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KTX 문제점
One of the matters for KTX is more uncomfortable seat than SAEMAUL Trains. I remember it that the past SAEMAUL express train installed on the best compostable & luxurious seat each train. Besides, most of facilities inner KTX are lagging behind & slightly outmoded state, even though getting on it need very expensive.
KTX Seat
실제 새마을 호 내부는 이보다 더 좋은데, 사진이 없어서 퍼와서 올립니다. 좌석도 월등히 좋습니다.
As far as I know, most of western people prefer to harder seat than eastern people.
In case of automobile, most of western people prefer to harder frame, but almost eastern people dislike it.
KTX have the uncomfortable seat due to introduce original TGV without any change for Korean people.
And then, the front and back seat space is narrower than the past train, and so feeling an oppressive atmosphere. Also, most of facilities going to outmode state for Super High Speed Trains unworthily, on the other hand, the charge is very expensive. Why?
I imagine the Lufthansa airplane from New York to Frankfurt.
철도청은 반성해야 합니다. 고가의 요금을 받는 초고속 열차의 좌석 및 내부 인테리어 등 제반 시설들이 과거 새마을 호만도 못한 현실을초래한 책임이 있습니다. 사진을 보십시오. 오히려 낡고 뒤떨어지고 안 좋아 보이는 객차 시설들입니다. 좌석도 그다지 럭셔리하지 못합니다. 그러나 속도가 빠르다는 이유로 요금만 비싸게 받습니다. 새마을 호와 비교해 보시오. 이게 뭡니까? 조건이 더 좋은 회사를 골라도 되었던 일입니다. 독일 이체에ICE도 있고, 일본 Shinkansen도 있습니다.
돈 주고 사오는 열차인데도, 주인으로서의 권리 행사조차도 못하는 한국인들입니다. 한국인의 취향에 맞게 개조해서 수입했어야 합니다. TGV도 반성하시오. 남의 나라에 물건을 팔아 먹으려면, 그 나라 사람에게 맞춰서 팔아야 하는 것이 상도덕입니다. 서양인은 엉덩이 살이 풍부해서, 딱딱한게 좋을지 몰라도, 동양인들은 푹신하고 럭셔리한 것을 좋아합니다. 이게 일반적 정서죠. 자동차를 보시오. 유럽 사람들은 하드(딱딱한)한 차체를 좋아합니다. 서로 다릅니다.
제가 볼 때는, 철도청 및 국가기관 공무원들이 사전에 면밀하게 검토하고 검증하여, 소비자 니즈와 국민적 정서를 감안하여, 설계를 변경하고, 한국인의 취향에 맞게 개조하여 수입해도 늦지 않았을 일이었다는 점입니다.일을 제대로 안 했다는 얘기입니다. 제가 주창하는Best of Best 시리즈가 바로 이런 점을 개선해 나가자는 것입니다. 아마추어들이 아닌, 전문가들, 프로급 장인들이 가득한 나라가 되어야만, 세계 일류의 선진국으로 발돋움을 할 수 있다는 사실을 항상 잊어서는 안 됩니다.
색상도, 서양사람들은 붉은 색상을 선호합니다. 그러나 동양인들은 푸른 색상을 선호하죠.서로 다르다는 점을 명심하고 장사도 합시다. The western people prefer to RED color, But the Eastern people prefer to BLUE color.
Do you understand what I suggest?
Eurostar Group and other companies
The Eurostar International Limited (ex. Eurostar Group) is owned by some of the industrys largest railroad operators Eurostar UK limited (not to be confused with Eurostar itself), SNCF (French National Railways) and SNCB (Belgian National Railways). The Eurostar Group operates slightly improved TGV-type trainsets in the United Kingdom, France, Belgium and occasionally other countries all together to over 100 stations. In the winter time it has been a custom that the Eurostar unit take British skiers to the French side of the Swiss alps snow. There are currently 27 Eurostar (half) units for Eurostar capitals (the international traffic version) and 7 regional Eurostars. While the traffic figures have been growing strongly for years, the company has announced it will acquire new trains like we predicted earlier. For Eurostar as a company this is as much solidifying its market share with the coming competition as coping with the ever groving passenger numbers after the recession. The new trainsets should also be able to achieve 360 km/h (224 mph) speeds where the track allows for connecting London with continent even faster.
