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General Meeting, Feb 5, 2009

Feb 5 2009. 전체모임 General Meeting

Today we will fill out the application, write the mission statement and apply to become part of the network. Also, we will try to decide who will be liaisons for the global Tech, NewIMC, Process and Communication.

Editorial Policy 편집정책:

-Copyright: what if we translate a copyrighted story and post it on IMC features? Should we do this or avoid it?

-Two things to add on to the Editorial Guidelines: 1) copy and pasting other stories from another website and posting on IMC should be avoided, but not restricted; 2) allow translating and posting content from other websites.

-Decided to make the Editorial Policy less strict and detailed since we can make modifications in the future if we face problems.


-Tech: Beom will be the Korea IMC liaison for the global Tech list.

-NewIMC: Mi Won will be the Korea IMC liaison for the global NewIMC list.

-Process: Giraffe will be the Korea IMC liaison for the global Process list.

-Communication: Jeff will be the Korea IMC liaison for the global Communication list.

Proposed name and website URL:

Korea Indymedia


Application 신청:

We filled out the application and applied to be part of the global indymedia network. The application form is uploaded on the blog. We are now waiting for a response from the global network. 오늘 신청서를 쓰고 국제적 네트워크에 보냈습니다. 신청서 내용을 불로그에 올렸습니다. 지금 국제적 네트워크에서의 대답을 기다리고 있습니다.

Feel free to translate these minutes into another language and repost on the blog and/or list.

이 모임 기록을 번역해주실 동지에게 너무 감사하겠습니다. 

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