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Abuses of human rights for 7 Years/더러운 위선자들, 색마공화국







제가 추정하는 바로는, "연예인, 특급모델들과 재벌2세 귀공자들이 놀아나는, 특급 섹스 클럽이 존재합니다"


조사해 보면 나올 것이지만, 분명히 있다는 추론입니다. 말도 못하게 놀아납니다.


이렇게 놀아나면서도, 사람을 7년 간 여자 없이 살게 만든 놈들입니다. 이명박, 이건희를 위시한 대한민국 1% 상류지배계층입니다.


그리고는, 내게는 끊임 없는 최면, 환각을 가하고, 자신들이 과거에 놀아났던 데이터(?)들을 간접 체험하게 하면서, 그게 힐링이고, 그게 마음치유고, 그게 혜택이라고 나불대고 있습니다.


제가 쓰레기 청소부 입니까? 정말 나쁜 놈들입니다.


경고하는데, 올해 안에 안 끝나면, 일 터지는 줄 알아라.



Even if, Mr. LEE insists that most of women related the marriage fraud pretty like to me last 7 years, they pretty like had been having enjoyed exciting sexual relationship each other actually.

지들끼리 신나게 놀아나고, 내게 와서는, 사랑 어떻고 온갖 가증스런 거짓을 일삼게 만든 자들이 삼성이며 이건희이며 이명박입니다. 실제 섹스는 딴 놈들과 신나게 즐기고는, 내 앞에 나타나서는, 도도하게 굴고, 오만하게 굴고, 성자 행세하게 만든 자들입니다.


그리고 나보고는, 그들이 놀아난 과거 데이터 찌꺼기나 핥고 있으라고 합니다. 그리고 그게 힐링, 상처받은 마음을 치유해 주는 선물이며, 은혜라고 주장하고 있습니다. 이건희입니다. 천벌을 받을 인간입니다. 제가 살펴본 바로는, 말도 못하게 놀아났습니다. 그리고 나를7년 간 섹스 못하게 만든 놈이 이건희입니다.


They are a shameless liar.


You can argue as much as you like but you can't hide the facts. Such a far-fetched argument won't work no more.


I witness how much they were enjoying the exciting real sex with dozens of other men; nevertheless, they give me to get a chance sharing their sexual experience as heeling gift or grateful favor. Grateful favor? Gift? Healing? Um…. Ha ha ha   Go to Hell! Fuck you! Healing? Fuck you.  Fuck!  Fuck! Fuck!


For shame!

Don't be such a hypocrite! Healing? Healing?


If you were me, would you prefer the virtual sex or sharing other person’s sexual experience to your own sexual experience with girl friend?  Fuck!


We might as well take enjoying sex with women or men actually rather than the virtual sex or sharing other person’s experience. Are you stupid man?


If I have a gun, I would like to shoot them, are you understood?


How nice it would be if we could sweep corruption away.


They have no sense of shame.



그들은 가상섹스만을 강요하며, 그것도 아주 큰 은혜이며, 과거에 내가 입은 상처에 대한 보상 혹은 치유라고 강변합니다. 차라리 여자와 실제적인 관계를 가지는 것이 백배 좋습니다. 이 불여우들의 헛소리에 속지 마십시오.


이른바 나눔, 베품, 공유 운동까지 벌립니다. 그리고 그것이 과거 상처를 치유하기 위한 것이라는 주장까지 합니다. 불여우들입니다. 아닙니다. 이들의 주요수법은, 사람을 성적 흥분이나 쾌락으로 유인해서, 그 정신과 혼을 지배하여 노예화하는 것입니다. 기억해 두십시오. 이들은 제가 계속 반 폐인 상태로 살기를 바라며, 장애인을 만들거나 죽이려고 하고 있습니다. 이건희입니다. 목적은 거기에 있지만, 교묘하게 힐링 운운하고, 공유, 나눔, 베품 운운하며 세상을 속이는 것입니다.



LEE GUN HEE, LEE MYUNG BAK’s major strategy.


Skillful disturbing make romantic relationship with women.


At least, it seems like they are trying to achieve the goal outwardly.

But, skillful disturbing it by using mind control l or conspire together actually.

Mainly, lead to LEE GUN HEE.



At recently, they are starting movement it’s called healing camp which having hold people’s sexual experience in common by LEE GUN HEE. It means that another people’s enjoyed sexual experience through to hold me in common by virtual sex


Also, they pretty like emphasize the favor done that I’m able to share other people’s sexual experiences, although I don’t know whether it is true or not.


They regard sharing other’s sexual experience as the favor.  But, it can be only achieved by virtual sex, not actual sex. Also I can’t prove it whether true or not and the feeling is not certain.


It's no use making a transparent excuse. Its actual purpose is to attempt mind controlling to me & cheating people related the marriage fraud.

LEE GUN HEE wants to be crippled or dead for me by mind controlling.


One of the favorite LEE’s strategies is under the disguise of good intentions. Actually they are skillful disturbing make the romantic relationship and put me in the virtual sex state for cheating & mind controlling. Nevertheless they pretty like to intend regards it as the favor or gift or healing.


Fuck you! Healing? According to the abuse of human right by LEE GUN HEE, I had been having sexual relationship for 7 years. They have perfect bullying plan to abuse of human right. Also they are not human. I think they must be reptilians compare with devil. They are able to disguise of human form by using unknown skill. Please trust me.   


If I have an opportunity to revenge, I will have to repay double the size.


LEE GUN HEE is looked upon as a leader of the movement. He must be fire fox.

You are doing yourself proud by giving this small present, aren't you?

Whenever they do anything for me, they expect me to be terribly grateful.


Healing? Fuck you! Don’t get me wrong. It is just strategies to cheating people.

Can you tell me how to get to make romantic relationship, Mr LEE?

All I need is to get the sexual relationship with women, not virtual sex. I never really want to do virtual sex. Are you joking?


I would rather real sex with women than the virtual sex, are you understood?


I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Healing?


It seems like they pretty like to regard me as a beggar, a dustman? Fuck!


As I have seen it, they must be having enjoyed an exciting sex relationship actually. Besides, someone have the sexual relationship with dozens of people or hundreds of people. Of course, LEE GUN HEE & LEE MYUNG BAK is included someone by a sex maniac.


They are forcing me to do virtual sex only, although they had having enjoyed an exciting sex with dozens of actress or beautiful women by using power, nevertheless they want to intend regards it as a grateful favor. Fuck!!!!! Fuck!!! Fuck!!!, Go to Hell. Healing? Um…..



That’s one more reason to stay single. (forced stay in single)












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