, everyone. I’m perfect isolated everyone, everything by them now.

환각, 최면으로 사람을 속이고 이용해 먹고, 장애인 만들고 죽이려는 의도로 모든 것으로부터 고립시킨 상태입니다. 죽이려는 의도입니다. 다른 의도 없습니다.







The mad dogsmake a perfect bullying plan for me that put the people relating it into ridicule & bullying to me, whatever I written specific subject. Their intention must be put me into keep the silence.


Because that most of the time the rumors relating me turn out to be untrue.


Probably, LEE GUN HEE & cooperators says; he is full of shortcomings such as inability, laziness, incontinence, antisocial personality. And so, we‘d like to help him to live depend on rich woman through marriage, he can’t become independent.  Hhhh mad dogs, so much mad dogs live in Earth.



First thing we have to do is investigate whether it true or not, I’m in trouble due to perfect bullying plan for SAMSUNG, after tender one's resignation at SAMSUNG electronics.


At any rate, I do not want to concern about it, because that is the person’s privacy. Now, I’d like to concern about the marriage fraud for 7 years.


LEE GUN HEE must be the malignance aliens as Reptilians or alliance secret dark circle such as freemason or Bilderberg group. Please trust me. Obviously, I have seen his identity as Reptilian who most of people believe it Dragon at July 2008.


At that time, I saw the frenzied reptilian’s illusion or Dragon at PC room, of course, through spiritual eyes can be seeing it, not the physical eyes. Also, I have seen it as more cleanness form at Apr 2009. It was a terrible reptilian’s form. Please imagine the predator’s movie. They are almost same as form of the predator’s movie.


As you know, LEE GUN HEE holding himself responsible for the accident, he indicated his desire to resign at July 2008. The root cause originated from the marriage events, even though the accidents explained for evading taxes outwardly.


The bad lies can ruin people's relationships and create problems.


That is the reason why I am in severe trouble for 7 years, LEE GUN HEE want to kill me using unknown dark skills. You never imagine it how feel a strongest pain.


I never know unknown technologies until then how to put the person into strongest pain or make an attempt on the person’s life without proof evidence. Therefore, I know the LEE GUN HEE & SAMSUNG’s Core identity very well now. They must be the malignance aliens as it called Reptilians who originated from ORION or other unknown planets, even though I’m not certain it.


I remember it as well if it had happened yesterday. You never endure terrible torture same as it, I affirm it to be a fact. Today, I know it how to make the invisible torture and attempt on the person’s life.


I suppose that the most of human cannot endure same as the terrible pain & attempt human’s life dark skills, also, it is the top secret.


In addition, their technic explained by hit the ether body. Especially, one of the strongest attack’s skills are explained by hitting from bottom to top for Human’s skull. Of course, it means that ether skull.


Your soul can be out of body, if it can be get the person a fatal blow.


I’m in the tortures of hell for 7 years, especially, It is beyond all description from July 2008 to Apr 2009.



They have adapted new strategies to deceive me, as if it seems to be the world for me. Of course, I never get a chance what I want actually. It is the just only useless mirages and same as it for the past 7 years.


The reason why is as it called the worst of worst skillful fire foxes for them.


To do temp me tomake bad judgments, those skillful foxes try to do everything.  


I heard that the fire foxes says; the reason why you cannot achieve the goals is that the most of women have a quarrel with each other to get a marriage with you. Above mentioned is just one of the examples. Of course, only if they've got a thing for me. Why I called the fire foxes for them?


Please refer to so many political issues, for example, Noriega's regime was corrupt, brutal, authoritarian, but President Reagan and Vice-President Bush had overlooked this because Noriega was useful to the United States.


LEE MYUNG BAK knows it very well, but he had overlooked the marriage fraud because it was useful to the president such as a diplomatic relations, improves its national image, make ill gained and so on.


I think LEE GUN HEE & LEE MYUNG BAK would like me to deal with a squeezed orange and then it seems like that they are achieved the goals now.


If I’m useless for them as a results of divulge the true, they stared severe abuse of me; you are a beggar, you don’t know your place, you are so older man to get marriage, you should be shame for your school background, look at your small & tiny body,


The most of core person in charge of the marriage fraud must be the worst of worst villains; maybe their spiritual level is under animals. The reason why that I called them as mad dogs. Do you agree with in my opinion?


Be sure to remember it that the physical body is just clothing for human’s soul.


Did you know what the major points for controlling human’s destiny?   


I think the point is that human’s destinies already have a fix before a birth. The advanced aliens called it as programmed life.


In other words, human’s spiritual level is a low-grade class compare with advanced aliens. Most of human are inferior and bad due to selfish & greedy, and ignorance. In addition, the malignance aliens or devil’s power controls most of powerful human.


I hope; our world change the higher than the past. We have to aimed to build up the Utopia world.


At any rate, human can be so much affected their physical body, general people does not know the facts regards as human’s destiny.


I‘d like to regards it as get the person gift or a curse from astral plane. SSIPAL.


I have become as a different values compare with older time through the marriage fraud, even though, he get a chance to obtain the spiritual valuables through severe trouble.


Do you remember why the Buddha tries to explain the emancipation?


I’d like to discuss the issues for human’s destiny later.


Most of master says; human’s life is in a state of spiritual darkness. They do not know that they are not human as having physical body.


What do you think about it? Are you able to distinguish yourself whether the physical body or spiritual being.


Can you explain the sexual desire whether originated from physical body or at any rate yourself, your identity?


Physical body originates it. Unfortunately, Physical body is not your real identity

Can you explain your identity or true for yourself? If you can change the physical body as woman or man, you should be changing your values for the human’s world. I regard the physical body as human’s soul, soul is not spiritual essence.


글을 적고 있는데도, 계속 구타 당하는 느낌, 욕설을 퍼붓고 조롱하는 느낌이 들어 온다. 이는 2008년7월부터 있었던 일들인데, 이건희 일당이 에테르 아바타들을 동원하여, 에테르 레벨에서 사람을 두들겨 패고, 고문하고, 죽이는 수법의 일종이다. 에테르 아바타를 보내서, 사람 행세를 하며, 욕설을 퍼붓고, 두들겨 패는 악행을 자행한다는 말이다. 사람 눈에 안 보이는데, 이는 이것들이 에테르 밀도 수준에서 움직이기 때문이다.


I would like to say that astral plane is same as human’s level, if the astral plane have higher spiritual level, human’s society must be more advanced & fairness, richness, better live than the past, and then it can be more approached the utopia world.


I really don’t want to blame another people; nevertheless they are not allowing it.



They never finish the marriage fraud for 7 years. Please refer to below photograph.


Those pictures are captured by KBS1 9 News and reporter says;

To provide for your old age, you’d better receive a pension rather than payment in a lump sum.

LEE GUN HEE & cooperators as skillful fire foxes had been insisting on above it last 7 years continuously. There are two main reasons that one is maintain controlling me as ruler’s position, the others is that they wish to keep going to do the marriage fraud by using Ether AVATAR, and so they want to gain more time about 5 years after this.


They must be the worst skillful fire FOXES.


