3개의 게시물을 찾았습니다.
- 2012/08/29
- Strange World/출퇴근 인파가 사라진 명동, 미스테리한 세계.
It must be the serious crimes by using hypnosis & mind control, black occults.
The manipulation image for person to make people mistake another person to friend (I estimate so many thieves got marriage by using this way over 20,000 people), the virtual sex or ether avatar sex to tempt relating people into illusions, put relating people into good slave for them by using mind control. The main purposing is get enormous ill-gained by using dirty cheating tools.
Today, I went to downtown “MYEOUNG DONG” at Seoul City by bus.
It is very strange thing to me that there a a few people & there are no rush hour for commuter in city.
Please attached photograph & video clips, you can see the commuter almost none or a few abnormally, even though it’s the rush hour time in downtown.
I guess the reasons why are two;
The one is that organized controlled people by governments, the other is that moved consciousness of mine upper head or another density to disturb seeing the people at normal human’s society, and so put me into invisible prison.
How do you feel about assuming of mine?
I think that it seems to be impossible thing that put the big city in perfect controlled by government.
At least, I should be able to see the commuters in rush hour time, but it is impossible thing to me.
Please let me know the reason why, and be sure to return the normal society, if I’m in another world.
As far as I know, the SAMSUNG have enormous power the same as omnipotence in South Korea, and so they have a big social network & perfect intelligence network surpass all the competitors including National Intelligence Service (NIA) in South Korea.
국가는 국가기관, 정부에 의하여 통제되어야 한다.
In case of administration or National Intelligence Service (NIA), they should be face public criticism for wrong activities or policy even though committed wrong activities such as abuse of human rights, because that so many watcher gaze steadily at government’s policy.
Nevertheless, in case of SAMSUNG or another large enterprise, they are able to get safety bulwark under pretext as private enterprise or economic activities always, even though committed the crimes such as abuse of human rights.
They pretty like to say; “National economy may be get a big damage, if you punish us for the crimes.
I don’t think so. There are so many smart & intelligence people in companies, don’t worry about it.
In case of large enterprise, generally it used to operate by large & almost perfect organized system, not a private person dependently.
He will perform his duties as the position very well even though he is a boy next door, if he gets the president of a company which built up the best organized system. Do you understand it? Please imagine the No TAE WOO & KIM YEOUNG SAM ex-president in South Korea or KIM IL SEONG, KIM JEONG IL in North Korea.
He can do it even if he gets a rag picker’s level. Do you understand it? Please imagine the plutocracy‘s families as it called (Korean language)gheabeol 2 se(Noble families).
You can understand what I mean, if you have an experience to work at large enterprise as higher position over the chief of a section.
Nothing is beyond SAMSUNG’s power in South Korea.
Also, two traditions appear to obstruct the no-holds-barred probes into the SAMSUNG group; Korean tycoons have long beefed up their human networking through marriages of their children with the powerful, and, in Korea, the long arm of the law has always failed to reach the rich and powerful.
It must be wrong because that they are aimed to build up new hierarchical society in South Korea.
After perished Choseon Empire & independent from Japan Empire since 1945, Korea has not any noble upper classes in society. But, I think that they tried to build up new hierarchical society in South Korea as a similar with Eastern Europe or USA.
We need to find ways to create a better world for future generations.
What I like best is for a nobleman to marry a miller's daughter.
As you know, Korea was annexed by Japan a century ago due mainly to the corruption of the upper classes, nevertheless they are the same as condition at that time still, even though they cry out the patriotism outwardly at least.
Also, I heard that some women talking with each other by using VIET NAME or CHINESE at nearby MYEONG DONG, LOTTE Department store PM 07:05 28. Aug 2012.
At the same time, I can see attached an advertising description relating with Hangzhou, China at Bus stop in front of LOTTE department store.
I guess that they intimated to me their intention to keep going the dirty game; also they would like to let me know the identity for around people as means that ridicule to me. We prefer to don’t care what you insist on and keep going force me into whipping boy’s condition under pretext as the marriage fraud as it called get good luck for me continually after this.
Also, it means that they tried to tempt another countries people under pretext the marriage fraud continually. Obviously, it must be cheating crimes. Be sure to finish it right now.
