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게시물에서 찾기2009/01/26

2개의 게시물을 찾았습니다.

  1. 2009/01/26
    김승현 텔레비전에 나온다!
    Korea Indymedia
  2. 2009/01/26
    새로운 imc을 만드는 과정 - 방법 (번역 필요함)
    Korea Indymedia

김승현 텔레비전에 나온다!

용산 철거민 학살 사건 반대 촛불집회에 참여하면서, 주말마다 무료시장을 열기도 하고, 스스로 문신하는 법을 동영상으로 만들어 올리기도 하는 등 요즘 진보넷 블로그와 imc korea 에서 왕성한 활동을 하고 있는 김승현 (http://blog.jinbo.net/giraffe ) 군이 텔레비전에 나옵니다!
다들 잊지말고 꼭 챙겨보세요.

시간은 2009년 2월 3일 화요일 저녁 7시 30분이고요, KBS 에서 방송이 됩니다.
공중파를 타고 나오는 김승현 군의 활약을 놓치지 마세요!
프로그램은 제목은 Love in Asia 라고 합니다.
진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

새로운 imc을 만드는 과정 - 방법 (번역 필요함)


So that you can know what to expect, here's a brief description of the current process that the New IMC Working Group follows. Because we're all humans and we rely on our diverse communication styles, this is not designed to be a perfect science, but rather to be democratic, transparent and flexible. This process has been evolving as we continue to improve the process and to incorporate helpful feedback from participants.

   1. Pre-organizing: the first step is to talk with people in your community and try to get the sense if there is interest in forming an IMC. Once you have formed a collective, or as you are forming it, ask yourselves these questions:
          * (1A) How does the makeup of your collective reflect the diversity of the local community (e.g. in realtion to gender-, sexual-, spiritual-, and/or cultural-identity)?
          * (1B) If your group currently does not represent the diversity of the local community, particularly in relation to groups who are underrepresented in mainstream society and denied access to vehicles of expression, what steps will be taken to address this on an ongoing basis?
          * (1C) What steps will be taken to involve individuals in workfields new to them? What measures will be taken to overcome a gendered work division?
   2. Look at the documents linked at this site (see below).
   3. When you think you're really ready to do some good organizing, fill out the form at the bottom of the http://newimc.indymedia.org page. The person filling out the form and the person written as contact will receive a password for updating the http://contact.indymedia.org database. Please keep this password carefully.
   4. Open a mailing list: http://newlist.indymedia.org (If there are problems, you can try emailing listwork at sos.indymedia.org . If nothing happens after a few days, you can try asking on irc on #listwork if someone has answered your "ticket" (your request). Read ListworkWorkingGroup to understand how the group of listwork volunteers functions.) Please read NewImcMailingListIssues about openness of the list.
   5. O - R - G - A - N - I - Z - E !!!!
   6. With your forming collective, write
          * (6a) an updated mission statement (see below) and
          * (6b) an editorial policy
          * and maybe contact imc-tech@indymediaSTOPSPAM.org at this stage.
   7. When you're really ready, and only when you're ready, reply to and send to new-imc at indymedia.org your collective's responses to these (you might disagree with some of them, please be honest, it's as much for your own group's self-organising than for the network):
          * (7a) MembershipCriteria
          * (7b) PrinciplesOfUnity
   8. Your new-imc contact proposes your site
          * internally to new-imc, if no one blocks within 3 days, this is passed to
          * globally to http://lists.indymedia.org/mailman/listinfo/imc-process/ and http://lists.indymedia.org/mailman/listinfo/imc-communication and if no one blocks there within 7 days, then...
          * you become part of the network! This will be official when your imc sponsor sends a 'Welcome' email to imc-process, imc-communication, and new-imc.
                o If your website is not ready yet: the contact person in your group, who received a password for the contact database at step 3, should update your entries in http://contact.indymedia.org to show that your collective is accepted in the network
                o When your website is ready:
                      + DNS: you should ask dns@sos.indymediaSTOPSPAM.org to get your domain name alias (somewhere.indymedia.org) - see SoS for more info on the sos system and to check the progress of your request, and
                      + cities list: Your http://contact.indymedia.org/ entry should be updated to "live" (by the contact person in your group, or by your new-imc helper) so that your site goes onto the http://www.indymedia.org/cities.inc list; also update other information there for your collective
   9. The fun begins. Get involved in the global lists and Indymedia discussions and decisions. Offer to work with other IMCs from your area or elsewhere around the world. Do good work.
  10. Change the world, for the better of course. We wouldn't expect anything less.
진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크