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게시물에서 찾기2010/06/25

1개의 게시물을 찾았습니다.

  1. 2010/06/25
    Skill of implanting Verichip is making the person sleep
    범죄자용 베리칩

Skill of implanting Verichip is making the person sleep

The corrupted Korean policeman uses the Skill of implanting Verichip for criminal to harass me.


I becomes  unconscious while  sleeping so I never dream


From 2006 that psycho cop uses it everyday, I have slept all day and all night.


I got so frightened what ever happened while I sleep.

  http://aassdd.viewnetcam.com:5000/CgiStart?page=Single&Language=14 (web cam  in my room)

After web cam is installed, I sleep much less about 15 to 20 hours.


Now I spend all day to make public about my situation through internet broadcating




Now l sleep about 7 to 9, but on the chair.


Who can sleep everynight on the chair?


If I do not lose consciousness, I would never sleep on it.


But the psycho cop P disables the cam before he attacks me, sometimes  changes the direction of the focus of cam showing the closet.


The Verichip for criminal is implanted here.


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