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Abuses of human rights for 7 Years/,삼성마피아 7년 아바타 섹스범죄(7/23)




Always, they want to get a chance to a vengeful bullying to me that I’m writing on the internet blog to reveal their marriage fraud.


삼성과 이건희, 국정원은 24시간 내 행위를 관찰하고 감시하고 있는데, 여자와 사귀지 못하게 교묘하게 방해하는 것을 포함하여, 인생 전반에 걸친 교묘한 개입, 해코지, 괴롭힘입니다. 특히 개인적으로, 하는 행위 모든 것에 대해서 전부 알고, 조직원들을 보내서 조롱하고 야유하고 비웃습니다. 여자와 7년간 성교 못했습니다.


그래서 야동 같은거나 보고 사는데, 그것조차도, 따라다니면서, 애들 보내서 면전에서 비웃게 합니다. 사람을 말려 죽이려고 하는 수작입니다. 극한의 악랄성을 보이는 자들이 바로 삼성, 이건희입니다. "그야말로 아무 것도 못하게 만들어 버리는 수법" 그리고 "아바타 섹스, 가상섹스만을 강요하며, 별도의 아바타들을 만들어서, 장애인을 만들려고 하고, 죽이려 하고 있습니다"


One of their cheating skills is skillful disturbing romantic relationships by mind control. First of all, the women are favorably disposed toward me by using their mind control skill.  It is only that’s.


If I want to make romantic relationship with women, they have taken an active hand disturbing it by mind control skill or conspire together at once.


In other words, if I and some woman don’t know each other, the woman is favorably disposed toward me by their mind control technology.


Even if some woman has a good feeling to me, if I will make friend with the woman actually, the woman is followed the mind changing suddenly by using mind-controlling the women to get negative feeling for me.


I have confidence that they had been cheating around countries customer related with marriage fraud by using this way.


The most of major skill was the mind control for human. Please trust me.


After skillful disturbing it, they had been sending AVATAR which is copied human by Ether materials to the woman to play the virtual sex. It is a perfect cheating skill.


Of course, the AVARTAR is driven by another man, and so, it has the only same appearance, but it is not me.


Most of people were cheated by their skillful AVATAR’s cheating last 7 years.


That the reason why they are able to operating this cheating game for 7 years. Person in charge is LEE GUN HEE, LEE MYUNG BAK.


Also, they can be change human’s imaginary to cheat people related with marriage fraud by using mind controlling.


Targeting women are mistaken another man for me by illusion creating from mind controlling. As a result of illusion skills, let people related with marriage fraud to having belief that I will be change another man.   


Besides, I guess that another man who is disguised oneself as me may be getting marriage the women. It is a skill to mistake person’s identity.


I guess, so many another men had been able to getting marriage the women instead to me for 7 years. Please investigate it.


Do you understand their cheating skills?


I guess,


To make people submitting & the best possible collaborator, people were taken gift hooking on the AVATAR sex game by LEE GUN HEE. What is worse, to keep the secret for marriage fraud, people were promoted incest sex by their sex mind controlling.


I witness that brother and sisters were fumbling for the hips or kiss together at subway, street, last 7 years. Maybe they want to be kept silence relating people due to a sense of shame and to prevent people’s resist for them.


LEE GUN HEE, LEE MYUNG BAK must be worst villains


Nevertheless, I haven’t made the sexual relationship with women for 7 years. It is a crime & abuse human right extremely.


Please investigate this issue.



Also, they are organized ridicule to me by used skill when I visited PC café at line 2 subway Kyodae station.


One of the bullying tools is watching me seated or stand on several man or women in front of adults PC café. Why?


Please refer below photograph. You can see several man & women seated at convenience store in front of adults PC Cafe.


Why did seating several men & women in front of adults PC café?


It is the only intention to ridicule to me. You don't have the right to say anything about it. Why?


It's not your business so just butt out. It's none of your business. Are you understood? You mind your own business. Obviously, their activities must be being behind the surveillance activities. It is the abuse of human rights & a crime for 7years. I think LEE GUN HEE should be punished for their abuse & the crime.


























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