Be sure to remember their strategies for Ether AVATAR. For example, they can be deceive people as if get me the money by using Ether AVATAR, even though they never get the money for me.


Be sure to remember that the Ether AVATAR looks like the original person!!!!!!


At present, I had moved into another region such as ether density as it called MATRIX by them, because that they want to change my appearance to do ether technologies to do evasion of responsibility and cheating the people. Also, they’d like to remove me without the proof evidence.



Probably, I guess that they will attempt to replace it the Ether AVATAR to do keep going the marriage fraud under deceiving the people for a long long time.



Also, they work out a cunning scheme as move the smallest ether avatar to another person to do deceive me & another people.


They’d like to regards me as another person to cheat relating people as the skillful lie, even though I’m who I’m still. Sometimes I guess how to deceive me & another people that it is just only creating illusions from ether density. In other words, that must be the skillful trick. LEE GUN HEE must be the worst of worst villains.





Obviously, I had been gotten all of updates for windows 7 yesterday, Nevertheless, I see unfinished updates message on the screen.


What is worse, as you can see the photograph, I can find out double message as all of the cheating, another message says “completed all of updates”. Do you understand this situation?


Message for uncompleted 5 updates


Message for completed all of updates.

Please refer to time of photograph. I think that those phenomenon are happened by highest hacker




They are used to crowd showered abuse on me, whenever I written for marriage fraud.


Yesterday evening & todays before the dawn, someone put me in the severe abuse & violence state, in case of written about marriage fraud, it should be happen.


What is worse, they get strong violence & threat to me continuously by using Ether Avatar. I heard that threaten me with death, if you’d like to keep going write it.


They want to force me into doing silence by using threat & violence. Also, they are trying to evade the responsibility by saying skillful lies, such as useless lip service without apologize & compensation. They always get through difficult situations by saying what is expected of them.


It seems like that they want to maintain the marriage fraud after this.


I have already heard that they say; we’d like to more operate it 5 years at least.


In other words, to do keep going the AVATAR cheating, they would like to evade the responsibility as using skillful lies under the pretense that does not concern me at all.


At the same time, put me into severe abuse & violence of me, I’m taken to their secret place whatever I think or imagine about something by using Ether Avatar. I suppose that they’d like to using person’s lust, I am unable to getting the chance to make a sexual relationship, because of the skillful disturbing make girlfriend.


To snatch my conscious to Ether AVATAR, First; temp me to do having sexual imagination or seeing the photograph or adults movies, put me into starve sexual desire by using skillful disturbing make girlfriend.


As you know, I’m in severe trouble last 7 years due to LEE GUN HEE. And so, it was impossible to me that got a chance to make sexual relationships with women.


I have confidence to their identity as reptilians or dark circle, and they are able to make slave targeting person by using those ways, as it called Ether AVATAR sex or virtual sex. This ways can be snatched person’s soul and take it to unknown place.


As a result of those activities, they can be put the person who loss of self into slave state for them. Be careful it!


I think; they are aimed that despair drive me to commit suicide or temp me to go the limit, those activities that taken me all the forms of impoverishment can be put me into self-abandoned.


It is impossible to me that having lives a life worthy of a human being for 7 years.


I guess, to do cheating people, LEE GUN HEE had been made the Ether AVATAR which was copied from me, and then he may be insisting on the real person it.


Obviously, Ether AVATAR must bein existence, because that I have seen it several times. For example, I have seen it that someone comes into view at closed place suddenly. I have so much experience to observe showing up unidentified girl or men at inner convenience store suddenly, even though nobody comes in the store, when I worked at convenience store.


It must be the AVATAR which is copied from original person. They looks like to have no self-consciousness and unable to see how matters stand, because that AVATAR have no self-consciousness or have no remember theirs identity.


Please investigate the AVATAR crimes by using AVATAR of mine, even though I’m not certain whether it’s true or not. I have so many experiences to put me in insult & abuse, violence, ridicule state by someonelast 7 years.


I felt it indirectly, even though it is not certain.


They must be using Ether AVATAR, if it is true.


Please remember it, Ether AVATAR looks like the real person. I guess; LEE GUN HEE & LEE MYUNG BAK can be achieving the great success using those ways to do AVATAR’s sex or virtual sex with another people.


Also, maybe they are able to snatch the person’s soul as ether body’s form to do threat or kill them without proof evidence. There must be hidden strategies to do control the country. It is the LEE GUN HEE.


Besides, I doubt that they’d like to keep going the marriage fraud by using this ways. Because it is the golden goose for them.


Never care for me it.

















진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

Devil's Empire,SAMSUNG/사람바꿔치기,공수표 남발하기




I really don’t want to blame another people; nevertheless they are not allowing it.



They never finish the marriage fraud for 7 years. Please refer to below photograph.


Those pictures are captured by KBS1 9 News and reporter says;

To provide for your old age, you’d better receive a pension rather than payment in a lump sum.

LEE GUN HEE & cooperators as skillful fire foxes had been insisting on above it last 7 years continuously. There are two main reasons that one is maintain controlling me as ruler’s position, the others is that they wish to keep going to do the marriage fraud by using Ether AVATAR, and so they want to gain more time about 5 years after this.


They must be the worst skillful fire FOXES.


Be sure to remember their strategies for Ether AVATAR. For example, they can be deceive people as if get me the money by using Ether AVATAR, even though they never get the money for me.


Be sure to remember that the Ether AVATAR looks like the original person!!!!!!


At present, I had moved into another region such as ether density as it called MATRIX by them, because that they want to change my appearance to do ether technologies to do evasion of responsibility and cheating the people. Also, they’d like to remove me without the proof evidence.


Probably, I guess that they will attempt to replace it the Ether AVATAR to do keep going the marriage fraud under deceiving the people for a long long time.



Also, they work out a cunning scheme as move the smallest ether avatar to another person to do deceive me & another people.


They’d like to regards me as another person to cheat relating people as the skillful lie, even though I’m who I’m still. Sometimes I guess how to deceive me & another people that it is just only creating illusions from ether density. In other words, that must be the skillful trick. LEE GUN HEE must be the worst of worst villains.





Obviously, I had been gotten all of updates for windows 7 yesterday, Nevertheless, I see unfinished updates message on the screen.


What is worse, as you can see the photograph, I can find out double message as all of the cheating, another message says “completed all of updates”. Do you understand this situation?


Message for uncompleted 5 updates


Message for completed all of updates.

Please refer to time of photograph. I think that those phenomenon are happened by highest hacker




They are used to crowd showered abuse on me, whenever I written for marriage fraud.


Yesterday evening & todays before the dawn, someone put me in the severe abuse & violence state, in case of written about marriage fraud, it should be happen.


What is worse, they get strong violence & threat to me continuously by using Ether Avatar. I heard that threaten me with death, if you’d like to keep going write it.


They want to force me into doing silence by using threat & violence. Also, they are trying to evade the responsibility by saying skillful lies, such as useless lip service without apologize & compensation. They always get through difficult situations by saying what is expected of them.


It seems like that they want to maintain the marriage fraud after this.


I have already heard that they say; we’d like to more operate it 5 years at least.


