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essay 1/22

Some young adults want independence from their parents as soon as possible. Others young adults prefer to live with their families for a longer time. Which of these situations do you think is better? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.  
        There comes a time when adolescents need to begin to lead an independent life of their own. There are a lot of things for them to learn before starting a new, independent life.  They need to learn how to earn money, how to spend it wisely and the way to manage their lives overall. To effectively learn all of these things, we should provide youngsters with opportunities to do all these kind of activities by themselves.
       Specifically, in my opinion, financial independence is one of the most important factors to learn for those who go through the phase to become mature adults.  However, this pragmatic ability to earn and spend money wisely, which would be helpful for growing the sense of independence can’t not be obtained overnight. By letting young adults be in the situation where they need to do all those things in person.
             When I came to Seoul for college education, I had to part from my family members who live in Pusan. Unlike in America, where leaving home for college in another state or region is much more common, it is not as frequent to leave family to go study in another city. At first, I had a hard time adjusting myself to the new environment and meeting the balance of money. Often, I overspent the money , thus, would be in big financial trouble. Overtime, I began to realize that planning such as listing necessary items and sticking to it is one of the solutions to solve the problem I had gotten.
        Other examples such as waking up early in the morning for class or important appointments are the ones that I got accustomed to by having to do these by myself. If I hadn’t the opportunity to learn things in person, I wouldn’t have realized important abilities in life.
 *논점 명확히 - 말하고자 하는 바를 잘 드러내는 방식으로,
    Writing is all about answering questions asked in written text. 
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 *표현 포맷-좀 더 다양화시키기
 * 한국어->영어의 1:1 번역 시도는 위험할 수 있음.
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