최근 글 목록
- 비디오 공유 아카이브!(6)
- 넷!
- 2008
- 비디오활동가 & 자유소프트...(1)
- 넷!
- 2008
- 확장된 신체, 빚에 걸려 절...
- 넷!
- 2007
- 피드가 안 되네요(1)
- 넷!
- 2007
- 동영상UCC 공정이용 원칙!
- 넷!
- 2007
I wouldn't be surprised to find out that this is simply a case of a wealthy and conscientious band opting to do what it feels is the right thing by its fans, but the honour system strategy nonetheless strikes me as clever and highly workable. It reveals a recognition of the fact that recorded music is no longer an excludable good; those who wish to get recorded music for free will be able to do so, no matter how hard record labels try to shield their product behind a wall of technology.
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