In other words, to do keep going the AVATAR cheating, they would like to evade the responsibility as using skillful lies under the pretense that does not concern me at all.


At the same time, put me into severe abuse & violence of me, I’m taken to their secret place whatever I think or imagine about something by using Ether Avatar. I suppose that they’d like to using person’s lust, I am unable to getting the chance to make a sexual relationship, because of the skillful disturbing make girlfriend.


To snatch my conscious to Ether AVATAR, First; temp me to do having sexual imagination or seeing the photograph or adults movies, put me into starve sexual desire by using skillful disturbing make girlfriend.


As you know, I’m in severe trouble last 7 years due to LEE GUN HEE. And so, it was impossible to me that got a chance to make sexual relationships with women.


I have confidence to their identity as reptilians or dark circle, and they are able to make slave targeting person by using those ways, as it called Ether AVATAR sex or virtual sex. This ways can be snatched person’s soul and take it to unknown place.


As a result of those activities, they can be put the person who loss of self into slave state for them. Be careful it!


I think; they are aimed that despair drive me to commit suicide or temp me to go the limit, those activities that taken me all the forms of impoverishment can be put me into self-abandoned.


It is impossible to me that having lives a life worthy of a human being for 7 years.


I guess, to do cheating people, LEE GUN HEE had been made the Ether AVATAR which was copied from me, and then he may be insisting on the real person it.


Obviously, Ether AVATAR must bein existence, because that I have seen it several times. For example, I have seen it that someone comes into view at closed place suddenly. I have so much experience to observe showing up unidentified girl or men at inner convenience store suddenly, even though nobody comes in the store, when I worked at convenience store.


It must be the AVATAR which is copied from original person. They looks like to have no self-consciousness and unable to see how matters stand, because that AVATAR have no self-consciousness or have no remember theirs identity.


Please investigate the AVATAR crimes by using AVATAR of mine, even though I’m not certain whether it’s true or not. I have so many experiences to put me in insult & abuse, violence, ridicule state by someonelast 7 years.


I felt it indirectly, even though it is not certain.


They must be using Ether AVATAR, if it is true.


Please remember it, Ether AVATAR looks like the real person. I guess; LEE GUN HEE & LEE MYUNG BAK can be achieving the great success using those ways to do AVATAR’s sex or virtual sex with another people.


Also, maybe they are able to snatch the person’s soul as ether body’s form to do threat or kill them without proof evidence. There must be hidden strategies to do control the country. It is the LEE GUN HEE.


Besides, I doubt that they’d like to keep going the marriage fraud by using this ways. Because it is the golden goose for them.


Never care for me it.





























진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

Devil's Empire,SAMSUNG/Endless cheating game, 그 진실들




I feel that they pretty like to enjoy to organized mocked me by mobilized crowd, when I go outside. It must be that they had been so much underestimating me since 2003. (SAMSUNG & LEE’s Administration)


Besides, they have a related with unknown dark backgrounds as malignance aliens or dark occults to get hidden super power, that’s the reason why going to worse for me.


Look at the photograph, you can be notice how to do their skillful disturbing & ridicule for me.


You can see that some woman meet to man, I saw her at walkerhill hotel yesterday. They would like to regard it as propose to make girlfriend whether have a mind to do it or not, if some woman show up to me at once. Of course, I never have known the woman. Sometimes, it seems to that they may be a little bit craze people. Of course, it is the strategies for them to deceive relating people and ridicule to me.


I observe that she extend the glad hand of welcome to a man who walked right behind her, when I saw a woman at huehyun-station subway line 4 at the same time. Also, this way is one of the best tools to ridicule for me; I had seen it last 7 years continuously. I estimate there are over 2,200 women. Ooooops~~~


Also, some man make a phone call walking besides me,


“Would you visit there today evening? She is call girl at Hwayangri”


Hwayangri means that it is one of the representative pleasure area nearby Geon-Guk University in Seoul city, if you want to make sexual relationship by money, you had better go there. It is ridicule for me, also.


All of the activities around me are happened under perfect organized plan by them. There are no an accident.


It can be achieve the goals by their special abilities such as seeing through person’s future, reading person’s mind.


Please let me know how to they know where I go, nevertheless, I never advise it.


People should be view it with suspicious eyes. How? Besides, I’m not work at company, and so I have not regular life schedule. Do you understand?


Please doubt of it. It is impossible to do it, if they were human. I think, it can be achieve the goals, in case of human’s soul or aliens, and master level of super human. 이해가 되니? As I know, most of people have the special abilities as it called ESP or telepathy at ATLANTIS civilization long long time ago. But, now is not Atlantis, are you ok?  


Also, most of advanced aliens & a few special human can be achieve it.

But, it is impossible thing to do it most of human.


Please doubt of it; also investigate SAMSUNG’s core identity. Stop the unfair game, right now!


Also, human’s soul have the abilities such as reading person’s intention, predict person’s future. As you know, a few shamans can be predict person’s future in altered state of consciousness, because of AID from soul(靈).



A burly older man glance at me threateningly, during I seated at DAE HAN Theater. He looks like a gangster boss. Also, older cleaner show up to me as it’s the traditional tools to ridicule for me.




Put out of order for escalator at Youngsan Electronics markets.

Maybe SABUK or Jeongseon City people.

Maybe SABUK or Jeongseon City people. They deliver relating people to bullying for me, if I written specific subject. 





I observe that she extend the glad hand of welcome to a man who walked right behind her, when I saw a woman at huehyun-station subway line 4 at the same time. Also, this way is one of the best tools to ridicule for me; I had seen it last 7 years continuously. I estimate there are over 2,200 women. Ooooops~~~


Also, some man make a phone call walking besides me, “Would you visit there today evening? She is call girl at Hwayangri”


Hwayangri means that it is one of the representative pleasure area nearby Geon-Guk University in Seoul city, if you want to make sexual relationship by money, you had better go there. It is ridicule for me, also.


All of the activities around me are happened under perfect organized plan by them. There are no an accident.


It can be achieve the goals by their special abilities such as seeing through person’s future, reading person’s mind.


Please let me know how to they know where I go, nevertheless, I never advise it.


Please refer to attached photograph.







How vexatious!

I can see most of mobilized people whose assume a haughty attitude. Because that LEE GUN HEE, LEE MYUNG BAK pretty like to regards it as grateful favor. Are you really? hm hhhhh.




I had been receiving a suggestion from SAMSUNG, LEE GUN HEE as if I became all of people, in other words, it means that you are becoming change other person now, you aren’t being there. Of course, it is perfect lie to deceive me.


It is just AVATAR or skillful connected AVATAR. Please never trust them.


As you know, they can be created double realities as it called MATRIX or illusions by using Ether skills. Total Recall means that you will remember another life as AVATAR, because that you are everyone in this world. Is it true? Please let me know it.


According to their mention, everyone is ether AVATAR in this world, is it true?





A burly older man glance at me threateningly, during I seated at DAE HAN Theater. He looks like a gangster boss. Also, older cleaner show up to me as it’s the traditional tools to ridicule for me. (안경 쓴 노친네는 아닙니다)


Damo tour means that you have so much sexual relationships with women, and so we’d like the women to tour somewhere together. A sexual relationship means Ether AVATAR’s sex, not physical body’s sex.


