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Devil's empire, SAMSUNG/7 Years cheating, 아바타 범죄(7/11)






Distortion of the truth is unforgivable under any circumstances


To use several technologies for Mind Control, they are occurring to me Visually-handicapped.


As you know, SAMSUNG Mr Lee have special abilities & technologies which is called mind control by electronics equipment & occults such as black magic.


It is kept a close secret.


According to their Mind control technologies for human generated hypnosis, hallucination, auditory hallucinations has left me with visual impairment.


In other words, as a results of their Mind control, occurring so many symptoms fo human, for exemple, optic nerve of human can be distorted because of generating two visual point.( to create optical illusions)


I guess, it seems likely that the Mind control system will be built in 2008 by SAMSUNG Group, chairman Mr Lee to do cheating & bullying me.


At this time, Chairman Mr Lee had developed the virtual sex or avatar’s sex and to do this method cheating so many people. It is called virtual realities or double realities. They have a perfect plan to do cheating game for a long time.


And so, I have always change visual imagery to surrounding sight & people, sometimes looks like terrifying spectacle as if hell, sometimes looks like astral plane as a dreary and forlorn scene, sometimes looks like heaven, sometimes looks like normal human society. Why?


It sounds very strange, but I’m in this weird situation everyday.


Sometimes regards me, women loos like ghost, aliens, zombies, devils, horror and hatred. Why?


Because of Mind control. They don’t want finish the marriage fraud.


And so I ask for them show me proposed woman for month at least. But they are refused proposal of mine. Why?


Sometimes, I have threatened by gangsters and stalkers by hiring someone.


I suppose that SAMSUNG, Mr Lee is hiring gangsters to doing threat me.


Occasionally, mans of strong physique watch me movements stand on street with a hostile attitude, when I go out. It is a veiled threat. Because that they want to force me into doing silence in chairman Mr Lee’s marriage fraud. When the effects are negative and intention of the act can only be interpreted, the act can be considered a crime.


So many people related with marriage fraud were rallied for the organized bullying & cheating me by Mr Lee, when I go out.


But, Actually, This work is all humbug. The reality of the matter is that President Lee's administration & Chairman Lee’s has not shown any intention to finish the marriage event for 7 years.


Mr Lee’s Government & SAMSUNG(two Mr Lee’s) for what it described as its insincerity and indifference and this attitude had put delay for this marriage event about 7 years. I think they weren’t intentionally finishing the marriage event since 2006 to using global cheating for a long time.  


This is not a thing to be passed over in silence.



Please analize below photograph.























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