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AAWL 호주위원회 연대방문

will be an important part of developing solidarity activities for workers in the Asia Pacific Region.

Greetings from Melbourne!
I am now able to confirm the details of our visit.

Jiselle Hanna - Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance;
                AAWL Co-ordinator; Visit Co-ordinator
Geoff (Hoggy) Guest - Electrical Trades Union;
                AAWL East Asia Project Co-ordinator
John Gillies - CEPU Plumbers Division; Union Solidarity
Colin Williams - Electrical Trades Union

All four delegates will require accommodation. To enhance our exposure of the Korean Labour Movement and to contain our costs, we would be very pleased if it were possible to receive accommodation in worker houses.

AAWL Objectives
To support the campaign for the release of union political prisoners, particularly those involved in the Posco dispute in July 2006
To study the similarities between the Korean and Australian anti-union laws and to examine the ways that the Korean Government has attempted to make illegal trade union organising and activism
To report back on discussions within the Korean Labour Movement to counter the anti-union laws
To build direct industry-industry, company-company and union-union links and to co-ordinate actions to support workers in struggle in the Asia Pacific region and in particular, to free union political prisoners and defeat anti-union laws
To examine the effects of globalisation and Race to the Bottom on Korean workers and how they are organising against it
To discuss continuing links, exchanges between Australia and Korea at times of significant labour mobilisaitons
To develop solidarity with workers in the Philippines
We would be interested to know what you think of these objectives and if they are achievable in this visit.  We would also be happy to discuss your objectives for the visit, and see what we can do to help to achieve it.

We would be very happy if these meetings could be achieved during our visit:
Construction workers
Construction workers who are currently in prison
Migrant Worker organisations
Women's Union
Workplace visits - construction, textiles, vehicles and any others you consider to be important to be organised

Thank you so much for your hospitality and for considering our requests.  We are so grateful for your support for this visit, and we hope and expect that it will be an important part of developing solidarity activities for workers in the Asia Pacific Region.

I look forward to hearing from you.  Please don't hesitate to contact me directly by phone for any reason; +61 411 054 859.
In Solidarity,
Jiselle Hanna   Co-ordinator  Australia Asia Worker Links
PO Box 264 Fitzroy Victoria 3065 Australia
Tel: 61 3 9663 7277 Email: aawl@aawl.org.au Web: www.aawl.org.au
ABN: 82 920 590 967 Assn No: A1318
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