I heard that they can be achieved a great work by using this ways, to do make sexual relationships over 20,000 women. Nevertheless, I’m all alone last 7 years.









A message of encouragement from LEE GUN HEE. There are no an accident, Be sure to remember it.



Korean language “BAR” means that we allow you to do seeing the porno movies, even though we can’t allow you to do make a sexual relationship with women actually.


And so, would you like to go Adults Theater today evening? This is the LEE MYUNG BAK & LEE GUN HEE’s personality last 7 years.




It must be mobilized people by them, they had been kept going act in bad faith last 7 years repeatedly. Why? I think the reason why is AVATAR cheating, please let all of the world know this facts.






















Two western women who’s a strong physique walking along the MYUNG-DONG street. I guess it is ridicule for me also.


Two western women show up to me twice at MYUNG-DONG, it means that you should be feel shame to do make girlfriend with small and tiny physical body.


Obviously, it must never be good will.


They want to put me to shame as revengeful act that I try to divulge the marriage crime secret continuously. They are despicable persons.


I feel that someone give me a shower of blows, it is terrible experience.


It is the revengeful act by using ether AVATAR.























더블클릭을 하시면 이미지를 수정할 수 있습니다


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

Devil's Empire,SAMSUNG/강원랜드에 나타난 조폭들





Also I have seen the woman who meet boyfriend at line 2 subway, and I remember her that I saw the woman at walkerhill hotel yesterday.


One of the best ways to skillful disturbing make achieve the goals is going together with boyfriend or disguised as boyfriend in front of me. LEE GUN HEE, LEE MYUNG BAK pretty likes to do this ways to cheating people and ridicule to me. What do you think about this ways? If you were me, can you make a proposal to make romantic relationship with the woman in those situation?


That’s the reason why I called them as mad dogs! KAE SAE KKI 들이다.


Be sure to finish these dirty games.


Also, be sure to apology and give me promised money to do compensate last 7 years lost.


If you want to keep going this game, you must be placed miserable accidents in future. I don’t want to semi slave life no more.



Today, I visited the Gangwonland casino nearby at SABUK, Gangwon-province to investigate casino industries in South-Korea 4. Aug. 2012.


Nevertheless, I ‘m in trouble to organized bullying by them, because that they didn’t like that I divulge their marriage fraud secret continuously.


As you know, to organize bullying for me, mobilizing LEE’s camp or SAMSUNG’s people enclosed with me perfectly, whenever I go to everywhere.


Probably, most of the tourists who seated in express bus to SABUK and around at Gangwonland must be the mobilizing people. please refer to attached photograph.



I ask for staffs for the resting place how much this one, when the express bus stop at a resting place. She never makes no answer to me and sees another place.

Also, I can see suspicious older man standing around her, maybe LEE’s or SAMSUNG’s people.








What is worse, I realize the ice cream melt away, after purchase it.


It must be the organize bullying by them; they are able to seeing through human’s expectation activities in future by using special abilities or perfect watching system.


In other words, they seems to have seen through my plans and thinking, how?


Besides, I feel an uncomfortable atmosphere at SABUK City, when I arrive at GOHAN bus terminal. I can see several guys who look like gangsters around bus terminal & GANGWONLAND casino and notice skillful double packed situation as disguised good will  





At first appearance, they look like having good will for me, but they must be bear ill will actually to threat & bullying for me.


The point is that they want to skillful deceive relating people as if they give me the grateful favor to achieve the goals for me. That’s the reason why I had been living alone & fail to achieve the goals.


Please look at attached photograph and analyze it. You can find out mobilized people who related SAMSUNG or LEE’s camp under pretext the marriage fraud.


I guess they had been luring so many foreigners under pretext the marriage fraud in South Korea to do take ill-gains last 7 years. And so, I estimate the number of foreigner around 4 million by 2012.


It seems like that they want to most of people considering as if smile and be nice to me outwardly, nevertheless, in case of invisible area, they pretty like put me in severe trouble by using invisible skillful tools such as put me in poorest, isolating everyone, organized bullying to me actually.  


That’s the reason why I called the fire fox for them.


During trip in express bus, I heard twice that someone extremely abuse to me, “KAE SAE KKI ya” “SSIPAL Nohm” when I’m in just-off state. As you know, they are used to several skillful skills using ether AVATAR or mind control technology to bullying targeting person.


They can be achieving the goals, if they make success someone to out of body state by using hypnosis or mind control technology. Be careful it.


Also, it seems like that GANGWONLAND is filled up suspicious people who look like mobilized people by SAMSUNG or LEE’s camp, look at attached photograph.


I guess, so many Asian foreigner who disguised as Korean form is placed along the forecasting route for me, most of them may be place there under pretext the marriage project. How do you think about it? Please investigate this issue.


As I know, most of Asian foreigner may be start studying for Korean language by LEE GUN HEE’s perfect cheating plan since 2007. Also, so many Asian foreigners come in South Korea under pretext marriage fraud since 2007, and that’s the real goals for them.  


What’s the reason why they are skillful disturbing make girlfriend for me continuously? They have the just only pointing how to use AVATAR’s cheating to deceive relating people, how to make ill-gains for them.


It is impossible to me that I take a dinner at Gangwonland because of so many people standing by restaurants. Please refer to attached photograph. It is very strange thing for me that it never happen accidents, if the normal state. There are so many bullying tools for me, and I know there are skills very well through severe experience last 10 years. It is SAMSUNG Group or someone?


As you know, most of people want to receive courteously, me too. Nevertheless, I never get the courteously another people or another place because of SAMSUNG’s bullying activities last 10 years.


They pretty like look down on me last 10 years as jake flake because of lower school background, smallness physical body, and poor family background.


The critical point is that I stand against great SAMSUNG Group affectedly, because that I had been taken legal step against SAMSUNG’s core due to abuse of human rights by legally proceed since 2003. As a results of accuse for SAMSUNG, it was started as bring down ruin upon my life since 2003. There are no competitors against SAMSUNG Group in South Korea at least.



Today, I’m in severe trouble for 7 years and descend into hell, because of devil’s empire, SAMSUNG’s perfect conspiracy.



I have confidence to SAMSUNG’s core identity as reptilians or unknown devil’s people who has so many special abilities. I guess the malignance aliens or Satan’s family.


Please trust me.

















진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

Devil's Empire,SAMSUNG/카사노바와 7년 홀애비



I have confidence to their identity that it is called the malignance aliens, obviously, I witness it.



Today, I heard that someone says, “You can see the Prime Minister at front seat” at subway 2 line PM 5:55, 2 Aug 2012.


