Korea IMC general meeting
Mar 11, 2009
Attendees: Jeff, Bum, Moona, Miwon, Jigaksaeng, Tammy, Giraffe, Sharon, Agatha, Takeshi, Jimmy.
Miwon – translation, time keeping
Jeff – facilitation
Bum – translation
Giraffe – note taking (english)
Jigaksaeng – note taking (korean)
Agenda Items:
Document preparation
Consensus decision-making process
Film Screening
Content production
Contacting groups
Consensus decision-making process
New role: vibes watcher. Someone who watches individuals and makes a list of those who want to speak, announce concerns or
consensus decision making process passes (with the understanding that there may be minor adjustments for longer meetings, etc)
Documents discussion:
(15 minutes)
in order to join the global IMC network (official participation in the network to Nick, sponsor from IMC austin) the following documents are necessary:
mission statement (3 pages—see summary: background information New Year’s Eve to the present; 4 categories of activity: website development Drupal, tech meetings, organization of website, outreach working group with different activist groups, outreach on individual levels, editing working group public meetings, web content eg Yongsan disaster newstories, resistance to NATO meetings, objectives & plans for the future)
further discussion:
1) objectives & plans for the future section of the mission statement document
e.g. why a korea imc? Dreams?
(Giraffe and Moona) get news from within korea out
have a more participatory website/open news publishing/anonymity –
(potential 3rd objective?)
trying to get more global issues written for a korean audience in korean (concern: there are other media that already does this? Concern about priorities or are these trends in objectives re: english media that provides independent journalism outlet for social issues occurring within korea; updating articles)capacity or vision issue? writing in multiple languages (e.g. korean, english...) , volunteers & translation for editorial team; open news wire (like indybay? between korean newswire and international news wire upload?)--leave as an option?
Call for consensus: PASSED
add to the objectives and plans for the future section of the mission statement (to be drafted by Bum):
provide a medium for bringing an open news wire for foreign news into korea on the website /anonymous open publishing
concern: do we need to clarify what the the objectives are for fundamentally...? additional concern: vanguard perception? Clarification: anonymous open publishing as an objective that resonates with imc
add a goal to the mission statement: making a global network based on grassroots media and activist activity in solidarity (Moona)
editorial policy (call to not discuss in person and to continue this on the activist board for feedback and Moona will wrap this up with the additional clarification on features) (Giraffe would like to add using the email as a way for folks to submit feature proposals/center with photos) clarification and proposal: submit the documents as they are and revise them after? (make minor revision re: gender demographics or age demographics /identity section of application Miwon will take care of that) deadline: March 18, 2009 PASSED
membership criteria
principles of unity
Screening event
space: (redemption bar) ssangsangmadang reggae space /free tibet activist/James
date: Saturday March 21 Hongdae crowd 6pm
web poster design (Kenchang) and event roles (Miwon, Moona) and projector (Jeff)?
Question to visit later: will we be having other events?
website discussion
Proposal: add email function (already existing voter function) submit features stories line=editorial team will manage this email, watch for spam
look at test site; migrate over
clarification: why are there two options? Two standards/trolls?
Voting function is new on drupal /imc web mechanism adoption -- Jigaksaeng and Giraffe will look at this more/experimenting?
Clarification: just create a check function on wire stories to see if the writers would like the stories to be a feature story (and have this monitored...provide guidelines link for writers)
proposal: experiment with all three options, Jigaksaeng is up for the work (email is easiest/immediate) progressively PASS
items of concern for the web development:
background color to white
sidebars (same color as background)
no korean map on the banner
what will go in the banner?
Disability standards (font size and color)
links on website? don’t post other banners on main page (aesthetically authoritarian), but can add links within articles for more information? Does this include blogrolls and feeds?
next meeting: March 25th Wednesday
roles: facilitator: Miwon
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