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  1. 2012/08/23
    Mad Dogs Series/성자가 되고 싶은 청소부 이야기 1.

Mad Dogs Series/성자가 되고 싶은 청소부 이야기 1.




The mad dogshave so many tools in order to being treated like toys for me.


One of the best ways is that they put me into strong useless mirages as if I have an influence on Korean society including around countries by using Ether cheating & media manipulation.


The point is that I get promised gift and take what I wants.

But, the critical point is skillful disturbing by the skillful villains still


They tried to media manipulation & put me into so many useless illusions by using hypnosis & brainwashing, as if what I written specific subject or what I thought can be changing the world


It was the traditional strategies for them last 7 years.


In other words, they prefer to drive me into a seeker after truth who tried to abandon egoistic mind. It is the skillful strategies for them also, in order to deceive another people & justify their crimes. I think that it is the same as SATAN’s strategy. I guess the behind powerful controller may be the SATAN or the wickedness reptilians or selfish & greedy people by controlling lowest astral planes.


Of course, as you know, such negligence and selfishness have incurring huge damages for everyone and driving human’s society into hell.


But, everyone must be having human rights to do live a life worthy of man, if they don’t want it.


I’m living all alone without wife & family last 7 years, and it looks like living in Hell.


Besides, I’m poorest and perfect bankrupt; it must be the worst of worst miserable life. Nevertheless, the mad dogs tried to cover up the truth as if I’m stay in the miserable life willingly. Generally, the mad dogs are almost same as very skillful fire foxes.


Also, it was caused by LEE GUN HEE & cooperators which including the wickedness aliens or unidentified being.


Nobody work without pay. Please discuss & investigate their intention more deeply.


They’d like to act on under pretense a benefactor for me still, even though they never give me any gift or pay. Besides, it seems like that LEE GUN HEE tried to pretend to be a godfather for me at least outwardly. It must be very skillful liar.


At present, they tried to threat to me that put me into prison or order your blog closed repeatedly by using mind control technologies, if you don’t keep silence.


Also, by using give Ether Avatar of mine blow, they tried to severe torture to me indirectly. The ways had begun since June 2008. As the kind of devil’s magic, they are able to make so many ether AVATARs which looks like as a human form to deceive people in the ether density.


Generally, by using the Ether AVATAR which looks like as a human form, they tried to make the people to regards another person as the criminal or applied image manipulation to deceive relating people. How to image manipulation in order to the people mistake another person to friend?


They are able to put the person into ether illusions, if they can put out the person’s consciousness from physical body. In this case, the person’s consciousness move into another density such as the Ether density or more weaken for hypnosis or illusions. In other words, it may be the kind of mind control technology to deceive & control.


The means that the person’s acknowledge or feeling for affairs & imaginary are controlled as a semi-slave by their intention. Do you understand it?


You’d better must be know how to worthless for person’s five senses under mind control, it means that human’s 3 dimension density is manipulated illusion as it called the MATRIX.


I wish I could it verify, but it is impossible to me that they try to give me fatal blow, if consciousness of mine going to semi out of physical body.


On the other hand, they ask for me that out of physical body ASAP, if you want to achieve your hope. Sometimes, they look like stupid man or a mentally deranged person. I hope you are not some kind of a psychopath.


At present, the small part of consciousness of mine is floating on my head still, because they tried to confuse of me by using Ether AVATAR overlap each other.


I will be taken of confuse state by overlapping the smallest ether AVATAR, even though I’m in normal physical body state actually. Never run into the Virtual sex temptation. Warning ! it can be put the person into good slave for them.


Do you understand what I suggest?


그러한 기술은 세상을 이롭게 하는 일에 써야 함에도 불구하고, 자신들의 이기적이고 더러운 탐욕을 만족시키는 데에 남용하는 자들입니다. 오늘 날 내가 이 모양 이 꼴이 된 것도, 7년간 정상적인 생활을 못하게 교묘하게 막은 후, 가상섹스의 유혹으로 정상적인 인지 감각체계를 훼손하였기 때문입니다.(아주 비열한 놈들입니다)


그들은 분명히 좋은 의도가 없으며, 장애자, 정신병자를 만들려 하고, 증거 없이 죽이려 하고 있다는 판단입니다. 좋은 의도가 있다면 어떻게 사람을 이렇게 만들어 놓고 있겠습니까? 개 돼지만도 못한 인생 길입니다. 무려7년 입니다.


Also, creating the double realities can be achieved by Ether AVATAR cheating.

You have mistaken it to realities, even though it is just illusions by mind control.


Because that the Ether AVATAR looks like act on as a human by magical programming. They are able to talking about something for you; for example “I love you”. Be sure to remember that they have a great success to achieve the goals last 7 years by using this ways, do you understand?



Tried to hacking repeatedly



Obviously, Upgrade the latest version finished at AM 1:40, 22 Aug 2012.



Requesting upgrade message show up to me repeatdely at AM 4:54, 22 Aug, 2012

It is the proof evidence for Hacking 



Disturbed connect to MBC homepage by hacking.


Deleted KBS1 News by them under pretext a copyrights.(?) 

Disturbed write on prosecutor’s boards by hacking.

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