유명인사, 높은 고위공직자 들을 동원해서, 띄워주는 척 하는 수법이다. 7년 간 반복해 온 이건희의 기본 전략이기도 하다. 문제는 내 앞에 무수하게 많은 유명인사, 상류층 인사들 및 연예인, 아나운서들이 나타나고 사라져 갔지만, 단 한명도 내가 필요로 하는 친절과 도움을 베푼 자가 없다는 것이다. 할말이 없게 되면, 두 가지 전략이 병행된다. 조폭 보내서 협박하고, 건수 잡아 구속하려고 광분하는 것, 그리고 높은 사람 보내고, 연예인 보내고, 초절정 미녀 보내며, 띄워 주는 것이다. 이게7년을 반복했다. 나는 지옥에 빠져서 나갈 길을 찾지 못하고 있는 사람이 되고 말았다.(이건희의 기본 전략은, 실질적 얻음, 실질적인 혜택, 실질적인 보상은 안 주겠다는 것이다. 그리고 이용만 해 먹으려 들고, 이게 안 되면 죽이겠다는 것이다)


이게 이 악독한 파충류 놈들의 세상 속이는 전략이다. 믿으라. 이 개만도 못한 것들은 파충류로 알려진 악성 외계종 놈들이다! 언젠가 당신들도 내 주장을 믿을 날이 올 것이다.



I have seen so many famous people showing up related with the marriage fraud last 7 years. I would have to say that don't do anything I wouldn't do.


Let me know the human society’s truth through severe experience for the LEE’s project. Nowadays, I know it very well, they are good teacher to me.  


LEE GUN HEE & SAMSUNG core’s represents all of the immorality. It seems like that the worst immorality become their symbolic mark.


LEE GUN HEE must be an expert to play a trick; I think he is the BEST OF BEST!


LEE GUN HEE & cooperatorsmust be an acknowledged authority on the subject such as play a trick, deceive, ""two-track"" strategy, double personality, skillful lie, camouflage and so on, all of the immorality.


It is the basic strategiesfor them that they are used to showing up great mirages such as famous people, powerful people, beautiful actresses, expensive foreign cars to me in order to put me up to be hallucinated as mistake for great person.


사람의 순진성, 소박성, 단순성을 간파하여, 교활한 술수로 속이며, 자신이 처한 비참한 현실을 제대로 인지하지 못하게 하고, 헛된 신기루, 환상에 속아 반 폐인이 되어, 노예상태로, 이용해 처 먹으려고 이러한 조직적 속임수를 전개한 것이다.


The reason why they want to put me into so deep illusions, because that it is impossible to realize that I’m in poorest and most abject person.


In other words, it was part of a psychological warfare campaign to deceive me and force me into useful semi-slave for endless marriage fraud.  


오랜 기간, 노예상태로 묶어 놓고, 아바타를 만들고, 최면, 환각으로 뭇 세상 사람들을 속이며, 자신들의 이득과 재미를 얻고자 하는 것이 목적이었으므로, 실제 내가 약속된 이익을 얻고자 하면, 악착같이 방해하고, 짓밟아 죽인 것이다. 내가 들은 정보는, 이 악마들이 만든 아바타들이 무려2만명이 넘는 여자와 관계했다는 것이다. 세계 정복의 야망을 품고 온 흉악한 외계종들이라는 추론이 드는 이유다.


이게 왜 중요한가? 이러한 가상섹스, 아바타 섹스를 통해서, 인간의 혼을 육체에서 끄집어 내어, 노예로 만들 수 있기 때문이다. (중요) 세계 각국 지도자들을 대상으로 가장 먼저 이러한 악행을 자행했을 것으로 예상된다.


They are used to put me up to highest level, if they've got a thing for me. Nevertheless, they ridicule to me “though only a beggar” “you don’t know your place” and let me under all of the organized bullying activities, if I’m done with them. I think it looks like the terrible hell’s people.


지옥의 악령들을 보는 기분이다. 이용가치가 있으면 띄워주는 척 하고, 이용가치가 없으면 가차없이 밟아 죽인다.이는 인간 세계에서도, 보기 드문 정도로 심하게 행동하는 바, 마치 지옥에 잡혀와 있는 느낌이 들 정도다. 그래서 나는 이건희, 이명박이가 악마 혹은 파충류 놈들이라고 주장하는 것이다. 지옥 같은 세계에서 온 악마 같은 놈들이다.


But, I never got what I want. All of their proposal must be skillful cheating to me and relating people.


They want to be, I’m in semi-slave that has an endless empty hope to do achieve the goals after a short while. I think the reptilians or malignance aliens must be behind them to do adjust it. At any rate, they have no good will.


.And so, I continued my dogged attempt to expose the corrupt politician & hidden dark power in society.


All my efforts were useless for marriage fraud last 7 years, why?


If they have a good will, it can be finish more easily. It is not difficult to make girlfriend, the only except for me. Why?


천하의KAE 만도 못한Nom들이 이명박, 이건희이며, 대가를 반드시 치를 날이 올 것이다. 여자 사귀는 문제는 어려운 문제가 아니다. 개인적으로 사귄다고 해도, 2,200명에게 시도할 정도로 노력한다면, 분명히 사귈 수 있는 문제다. 이게 상식이다. 그러나 사귈 수 없었다. 왜?


반면, 나는 연예인, 아나운서들이 재벌2세 귀공자나 고위공직자, 재벌회장 들과 질퍽하게 놀아나는 장면을 “백일몽 속에서 본 듯 하다” 그리고 그건 관행이었다. 그들만이 아니다. 수많은 일반 가정집 여자들도, 쉴새 없이 놀아나고 있는 꼴을 나는 무수하게 목격한 것 같다.(물론 명석몽, 백일몽 속에서다)


인간의 일이란, 알 수 없다. 심지어는 부모도 모른다. 여자는 다만 내게 있어서만 어려운 존재가 되었는데, 이는 결국 이 자들이 이용해 처 먹으려고 하는 음흉한 흉계를 가졌기 때문이며, 사회적인 편견 때문이기도 하다. 어느 것이 문제이든, 주된 원흉은 삼성과 이건희이며, 배후의 파충류 악마들이다.


세계인구의 절반인30억이 여자다. 여자 하나 구하려고 맘 먹으면, 세상 어디를 가도 구할 수 없겠는가? 문제는 돈이다. 이게 문제지 다른 건 문제될 것이 전혀 없다. 그럼에도 불구하고, 되지도 않는 여자 구하라고7년을 노예로 묶어 놓고, 온갖 조롱과 박해를 가하며, 이용해 처 먹은 놈들이 이명박, 이건희 무리다.


나를 이용해서 얻은 이득은 상상을 초월할 것으로 예측된다. 지구의 절반을 처 먹었다는 정보도 입수될 정도다. 지구를 다 처 먹고 나면, 은하계로 나갈 수 있다. 이 개들이 더 지x하기 전에 막아야 한다. 분명하게 말하지만, 이 악마들은 인간들이 아니다.


Do you remember it, I had been tried to make girlfriend over 2,200 women!

더블클릭을 하시면 이미지를 수정할 수 있습니다

Howmanywayscanyou enjoy with women? it is very easy, are you ok?

이 썩을 놈들아.

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

Devil's Empire SAMSUNG/회장님과 연예인들, 황제폐하와 시녀들



They says, “Forget it” without any apology & compensation, and what is worse, force me to do patriotism. 비열한Mad Dogs. 개만도 못한 지옥의 악귀들이다.