4대강 사업비 22조! 그들은 무엇이 중요하고, 무엇이 덜 중요한지 모르는 사람들입니다.
Let’s Make the Best of Best.
Change is hard, but we can do it.
Main Blog : http://poleiades2012.tistory.com
I can’t make sense of it, the reason why "four-rivers" project, as a key policy defining the Lee Myung-bak administration.
디자인은 비행기 동체방식을 적용하여, 유선형으로 하되, 필히 창문을 크게 만들어야 한다는 관점입니다. 선루프 형태로 위쪽 지붕도 개방형으로 좌우측이 트이게 해 주고, 아래쪽 부분도 확장해서, 한강변을 달리며, 한강의 아름다운 경치를 조망할 수 있게 해 주어야 한다는 관점이죠. 설악산도 마찬가지입니다. 차량 형태도, 최고급형 리무진 버스 컨셉으로 품위와 세련됨이 포함된다면, 사람들이 다 좋아할 것이죠. 도시미관에도 상당히 긍정적입니다.
흠 이 녀석을 타고, 한강을 죽~ 달리면서 경치 조망하고, 저기 북한강까지 가서 더 좋은 경치 보고, 저기 설악산까지 연결되고, 다시 동해안까지 직통으로 달려간다면, 자동차 운행댓수 줄이고, 사람들 편하게 좋은 경치보고, 즐길 수 있게 되겠죠. 아마 영동고속도로 건설비보다 더 싸게 먹히지 않을까 합니다. 낙동강에도 건설해 봅시다. 부산지역이죠. 매연 줄이고, 행복지수 높이고, 관광자원 되고, 이보다 좋은 일이 어디에 있습니까? 공항 같은 곳에 한정해서 소극적으로 할 일이 아닙니다. 적극적으로 해야 할 차세대 교통수단입니다. 국가 전략으로 키워야 합니다.
In case of Korean traditional market in large city, I suggest that we’d better operate refer to the Nong hyeop, Hanaro mart to achieve competiveness against large enterprise’s big store, after redeveloped the multi complexes area such as undergrounding traditional market similar with HANARO mart’s concept, people’s park, library, large parking lot and magnetic levitation train station. It must be a policy of mutual back scratching.
I think that it could be make sure to fair gamebetween large enterprise’s big store and traditional market.
Also, construct the magnetic levitation train along the Han Riverfrom Kimpo to Seolak Mountain, I have confidence to magnetic levitation train going to the best business in future, especially Han River line from kimpo to Misari, paldang & Kangwon Tour line from jamsil to sockcho.(including Northern Han river & Seolak M’t).
Let’s make it.
Please investigate attached photograph, I think the most of people in Myung-Dong is showing up its mobilization of men and women for organized by SAMSUNG or LEE’s Administration.
This is the proof evidence for marriage fraud
Myungdong was the most popular place for foreigners. Why? You can find out the reason why, if you go there, you can compare with another region such as Yeongdeungpo, Chungryangri.
명동(明洞)은 대한민국 서울특별시 중구에 있는 번화가이자, 지역 이름이다. 명동1가와 명동2가를 합친 면적은0.91 ㎢이다. 명동1가,2가, 충무로1가,2가, 을지로1가,2가 등을 포함하는 지역이다.
조선 시대에 명례동(明禮洞) 또는 명례방이라 불렸으며, 일제 강점기 때 명치정(明治町메이지쵸[*])이라는 이름의 상업 중심지로 발전한 것이 시작이다. 명치정1정목(明治町一丁目메이지쵸잇쵸메[*]), 명치정2정목(明治町二丁目메이지쵸니쵸메[*])은1943년6월10일에 설치된 중구의 관할로 편성되었다[1]. 1970년대 이전에는 증권회사가 모여있는 한국 경제의 중심지였다.
중화 요리점이 많고 중국인 학교도 있는 등 화교들이 많이 모이지만 차이나타운이라고 하기에는 무리가 있다. 지금의 명동은 서울의 주요 관광지 중 하나이다. 명동은 서울에서 일본어가 어느 정도 통용되는 곳이고, 일본인,중국인 관광객이 늘고 있다.
