최근 글 목록
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- 2008년부터 달라지는 것
- 홍킹
- 2008
Sukie In The Graveyard
Sukie was the kid, she liked to hangout in the graveyard
She did brass rubbings, she learned you never had to press hard
When she finished hanging out she was all alone
She decided that she better check in at home
There was an awful row between her mum and dad
They said she hadn’t done this, she hadn’t done that
If she wanted to remain inside the family home
She’d have to tow the line, she’d have to give it a go
It didn’t suit Sukie
So she took her things and left
Sukie was the kid, she liked to hang out at the art school
She didn’t enrol, but she wiped the floor with all the arseholes
She took a bijou flat with the fraternity cat
She hid inside the attic of the sculpture building
She had a slut slave and his name was Dave
She said ‘Be my photo bitch and I’ll make you rich’
He didn’t believe her but the boy revered her
He got her meals and he got her a bed
He watched behind the screen and she started to undress
He never got far
Just lookin’ and playing guitar
Autumn hanging down all the trees are draped like chandeliers
Sukie saw the beauty but she wasn’t wet behind the ears
She had an A1 body and a face to match
She didn’t have money, she didn’t have cash
With the winter coming on, and the attic cold
She had to press her nose on the refectory wall
They served steamed puddings she went without
She had to pose for life for all the scholars of art
She didn’t feel funny, she didn’t feel bad
Peeling away everything she had
She had the grace of an eel, sleek and stark
As the shadows played tricks on the girl in the dark
Sukie was the kid, she liked to hangout in the graveyard
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관리 메뉴
쿠하하하. 이런 이런. 나의 새로운 글을 보지 못했던 모양이군. 정엽한테서 구했어. 전체적으로 공연에서 들었던 거랑 음악 분위기가 달라서 약간 실망하였으나, 여러 번 들으니 그런 대로 괜찮더라구. 어쨌든 정성이 갸륵하도다!! 고마워.부가 정보
관리 메뉴
그렇구나! 파일은 며칠 전에 구해 놨었는데, 당? 요즘엔 블로그에 글 올릴 겨를이 없네. 암튼 결초보은이라 생각해 줘~ 그나저나 여긴 한 밤중이지만 거긴 한 낮일텐데 연구(?)는 안하고 왜 또 불질이래..ㅋㅋ부가 정보
관리 메뉴
풀 묶느라고 고생 많았다. 쿠하하하.(정색하고) 왜 이러는 거지? 듀글래?
엄청 용량 큰 자료를 분석하느라고 하루 종일 컴 앞에서 빈둥거리고 있음. 가끔 논문 읽고 프로그램 오류 수정하고. 뭐 그런 거지. 넌 요즘 바쁜가보네?
부가 정보
관리 메뉴
오옷 벨앤세바스찬~~ 해석도 올려주면 좋겠구만~부가 정보
관리 메뉴
dlfjs duddjrk. 암튼 블로그에서 유행하는 인생에서 네가지 엮는거 형 넣었응께 간만에 포스팅 함 하3. 영어로 해도 되3부가 정보
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bat/ 앗.. 배트 선수치다닛.. 나쁘삼부가 정보
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블질은 백만년만에 한번하나부가 정보
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dm. durtl ghrzlddml wkfskscjrdlfks-부가 정보
관리 메뉴
홍킹. 근데 대단해. 저걸 해석했다니- ㅎㅎㅎ 역쉬~부가 정보