As I know, so many thieves who were disguised as me were made ill-gotten gains by using Ether AVATAR. In other words, I have women snatched away by them during be placed in MATRIX as a prison.


I guess, that have special abilities to make so many Ether AVATARs, as a results of their technologies, so many thieves can be disguised as me by Image manipulation’s skill.(이미지 조작 기법, 에테르 수준, 아스트랄 수준에서 영적인 에너지를 연결 복제하는 수법으로, 전혀 다른 놈인데도, 그 사람으로 느껴지게 하는 속임수를 의미한다. 중요하다.)


I heard that the thieves may be about 2 million ~ 3 million.


How to do achieve it? Most of people don’t know the facts as unknown secret world. It can be put the person into illusion to do mistake someone for another person, if they have special abilities to do skillful handling with ether density or astral density.


It is called the images reminiscent of techniques. As results of it, it is impossible to me that I have a sexual relationship with women or make girlfriend by original physical body for 7 years. It is put me into terrible hell. KAE SAE KKI, 처 죽일 놈들이다. 나는 이들이Reptilian(파충류 형태의 외계종들, 인간으로 위장)이라고 보고 있다. 이건희도 마찬가지다. 좀 의심해 보라.


Be sure to severe punishing the thieves, and make sure that return to normal state. Please investigate this issue and make sure to severe punishment for criminals  




As I know, it must be exist the special sex club which is included the famous entertainers as many famous celebrities and beautiful fashion models for highest upper classes over 0.1% in south korea.


나는 목격한 듯도 싶다. 대기업 회장이나 재벌2세 전용의 연예인, 모델, 아나운서 특별 섹스 클럽이다. 천국의 향연이 극비리에 과거부터 벌어지고 있었다. 그리고 그렇게 놀아나면서도, “나를 국가조직의 희생양으로 삼고, 7년 간 여자 한명을 얻지 못하게 만들고 거지 취급하며 조롱하고 죽이려 한 자들이 이명박, 이건희다”


또한 뒤로는 그렇게 추한 작태를 벌리고, 쾌락의 향연을 벌리면서도, 내 앞에만 나타나면, 요조숙녀 행세하며, 온갖 자존심을 만족시키고, 사람을 우습게 여긴 것들이 계집들이다. 조사해 보라. 모든 기록은 영계에 기록되어 있을 것이다. 너희들은 이 사건에 대해서 연대하여 두고 두고 책임을 져야 할 것이다.


사실 여자 하나 구하고 결혼하는 문제는 그렇게 어려운 문제가 아니다. 그런데 왜7년을 끌고 있을까? 우리는 당연한 의문을 가져야 하는데, 이로서 삼성 이건희가 얼마나 교활하고 악랄한 악당인지 미루어 짐작할 수 있으리라 믿는다.


We will be able to see some celebrities at the secret sex club for the Prince Imperial.


I realize through the LEE’s marriage events that our society discriminates against certain persons such as difference in social standing extremely.


It seems like that they are the gentle man regardless sexual desire or the superficial desire, but you can find out their dirty desire, if you investigate behind them.


I witness that someone who may be chairman for large enterprise give standing several famous actresses the money and play with finger at hers panty at unknown place, even though, I’m not certain whether it’s true or not. 재벌회장 앞에 여러 명의 유명 연예인 여자들이 서 있는 가운데, 돈을 주면서 팬티 만지고 애무하고 가지고 노는 광경이 목격된 듯 하다.(사실인지 아닌지는 모르겠다. 그러나 충분히 있을 수 있다고 보여지는 것이 한국 사회이고, 그게 관행이었다고 보여진다) 이렇게 놀면서도, 내게 한 명의 여자를 주는데, 무려7년이 걸리고도 안 되고 있는 이유는 무엇일까? 줄 의도가 없고, 이용해 처 먹고자 하는 의도 밖에 없다는 명백한 증거다.


Also, I witness several actresses or famous fashion models run into enthusiastic sex play with the Princes Imperial each other. 유명 연예인들과 모델, 아나운서들이 재벌2세, 회장들과 그룹섹스 하는 광경을 목격한 듯 하다.


It seems like that they are oral sex each other. Please imagine the sultan’s palace at Persia long long time ago. I guess they are used to hold pleasure banquet with famous actresses or fashion models occasionally. Of course, it is secret


Obviously, they must be draining the cup of pleasure to the dregs as an emperor. Also, they can be achieved it by the power and money. 인생의 모든 쾌락을 만끽하는 자들이다.


Nevertheless, it is impossible to methat I want to make girlfriend for marriage, just only one. I had been living alone without wife. KAE SAE KKI 들이라고 욕을 해도 이 자들은 할 말이 없는 자들이다. 이용해 먹으려고 그렇게 한 것이다.


반드시 대가를 치를 날이 올 것이다.


Yesterday, I heard that some middle aged man says,


“Why didn’t you try the women? Even though, we want to make girlfriend for you, because that it is the only ways to your success life.”


말로 표현할 수 없을 정도로 교활한 놈들입니다. 늘 이렇습니다. 7년입니다.


If I’m stay in give up, it seems like that they are more aggressive proposal as so much beautiful women showing up to me,


At the same time, they say “why didn’t you try the women?”


But, it is difficult to find out that’s favorite women and never show up to me, also, changed women or decrease the motivated women every day, if I have active mind to make girlfriend and attempt to the women. Do you understand?


It is the skillful disturbing method to delay this project, why?


LEE GUN HEE want to play with me as human’s instinct desire. He must be the worst villain. 이건희는 여자에 대한 인간의 기본욕망을 충족하지 못하게 만들어 놓고, 최악의 모욕과 수모, 고통을 주려고 일을 이렇게 하고 있다는 의미다.


그러나 적어도 겉으로는, 열심히 해 주려는 척 하고, 모르는 척 하고, 우린 아는 바가 없다고 잡아 떼는 수법이다. Nevertheless, it seems like that they are trying to achieve the goals at least outwardly. But it is just show to cheat people.


Besides, I suppose that they may be made the AVATAR which is copied from me to cheat other people. Also I guess that they may be announced it that another AVATAR of mine have already got a marriage with famous actress.


게다가 이 악당 놈들이, 나와 똑 같아 보이는 아바타 혹은 다른 사람을 고용하여, 내가 이미 유명 연예인과 결혼해서 살고 있다는 식으로 속이려 한다는 의혹이다. 그리고 여기에 있는 나는 이미 죽었다거나 빈껍데기인 가짜라는 식으로 속이려고 한다는 의문이다. 그리고는, 여자를 사귀지 못하게 만들고, 극한의 가난과 고통 속에서 살게 하는 것을 정당화 하는 구실로 삼는 교활함을 보이고 있다는 점이다.


그러나 나는 이미 보았다. 내가 이 자들이 만든 아바타 속으로 들어가자, 그 즉시 칼로 심장을 찔러 살해하는 광경이다. 진짜 나를 죽이고, 가짜 아바타를 세워 놓으려는 흉악한 파충류 놈들의 계략일 뿐이다. 절대로 속지 말라. 이게 이건희를 위장한 파충류 놈의 기본 계략입니다.


