Name: Khagendra Thapa Magar
Father's Name: Roop Bahadur Thapa
Age: 14 Year
Height: 20 inches
Physical structure: Like a 1 year old kid
Weight: 4.5 KG
Teeth: Yes
Speaking: Can Speak like Adults
This boy Khagendra Thapa was born 14 years ago in Baglung District the Dhaulagiri Zone in NEPAL. His father Roop Bahadur Thapa recalls and says that he was born like a chicken out of an egg.
Last Friday, March 25, 2006 this 20 inch tall boy was brought to Pokhara by his father and almost all the people of Pokhara was there to see him. Everyone was so amazed to see this child. It was like a Lilliputian out of Gulliver Travels story.
Everyone was so amazed to see this boy playing, singing and speaking. People were laughing at the same moment by seeing some funny activities of this boy. He was so active and everyone was so amazed to see such a small human with such liveliness.
There were lots of News paper guys around him, everyone were asking lots of questions to him and he was answering all the questions, there were lots of Photo Journalists too. There were flashes after flashes to capture this scene in the camera.
Roop Bahadur Thapa, the father of 20 inch boy Khagendra says that he is very worried for the physical structure of his eldest son. He has another son who is 9 years of age with normal mental and physical development.
Roop Bahadur Thapa says that he had his son Khagendra sent to the school but every other kid in the school used to carry him as if he was a doll and every kid teased him so he was forced to stop the schooling of his son.
The people in the village where Khagendra dwell are astonished to have electricity come in the village so fast. and other small scaled developments. The villagers say that Khagendra is a Gods reincarnation in such a small size that made some development come in the village
Due to low financial status Roop Bahadur Thapa is worried that he is not being able to show his son to the doctors. He says that he want to show his son to a doctor for the health status. Now he has brought his son to Pokhara city so that he can collect some money that will be helpful for the medical checkup of his son. |
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