The ICE3 routes from Germany now reach all the way to Paris. TGV's and ICE's share the LGV-EST, the eastern super high speed track of France. Picture by Sanna Siissalo 2008, Gare du Nord, Paris.
TGV : Super High Speed Railways for France. TGV is original form for KTX.
ICE : German Super High Speed Railways.
한영 사전사전 본문
High Speed Train Families
Train families like ICE, Velaro, Shinkansen, TGV, CRH, Pendolino, Zefiro, AGV, etc. form a formidable fleet of super high speed and high speed fleet of several thousand train units.
TGV in France
Shinkansen, Japanese.
Shinkansen may be the highest charge in the world, it is very expensive.
Shinkansen, Japanese
Pendolino Train Sets of European Operators
Fiat Ferroviaria bought the active tilting technology from the British for it's Pendolino trains and the prototype ETR401 started successfull runs in 1975. It run successfully for years and this created the foundations for the success of the later Pendolino trains that can be found in many countries in Europe: Czech Republic, Finland (operator VR-Yhtyma), United Kingdom (operator Virgin Trains), Italy, Portugal, Romania, Russia (soon with both the RZD (the Russian Railways) and a joint venture Karelia Trains between the RZD and the Finnish State Railways VR-Yhtyma), Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland in the form of Cisalpino (a joint operation between the SBB/CFF of Switzerland and Italian FS) and outside Europe the growing railroad nation China.
The Pendolino class 390
A Finnish variant of the Pendolino
High Speed Railways for Swiss, Original Cisalpino 1 ETR470
The newer generation Italian high speed train
TGV, Franch
ICE, German
ICE, German
ICE, German
ICE, German
ICE, German
DAE JEON Station, South Korea.
For the unknown reason, it is very strange spectacles to me that it look like another world such as Astral planes or the Matrix.
Maybe, out of consciousness of mine is generated the twisting fact by losing natural feeling.
Also, Japanese restaurants refuse dinner for me the reason why closing time, even though ordinary station’s restaurant open all the times. Besides it’s time just PM 09:00.
It looks like that this world created by wickedness reptilians, LEE GUN HEE.
해괴하고 기이하며 정신착란 증을 일으킬 정도의 히스테릭한 비인간적 존재들의 세계로 보여진다.
It must be act on by Lee’s order.
It seems that I’m living in very strange world since 2010 years; I guess this world created by wickedness reptilians, LEE GUN HEE.
Some guy talking about under pretense makes a telephone; “the point is that I have no money, I’m a beggar, hhhhhhhh~”
To be sure, it was Lee’s order always use it. It seems like that LEE is becoming king of world. HHHhhhhhh~~~~
When you go to Japan, it is a must that you take the Shinkansenat least 1 time. This train is comfortable like business class and very fast too. People from Europe can compare it with the TGV/Eurostar/Thalys, but the Shinkansens look cooler ;p.
But I've really begun to admire the amazing feats that the Japanese have done for the Shinkansen lines. Yesterday I followed the San-yo Shinkansen line from Osaka to Hakata (from central Japan to West-Japan) on Google Earth and I was totally amazed. The first Shinkansen line was made from Tokyo to Osaka in the 1960s (the Tokaido Shinkansen), but the the extension to Hakata came in the early 1970s.
The route from Tokyo to Osaka doesn't have many mountains so they took the shortest route along major cities. Already on this route many of the tracks for the Shinkansen are laid on bridges, over land, water and cities. (the Japanese really know how to build bridges, as they really build almost every train line on bridges or underground).
But the route for the San-yo Shinkansen to Hakata is truly amazing. They litterally took the shortest route between major cities along the way while also avoiding putting track in dense residential areas. But this route means going through many many mountains, as this part of Japan has quite a lot of mountains. This means building many long tunnels and more bridges in between. This must have been an engineers dream and hell to accomplish this extraordinary feat. Oh, and the route is about 600km long. The total route from Tokyo to Hakata is almost 1200km which can be done at the fastest in 5 hours using the Nozomi service, which stops at the least number of stations. But the Nozomi is of course the most expensive one, and not covered by the Japan Rail Pass. They can only take the Hikari or Kodama (which stops in every station) service. Only the Nozomi does the whole route from Tokyo to Hakata without transfer to another service.
A "300 Series" and a "700 Series" Shinkansen at Tokyo Station (picture taken from wikipedia):
(Refer to japanese Blog)
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