이들은 이 결혼 프로젝트를 악용하여, 세계의 절반을 점령했다는 정보가 내게 있다. 나의 아바타를 내세워서, 타인들로 하여금 자신들의 술수를 믿게 하고, 뒤통수를 치는 수법이다.절대로 속지 말라고 반복 경고해 둔다. 그래서 요 악마들이 계속 이 짓을 반복 자행하려고 난리를 치고 있다는 결론이다. 에테르로 된 우주선이 지구 상공에 떠 있다고 나는 보고 있다. 파충류들이다. 내 글을 읽어 보라. 내가 정신병자 같은가? 좀 믿어 보자.


But, it is just only the perfect deliberate lieto cheat people and world.


이들의 거짓에 속지 말 것을 경고해 둡니다. 나는 여배우와 결혼한 적이 없으며, 이들이 사용하는 주된 속임수가 바로 아바타를 이용한 이중 가상현실로 사람들을 속이는 것이라는 점을 강조해 둡니다. 즉 현실이 아니라, 가상현실입니다. 그리고 그 가상현실을 진짜로 착각하게 만드는 교묘한 속임수입니다.



사람 말소리가 들려오고, 사람 모습도 보입니다. 그러나 그들이 실제 사람은 아닙니다. 아바타들이죠. 무슨 말인지 알겠습니까? 내가 여기에 있지만, 가짜 아바타, 나를 복사한 다른 내가 돌아다닐 수 있다는 얘기입니다. 이 컨셉으로 계속 이 사기범죄를 반복 자행하는 겁니다. 그리고 모든 죄악을 내게 다 뒤집어 씌우는 수법입니다. 나는 항상 여기에 있지, 다른 곳에 간 적이 없으며, 만약 갔다고 해도, 내가 무엇을 하는지 전혀 모릅니다. 나는 그저 여기 앉아서 책을 보고 글을 적고, 밥을 먹고 혼자 삽니다. 이게 나죠. 나머지 다른 내가 있다면, 그건 거짓입니다.


그래서 나는7년간 여자와 섹스를 못했음에도, 이 악당들은 내가 수도 없이 많은 여자와 관계하고 결혼까지 했다는 식으로 속일 수 있는 것입니다. 악성 외계종들이라는 내 주장을 믿으시오. 인간들은 이런 짓을 할 수 없습니다.


As I know, they have special abilities to make AVATAR as looks like the human, please let me know the information, if you know it regards as mentioned.


Beware lest you lose the substance by grasping at the shadow.


I don't expect an image.


요새 국가 발전을 위한 몇가지 제안을 했더니, 그동안 나를 형편없는 놈으로 몰고 가던 짓을 더 할 수 없게 된 듯 싶다. 그러자 또 하는 소리가, 나보고 겸손하라는 개소리를 늘어 붓고 있다. 이게 이 교활한 불여우 이건희 일당의 교활함이다.













진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

Devil's Empire SAMSUNG/음탕마법,걸리면 10년 간다.




용산전자 상가에 갔을 때, 식당에서 들은 얘기입니다. 늘 이런 식으로 간접메시지를 전달합니다. 이게7년 입니다. 이명박, 이건희 씨입니다. 애국합시다.




Todays, I heard that two women & man who seated behind me at Korean restaurant nearby Youngsan electronics market PM 1:30 talking each other,


“We will give you money until 18 Aug”


“Could be identity theft”


“He has enough to live on, but there is no property for his name”

“He transferred property to his wife, all property is named his wife, he must be a thief”


“His wife is, nominally, the person in charge.”


“His wife & children is waiting to him”


“He has play a trick always”


Above mentioned, it is common tools that they want to message to me indirectly.


According to their talking about someone, they want to suggestion to me regards AVARTAR or other person as me. I think that they must be a liar.


I have confidence to being AVARTAR which is copied from original person, but AVATAR is not real person. Generally, the AVATAR is created transient person by special unknown abilities. Who is the person in charge his life?


Obviously, the AVARTAR must be being existed and I believe it because that I witness it several times. Nevertheless, it seems like the most of AVATAR have no self-consciousness. Be sure to remember it. It is the best way to cheat people, do you understand?


I anticipate it that they are talking about active support to me today. But, I remember that they had been cheating to me for 7 years continuously.


Maybe they want to keep going their cheating business, if they have not dramatic accident such as bullets of criticism by public opinions.


 안 되는 영어 억지로 적자, 시비걸고 조롱하기, 굳이 영어로 적는 이유는, 외국인들도 보라는 취지입니다. ㅎㅎㅎ



아이는 결국 학교를 중퇴했습니다. 여기가 학교랍니다. 그래서 내게 뭔가를 가르쳐 준답니다. 그게 아바타 섹스입니다. 자꾸 나오라고 합니다. 그래서 나가 보면, 두들겨 패고, 욕설 퍼붓고 난리가 아닙니다. 나쁜 놈들입니다. 이용해 먹으려고 그런 짓을 하면서도, 내게 뭘 가르쳐 준답니다. 그리고 그게 학교랍니다. 무슨 놈의 학교가 맨날 욕설이고 구타고, 엄한 사람을 패 죽이려고 눈깔을 부라리는 학교가 있단 말입니까? 이게 이명박, 이건희 씨의 교활한 술수, 속임수 입니다. 심리전이죠. 제가 학생이랍니다. 허허..



Your personal information can be misused for bad purposes by bad people.


이들은 인간들이 아니며, 흉악한 파충류형태의 외계종들입니다. 지금 결혼 사기극, 가상섹스, 아바타 사기범죄 수법으로, 수많은 사람들을 대상으로 증거없이 해코지하고, 잡아 가두고, 정신지배 당하는 노예로 만들고 있다는 추론입니다.


오늘 아침에도, 과거 여자들을 잠시 생각했더니 또 다시 가상섹스 느낌과 함께 아바타가 만들어지는 환각이 들어오고, 연이어, 흉악하게 욕설을 퍼붓고 위협을 가하는 사내 놈 목소리가 들려 옵니다. 계속 이런 식으로, 생각하는 것마다, 그물, 함정을 걸어 놓고, 아바타 속으로 유인한 후, 폭행을 가하고, 욕설을 퍼붓고, 해코지하려는 수법을 고수하고 있습니다. 그냥 생각만 해도, 자동으로 끌려 들어가게 만들어 놓았습니다. 아바타들을 이용한 폭행, 구타, 해코지 수법인데, 사람이 할 수 있는 일들이 아닙니다. 여자 생각만 했다 하면 그 즉시 섹스 느낌, 여자가 되는 느낌이 들어오고, 곧 이어 흉악한 사내놈 욕설이 퍼부어지고, 주먹질 ,발길질이 시작되는 형태입니다.


보나마나 요 흉악한 놈들이 만든 함정이죠. "생각만 해도, 걸려들게 만든 무서운 덫입니다" 이런 식으로 사람을 잡는 겁니다. 혼을 빼고 노예로 만드는 거죠. 여기에 내 아바타를 이용해 처 먹은 것입니다. 세계의 절반을 잡아 처 먹었다는 정보가 있습니다.