세계 어디를 가도, 그 세력이 왕성한 화교들이 발을 붙이지 못하는 나라는 대한민국 뿐 입니다. 박정희 대통령 때문 입니다. 좌우지간 이 양반 아니었으면, 이 나라는 필리핀 꼴이 되었을 것이라는 것이 제 생각이죠. 이후 대통령들을 보십시오. 누가 있습니까?
Frankly speaking, I don’t want to go to Yeoungdeungpo area.
Why? That’s the reason why I insist that we have to make it redevelopment for four major gates & HAN River, another underdeveloped area in seoul city.
It makes no difference to me whether do it or not. But, it couldn’t be better than if we can achieve more advanced country, could it?
I anticipate that we can achieve the goals for advanced nation through those activities and it must be give Korean people to highest index happy life, and getting more money from achieved famous tourist attractions such as shopping & tour, and achieve balanced city development, also it can be achieved the prosperity of nation. Also, it can be achieve more balanced the justice of distribution.
Be all you can be, and join the project for greater country.
People don’t need no more cars to go to Seolak M’t & DongHae- Easthern Sea
I think that it is very attractive business. Please image the cable car at Namsan(Nam Mountain)
Construct the magnetic levitation train by sub transfer in Seoul City.(Large City)
Also, Construct the magnetic levitation train by main transfer for mid-size city.
We’d better get away from subway system in future.
I can’t make sense of it, the reason why "four-rivers" project, as a key policy defining the Lee Myung-bak administration.
4대강 사업비 22조! 그들은 무엇이 중요하고, 무엇이 덜 중요한지 모르는 사람들입니다.
Let’s Make the Best of Best.
Change is hard, but we can do it.
Main Blog : http://poleiades2012.tistory.com
I can’t make sense of it, the reason why "four-rivers" project, as a key policy defining the Lee Myung-bak administration.
Please investigate attached photograph, I think the most of people in Myung-Dong is showing up its mobilization of men and women for organized by SAMSUNG or LEE’s Administration.
This is the proof evidence for marriage fraud
Myungdong was the most popular place for foreigners. Why? You can find out the reason why, if you go there, you can compare with another region such as Yeongdeungpo, Chungryangri.
Frankly speaking, I don’t want to go to Yeoungdeungpo area.
Why? That’s the reason why I insist that we have to make it redevelopment for four major gates & HAN River, another underdeveloped area in seoul city.
It makes no difference to me whether do it or not. But, it couldn’t be better than if we can achieve more advanced country, could it?
I anticipate that we can achieve the goals for advanced nation through those activities and it must be give Korean people to highest index happy life, and getting more money from achieved famous tourist attractions such as shopping & tour, and achieve balanced city development, also it can be achieved the prosperity of nation. Also, it can be achieve more balanced the justice of distribution.
Be all you can be, and join the project for greater country.
In case of Korean traditional market in large city, I suggest that we’d better operate refer to the Nong hyeop, Hanaro mart to achieve competiveness against large enterprise’s big store, after redeveloped the multi complexes area such as undergrounding traditional market similar with HANARO mart’s concept, people’s park, library, large parking lot and magnetic levitation train station. It must be a policy of mutual back scratching.
I think that it could be make sure to fair gamebetween large enterprise’s big store and traditional market.
Also, construct the magnetic levitation train along the Han Riverfrom Kimpo to Seolak Mountain, I have confidence to magnetic levitation train going to the best business in future, especially Han River line from kimpo to Misari, paldang & Kangwon Tour line from jamsil to sockcho.(including Northern Han river & Seolak M’t).
Let’s make it.
People don’t need no more cars to go to Seolak M’t & DongHae- Easthern Sea
I think that it is very attractive business. Please image the cable car at Namsan(Nam Mountain)
Construct the magnetic levitation train by sub transfer in Seoul City.(Large City)
Also, Construct the magnetic levitation train by main transfer for mid-size city.
We’d better get away from subway system in future.
I can’t make sense of it, the reason why "four-rivers" project, as a key policy defining the Lee Myung-bak administration.
Please investigate attached photograph, I think the most of people in Myung-Dong is showing up its mobilization of men and women for organized by SAMSUNG or LEE’s Administration.
This is the proof evidence for marriage fraud
Please investigate attached photograph, I think the most of people in Myung-Dong is showing up its mobilization of men and women for organized by SAMSUNG or LEE’s Administration.
This is the proof evidence for marriage fraud
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