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Ecotopia의 추억

* 이 글은 개굴님의 [Ecotopia] 에 관련된 글입니다.



에코토피아에서 프로도가 가르쳐 주려던 노래 찾았음.

에코토피아의 빛나던 밤들과 좋은 친구들이 그리워진다.


강과 모래사장, 타는 모닥불, 기타, 콩가를 비롯한 악기들....

춤을 추는 사람들과 노래하는 사람들, 한쪽에서는 저글링의 불꽃이 돌아가고....

물론 바뜨릴 수 없는 술과 계속 올라오는 연기들...


그리고, 이 노래 너무 좋군.

에코토피아의 밤을 기억하게 해주는 노래같에...



play 버튼을 누르면 들으실 수 있어요.


ARTIST: Pat Humphries
TITLE: Swimming to the Other Side



Lyrics and Chords

[Capo 3]

We are living 'neath the great Big Dipper
We are washed by the very same rain
We are swimming in the stream together
Some in power and some in pain
We can worship this ground we walk on
Cherishing the beings that we live beside
Loving spirits will live forever
We're all swimming to the other side

/ G D / Em G / C G / Em D / 1st, 2nd, 3rd / CD G D /


I am alone, and I am searching
Hungering for answers in my time
I am balanced at the brink of wisdom
I'm impatient to receive a sign
I move forward with my senses open
Imperfection, it be my crime
In humility I will listen
We're all swimming to the other side




On this journey through thoughts and feelings
Binding intuition, my head, my heart
I am gathering the tools together
I'm preparing to do my part
All of those who have come before me
Band together and be my guide
Loving lessons that I will follow
We're all swimming to the other side




When we get there we'll discover
All of the gifts we've been given to share
Have been with us since life's beginning
And we never noticed they were there
We can balance at the brink of wisdom
Never recognizing that we've arrived
Loving spirits will live together
We're all swimming to the other side



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