외국 민중가요 - 2010/07/26 19:31




  I.W.W. Songs

  To Fan the Flames of Discontent


  Nineteenth Edition, 1923




           (Tune: "What Do You Want to Make Those Eyes at Me For?")



Toiling along in light from morn 'til night,

Wearin' away your all for the Parasite;

Workin' like a mule with a number two,

Puffin' like a bellow when the day is through;

Steering a load of gravel through the muck and slop

Packing a hod o' mustard 'til you damn near flop;

Trying to bust a gut for two twenty‐five,

Pluggin' like a sucker 'til five.




So whadda ya want to break your beck for the boss for,

When it don't mean life to you?

Do you think it right to struggle day and night,

And plow like Hell for the Parasite?

So whadda ya want to break your back for the boss for,

When there's more in life for you?

Slow up Bill! that's the way to beat the System;

Join the Wobbly Gang, they've got the bosses guessing.

So whadda ya want to break your back for the boss for,

When it don't mean life to you?



Do it all today and you'll soon find out,

Tomorrow there'll be nothing but to hang about,

Looking at the "job sign," wondering why you rave,

With a wrinkle on your belly like an ocean wave;

Doughnuts then begin to hang a little high,

You're pinched by the Bull for a "German spy";

You're nothing but a bum, says the Judge with a smile,

Thirty days on the Rock pile.



진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크
2010/07/26 19:31 2010/07/26 19:31

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