To capture my soul, they put me in other’s Sexual ecstasy continuously. It must be cheat people using ether avartar which was made in hell. It is not real fact. The virtual sex which is called sharing other’s sexual experience is a complete invention.


Those unmitigated villains was forbidden me have a sexual relationship for 7 years in order to put me in severe trouble. Also, they want to capture my soul through starve instinct desire more easily. What a mean dirty trick!It is the LEE GUN HEE & LEE MYUNG BAK.


They have special abilities to make slave for targeting human, as a results of their mind controlling, most of women had been refusing my proposal to make romantic relationship or friendship for 7 years. It was a very skillful disturbing tool, but most of people never understand it. But, I know it. You never understand, if you don’t know behind secret world’s truth.



That’s the reason why called animal for human by them. Most of human don’t know the truth due to ignorance. At the Atlantis civilization, most of people know it very well, but nowadays most of people don’t know it. Why? Why? Why?


Do you have question the reason why SAMSUNG Group’s prosperity? Um…ha ha ha ha….the only crime is the ignorance. Sex? Enjoyment? Pleasure? Heaven? Ha ha ha yeott cheo deu si oh. What is worse, human’s soul is ignorance too.


During 7 years, I was attempted to make girlfriend over 2,200 women, but I never make girlfriend. Why? I’m not stupid man. You know it very well. LEE GUN HEE & LEE MYUNG BAK must bego to hell after dead. 


To cheat people related marriage fraud event, the virtual sex or avatar’s sex cheating skill was developed by LEE GUN HEE since 2008. Please trust me.


I suppose that they had been captured so many people’s soul by using cheating tool and make a slave for 7 years. 사형에 처해야 한다. 죽여야 한다는 말이다. They pretty like to play it on a person. They are villains extremely. 대단히 비열한 자들이다. As I know, the same thing was occurred Atlantis civilization’s society by black occults as devil’s power. Please refer to bible’s prediction regards devil’s dragon, SATAN or bad reptilians. It is true. Please believe it. Devil’s power is exist really.


Besides, by using those cheating tools, LEE GUN HEE can be achieved going through USA’s upper classes society by using AVARTAR of mine. It is true! Please investigate it. He is the worst skillful villain in the human’s history. 나를 이용해서 미국상류사회까지 침투해 들어가는데 성공했다. 나는 이러한 메시지를 이미2008년 초에 받았다. 이들은 지금까지와는 전혀 다른 외계행성에서 온 악성 외계종들이라는 것이 내 추정이다. 속지 말라. 절대로 속지 말라. 파충류들이다. 인간으로 위장할 수 있다!


Also, I had been putting the worst poor by them, and so I can’t make a sexual relationship by money. I’m in severe trouble for 7 years. Cheo juk il kae sae ki들이이명박, 이건희입니다. 그러나 오늘 날 이들은 자신들이 가진 권력을 이용해서, 거꾸로 저를 감옥에 보내려 하고, 죽이려 하고 있습니다.


To do snatch soul or spirits from human, they used to unknown ether magic or mind controlling for human. Most of human doesn’t know the facts.


The virtual sex which was developed by LEE GUN HEE is aimed that it is make a slave for targeted human or out do all competitors through snatch the soul or spirits from human. Give the people sexual ecstasy is to capture human’s soul more easily. They must be malignance aliens or devil’s family.




The point is that bad reptilians want to get the human’s soul in order to make a slave. Nowadays, look at the world, LEE GUN HEE who was disguised human form can be achieved the goals by using AVATAR’s SEX.






더블클릭을 하시면 이미지를 수정할 수 있습니다

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

Devil's Empire SAMSUNG/걸리면 10년 음탕 천국, 죽여주는 섹스마법.



Your personal information can be misused for bad purposes by bad people.


To capture my soul, they put me in other’s Sexual ecstasy continuously. It must be cheat people using ether avartar which was made in hell. It is not real fact. The virtual sex which is called sharing other’s sexual experience is a complete invention.


Those unmitigated villains was forbidden me have a sexual relationship for 7 years in order to put me in severe trouble. Also, they want to capture my soul through starve instinct desire more easily. What a mean dirty trick!It is the LEE GUN HEE & LEE MYUNG BAK.


They have special abilities to make slave for targeting human, as a results of their mind controlling, most of women had been refusing my proposal to make romantic relationship or friendship for 7 years. It was a very skillful disturbing tool, but most of people never understand it. But, I know it. You never understand, if you don’t know behind secret world’s truth.



That’s the reason why called animal for human by them. Most of human don’t know the truth due to ignorance. At the Atlantis civilization, most of people know it very well, but nowadays most of people don’t know it. Why? Why? Why?


Do you have question the reason why SAMSUNG Group’s prosperity? Um…ha ha ha ha….the only crime is the ignorance. Sex? Enjoyment? Pleasure? Heaven? Ha ha ha yeott cheo deu si oh. What is worse, human’s soul is ignorance too.


During 7 years, I was attempted to make girlfriend over 2,200 women, but I never make girlfriend. Why? I’m not stupid man. You know it very well. LEE GUN HEE & LEE MYUNG BAK must bego to hell after dead. 


To cheat people related marriage fraud event, the virtual sex or avatar’s sex cheating skill was developed by LEE GUN HEE since 2008. Please trust me.


I suppose that they had been captured so many people’s soul by using cheating tool and make a slave for 7 years. 사형에 처해야 한다. 죽여야 한다는 말이다. They pretty like to play it on a person. They are villains extremely. 대단히 비열한 자들이다. As I know, the same thing was occurred Atlantis civilization’s society by black occults as devil’s power. Please refer to bible’s prediction regards devil’s dragon, SATAN or bad reptilians. It is true. Please believe it. Devil’s power is exist really.


Besides, by using those cheating tools, LEE GUN HEE can be achieved going through USA’s upper classes society by using AVARTAR of mine. It is true! Please investigate it. He is the worst skillful villain in the human’s history. 나를 이용해서 미국상류사회까지 침투해 들어가는데 성공했다. 나는 이러한 메시지를 이미2008년 초에 받았다. 이들은 지금까지와는 전혀 다른 외계행성에서 온 악성 외계종들이라는 것이 내 추정이다. 속지 말라. 절대로 속지 말라. 파충류들이다. 인간으로 위장할 수 있다!


Also, I had been putting the worst poor by them, and so I can’t make a sexual relationship by money. I’m in severe trouble for 7 years. Cheo juk il kae sae ki들이이명박, 이건희입니다. 그러나 오늘 날 이들은 자신들이 가진 권력을 이용해서, 거꾸로 저를 감옥에 보내려 하고, 죽이려 하고 있습니다.


To do snatch soul or spirits from human, they used to unknown ether magic or mind controlling for human. Most of human doesn’t know the facts.


The virtual sex which was developed by LEE GUN HEE is aimed that it is make a slave for targeted human or out do all competitors through snatch the soul or spirits from human. Give the people sexual ecstasy is to capture human’s soul more easily. They must be malignance aliens or devil’s family.




The point is that bad reptilians want to get the human’s soul in order to make a slave. Nowadays, look at the world, LEE GUN HEE who was disguised human form can be achieved the goals by using AVATAR’s SEX.






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