외국 민중가요 - 2010/07/26 19:14




  I.W.W. Songs

  To Fan the Flames of Discontent


  Nineteenth Edition, 1923




                                                                        - By G. G. Allen

                                      (Air: "Marching Through Georgia")



Bring the good old red book, boys, we'll sing another song.

Sing it to the wage slave who has not yet joined the throng;

Of the revolution that will sweep the world along,

To One Big Industrial Union.





Hooray! ilooray The truth will make you free.

Hooray! Hooray! When will you workers see?

The only way you'll gain your economic liberty,

Is One Big Industrial Union.



You migratory workers of the common labor clan,

We sing to you to join and be a fighting Union Man;

You must emancipate yourself, you proletarian,

With One Big Industrial Union.


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2010/07/26 19:14 2010/07/26 19:14

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