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[2.07] '용산참사..대회'


Before y'day for the 3rd time since the  Yongsan Massacre  thousands (according to the police: 2,500, according to the organizers and the independent media: 5,000) of political, labour, human right and student activists, together with masses of "ordinary" citizens, protested in..

..downtown Seoul against the S.K. government.

Last Thursday the gov't already announced a "stern response to demonstrations on Yongsan tragedy", according to Hankyoreh (2.06).
And so the presence of the "security" forces was "slightly"(^^) oversized: From the afternoon until the late night at least 10,000 riot cops infested almost the entire area between Cheongye Plaza, Gwanghwamun/Jong-no and Myeong-dong, in order to inhibit/attack the protesters, to restrict their movements. "Six leading men were arrested and taken by the police for questioning",
Korea Herald reported today.

But the "wittiest"(^^) tactic of the riot cops was to spatter citizens (e.g. parents with their children) and journalists with blue-collored water! But the sense escapes me! To mark "extra violent demonstrators" (e.g. parents with their children!!)? Or simply to soil the clothing of protesters (possibly "as a deterrent")??





Source of the pics: OMN

Related reports:
용산 살인진압 추모 2천여 명 명동 정리집회 (NewsCham)

"검찰 수사발표일은 이명박 정권 명운 다하는 날" (VoP)  

"이명박은 물러가라, 사이코패스는 물러가라" (OMN)  

"철거민 살려내라" 경찰 포위 뚫고 도심 곳곳 '가득' (TIN)




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