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Is America’s Beef Safe?

학교 숙제로 쓴 광우병 관련 에세이다. 완전 심혈을 기울여서 쓴거라  아까워서 여기에 올려놓는다. 문법이 엉망인게 한두개가 아니지만서도... 푸하하하....  나름 점수 잘 받은거당. ㅋㅋㅋ
Is America’s Beef Safe?
             Cattle are herbivorous animals. However, people in some countries feed the cattle with animal food. Animal food means fodder that is made grinded carcasses or cattle’s internal organs. Cattle that eat the animal food have high rate of having diseases because cattle eats meat although herbivorous animals. The disease, which is called mad cow disease, is fatal in humans. Symptoms of the disease are similar to dementia. The death rate of people who have the mad cow disease is 100%. 160 people died by the disease in Britain in 1996, so British government prohibited using animal food. Now, there aren’t many countries that use the animal food, but American people use the animal food when they raise their cows. Korean people have debated about safety of America’s beef because Korean government made arrangements with the U.S government about importing America’s beef in April, 2008. Although the Korean government insists that America’s beef is safe, imported beef from the U.S has a risk of mad cow disease. Therefore, Korean government must not import American beef that has a risk of mad cow disease.
             Opponents think America’s beef is safe because government inspects the imported beef. However, Korean government inspects just 1% of imported beef. Also, American government checks just 0.05% of cows which go to butchery. The quantity of inspected beef is very small, so test of small amount can miss a case of mad cow disease. Therefore, America’s beef is not safe. In Japan, they inspect all of imported American beef to protect health of the nation. However, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibited inspection of every cow in the U.S. in May 10th 2004. In 2004, Creekstone Farm, which is company about beef in the U.S., wanted to test every cow, but the department ruled against the test. USDA insisted that the testing every cow should be prohibited because if one company started testing every cow, consumers would demand other companies to inspect all of cow. Dr. Michael Hansen, who is a senior scientist at Consumers Union, wrote about inspecting every cow in The New York Times; “American beef producers could easily allay fears about mad cow disease by subjecting every cow at slaughter to the so-called rapid test. Ideally, the USDA would follow the rules set up in Europe and Japan that require every cow over a certain age to be test before being slaughtered.”(2008) Inspection in American and Korean can’t give us belief before inspecting every cow.
             Opponents who agree with importing American beef insist that butchery system is strict and safe in the U.S. However, Americans slaughter cows which could have diseases. The symptom of mad cow diseases is that the cows can’t stand up, but the U.S. government allowed the slaughter of disputable cows which might have diseases. Butchers can slaughter cows if the cows can stand up just before butchery even though the cows can’t stand up for long time before the butchery. The Humane Society, which is an organization for protecting animals in the U.S., took video in butchery by stealth. The video made us surprised because butchers gave cows an impulse by electronic stick to make them stand up. If the cow stands up, the cow will be slaughtered. As the result, we will eat the beef which may have diseases. Also, because mad cow disease can be contagious by instruments, instruments which are used in butchery have to be disinfected. However, instruments aren’t disinfected. Also, there aren’t any laws about controlling it. A butcher, who works in Colorado, interviewed with Korean broadcasting about butchery system in the U.S., “We slaughter 400 cows per hour. This is very big amount. Thus, we can’t disinfect instruments, and we inspect cows roughly because we don’t have time.”(2008) We know by the interview that butchery system is not strict and safe.
             Opponents said that American people eat their beef, and there are no problems. However, Americans don’t eat beef from cows over 30 months old. Cows over 30 months old have a high probability of mad cow disease breaking out. According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), “Cattle of 30 months of age and older are prohibited in the U.S. because they may have mad cow disease.”(2008) Also, Americans don’t eat the internal organs or bones. Specified Risk Material (SRM), which is elements of disease, is usually included in internal organs such as brain, tongue and spinal cord, so eating internal organs of cows over 30 months is dangerous. Korean people eat internal organs and soup which is made from bones, but internal organs and bones of cows are thrown away in the U.S. They throw away 30% per cow. Even though they don’t eat beef from cows over 30 months or internals and bones, they aren’t safe. Pittsburgh and Yale University reported that dementia patients had increased rapidly for 20 years which are a period about using animal food in the U.S., and the number of dementia patients was 4,500,000. They said that 13%(600,000 people) of dementia patients are suffered from mad cow disease. Also, medical team at Yale University reported many of the people diagnosed with dementia are actually victims of mad cow disease. They tested brains of 46 people diagnosed with dementia. Six people of them actually had mad cow disease not dementia. The U.S. government have lied that there aren’t mad cow disease patients in the U.S. If the government said there were mad cow disease patients, beef company would get damages. Because symptoms of mad cow disease similar to dementia, the government can lie easily. However, there are mad cow disease patients in the U.S. by study of Yale University. Thus, what American people are safe from mad cow disease is not true.
Korean government insists that we can choose not to eat American beef if we’re worried. However, we can’t choose because many stores lie about the place of origin. The system about the place of origin isn’t strict, so some stores change the place of origin. Even though I bought beef from Korea, the beef might be from the U.S. In addition, a large amount of items which is made of beef can be found around us easily. Cosmetics, some kinds of snacks, processed foods and further, the capsules of medicine are made of beef. If American beef is imported, many companies will use American beef because the cost is cheap, so these products will be made of America’s beef. As the result, we’ll consume American beef through the products.
The final argument advanced by opponents of American beef’s safety is that if mad cow disease is discovered, Korean government will stop importing it. However, the U.S government should not control the importation policies. Mexico experienced it in trade about WTO with the U.S. Mexico government protested to WTO about unfairness of the U.S, but American government punished the Mexican government. As the result, Mexican government paid a penalty. Also, opponents insist that The World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) has a rule which stopping importation is possible, so they said we could stop importation by the rule when mad cow disease was discovered. However, countries should not obey the rule of OIE because the rule is not duty of countries. It is advice, so possibility of the U.S. ignores it is high. American government has broken rules of hygiene in importation 2,013 times so far, but the government has never stopped the importation.
There are many evidences about that people who agree safety of American beef are not reasonable. Many people say American beef is not safe. Because government doesn’t test all of cow for mad cow disease, we can’t believe safety of American beef. Also, Butchery system is not safe and clean. Opponents insist American beef is safe because Americans eat their beef, but American doesn’t eat beef from cows over 30 months. Also Americans are not safe from mad cow disease even though they don’t eat cow over 30 months because dementia patients who are presumed mad cow disease patients have increased. Furthermore, we may ingest American beef through various ways even though we try to keep away from American beef. Government said if mad cow disease is discovered, the importation will be stopped. However, many people can’t believe the government. We already know it was impossible through the case of Mexico. Therefore, in my opinion, arrangements which were made recently have to be re-negotiated completely.
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