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General Meeting: Jan 17, 4pm, Rhea

The next Korea Indymedia general meeting will be held at the Rhea Candle Light Media Center, 4pm, Jan 17, sunday.

Everybody come!

Agenda contents (please add more):

1) new tech team formation; website redesign; learning html and php code
2) outreach and planning possible events
3) content production; film production for the new Korea Indymedia channel on YouTube
4) Etc (i know there's more! Please post suggests in comments below!)


A message from comrade christian:


"dear comrades,

in the last days i had a kind of 'conversation' with g-raf (via imc's jinbonet e-mail)...

i just want to add that the most important thing is following: anyone who is interested in keeping imc s.k. alive should (MUST!!) provide regular contributions (text, pictures, videos...) about the (different) struggles in s.k., inform about important ongoing discussions in the s.k. (political/social...) society etc... otherwise i am afraid imc s.k. will die.

basic prerequisite (of course): the web site must work - always and without any problems!!

i wish you a successful 'general meeting' (please publish the minutes as soon as possible)!

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