(english written by 이무기)
Miwon knows a medical org 다리 and talked to them about indymedia and how they could participate with the group. She suggested they submit one English article a month. The people she talked to sounded interested, but have given no concrete response.
Media act
webzineACT has an english version. They said that they can send a version to us that we can publish on our website. What do people think about copy paste method? Also, there are many articles in one zine, how would we publish it, as one unit or many separate articles? merely link to their site?
Tetuso from AMARC
http://www.amarc.org/ (japan) an independent college radio network will come to korea. He is involved in Champon http://mediachampon.net/ , a new Asia Media activist site. He will be in Korea from Feb 25 to March 4th. We should meet him for networking and discussion.
Feb. 21 is the bin jip
http://blog.jinbo.net/house/ anniversary party.
Doyoung spoke with Joe PD from Kala tv
http://www.jinbocolor.tv/ - he is not sure how they can participate with us concretely. Merely upload videos? Other ways?
Doyoung spoke with Heo-gyeong from 전국미디어운동네트워크 National Independent Media Movement Network - Doyoung will send an email to the network showing how to collaborate, but thinks that our website should be more organized and prepared and we should be able to communicate what indymedia korea is and how people can participate in it better.
전국미디어 교육 넷워크 Media Education - Will have a media education workshop next fri and sat. doyoung is doing a presentation. He will introduce imc during the workshop. If someone else is interested in attending the workshop, please respond soon!
Jeff met a group in Busan called 재미난 복수 A fun revenge
http://club.cyworld.com/club/main/club_main.asp?club_id=50487244who do street theatre, art, music, and have a collective space known as AGIT. They often combine activism with art. Jeff will try to contact them about some form of collaboration. Doyoung also knows them.
김구루 조영 재미난 복수
Jeff proposed having a film screening about Redevelopment and Anti-demolition movement, the sooner the better. Doyoung knows some other groups that are planning a large screening. Perhaps we could collaborate with them. But before that we could do a smaller event immediately. Jeff suggested Saturday feb 21, but if that is too soon, the 28 would also be available. Hopefully we can use Kuchu Camp in Hongdae
http://kuchu-camp.net/ . One movie that we already have is called "The Structure of Goliath" and is about the resistance to a demolition project a few years ago. It is about 20 minutes. Perhaps we should show another film as well, doyoung suggested one about movements outside of Korea. If someone has ideas for a related video, please contribute. We could have a discussion after the screening about the movie(s) and the Yongsan incident and protests. We need to determine the date of the screening, the films to be screened, who will design the poster, who will advertise, who will be facilitator and translator at the screening. Any volunteers? Please give your suggestions about the film screenings and say if you want to help with organizing or volunteer in any way.
Indyspace has an archive where we can find documentaries.
http://www.indiespace.kr/next tuesday at Indiespace there is a film screening concerning the Yongsan incident, Feb 17th 8pm 문화연대 용산 상영회
http://indiespace.tistory.com/533용산 철거 희생자 추모 상영회 “여기 사람이 있다... ”
* 일시: 2009년 2월 17일(화) 20:00
* 장소: 독립영화전용관 인디스페이스
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관리 메뉴
i think that you can get the best material about the struggle of jeoncheolyeon (in general) from the video activist "hong gil-dong.."(숲속홍길동/aka lee sang-hyeon/http://www.nodong.com/hong). he must have an enormous archive of documentries...부가 정보