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온두라스 상황

요즘, 최원님 글을 읽다가 폭력 비폭력에 대해서 고민을 조금 다시 하고 있는데, 폭력이건 비폭력이건 전술에 불과하다는 조금 원시적(?)인 입장으로 돌아가고 있는 중입니다. 아옌데의 예를 들면서 비폭력적인 방법은 실패할 수밖에 없다고 말하는 것도 조금 공허하게 느껴지지만 쿠바나 사파티스타의 예가 폭력없이도 가능했을 것이라 생각하는 것도 순진하지요. 아래와 같은 온두라스 상황에서 반폭력을 외치는 것도 매우 순진해보입니다.


어쨋든 중요한 것은 지속가능성 아닐까요. 영민한 지도자(카스트로나 차베스)에 기대는 것이 아니라 사회구조적으로 지속가능한 그런 사회주의를 건설하는 것이 큰 과제인 것 같아요.


Dear Friends,


Honduras is reportedly quiet this evening as it prepares for a historic vote tomorrow on whether to schedule a referendum on the calling of a Constituent Assembly.


The right-wing campaign included moves by the armed forces high command to block the vote, which clearly constituted the first steps toward a military coup against the government. The vote was also challenged by the right wing-dominated supreme court and congress.


A strong outpouring of support for President Zelaya, including from the Bolivarian Alliance nations, forced the generals to back off sufficiently for the vote to take place tomorrow. According to CNN, President Zelaya concedes that because of supreme court and congress decisions, tomorrow’s vote will be indicative in character.


Here are two important statements of support to President Zelaya, issued while the military high command was defying governmental instructions. The first statement is from the broad alliance of Honduran popular and Indigenous organizations. The second is from the newly formed Bolivarian Alliance;.


Also for an extraordinary statement by Fidel Castro see



Honduras: Steps Toward a Coup d'Etat

Civic Council of People's and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras (COPINH)


The Civic Council of People's and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras (COPINH) condemns before national and world public opinion the attempted coup launched during the night of June 24, 2009 against the constitutional government of Manuel Zelaya Rosales and the Honduran people and its most important aspirations. This action is a desperate response by right-wing forces and their allies to frustrate the people's will to find a democratic path for national transformation.


The reactionary Right has been desperately trying to block a national referendum that will take place June 28 to ask Honduran society if it agrees to include in the November general elections a vote on the convocation of a national Constituent Assembly to draw up a new constitution.


This drive toward a coup was planned and carried out through collaboration between the fascist National Congress, the lords of the communication media, the Ministry of Public Safety, the country's strongest businessmen, and the Armed Forces, who have acted in open defiance of government decisions. We therefore denounce the army for playing a role similar to that of the 1980s, when it was an agency for destabilization and repression. This campaign, which culminated in an outrageous act of aggression against the Honduran people, was won support from some sectors of the Evangelical and Catholic hierarchy, who have encouraged, justified, and acted as middlemen for the coup-like actions.


We also denounce the interference and involvement of the United States government and its ambassador to Honduras. Informed in advance of these actions, they quit the country, and called on the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, and other institutions under their influence to do the same. This clearly shows their complicity with the pro-coup forces.


We call on the ranks of COPINH and the Honduran people as a whole, whether or not they are organized, to mobilize in their communities, villages, or cities, and especially in Tegucigalpa, to give expression to their defiance and indignation. We call on them not to be intimidated by the terrorist media campaign unleashed against the people's expressed will, and against its right to imagine and desire a new country with justice and equity.


We call on the international community to speak out decisively against this attack on the Honduran people and to express its solidarity with the people and support for their human rights.


We call for intensification of the organized struggle to establish a Popular and Democratic National Constituent Assembly now, at this historic juncture for our homeland.


Finally, COPINH recognizes Manuel Zelaya Rosales as the only constitutional president of the republic and reject any "substitute" imposed by de-facto and imperialist power.


With the power of our ancestors, Iselaca, Lempira, and Etempica, we raise our voices for life, justice, dignity, liberty, and peace.


Adopted in the city of La Esperanza, Intibuca, June 24, 2009, by the Civic Council of People's and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras (COPINH)


For Spanish text, see http://alainet.org/active/31224
Translated by John Riddell


Nine-Country Bolivarian Alliance
Condemns Coup Attempt in Honduras


Declaration of the member states of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America [formerly known as ALBA] condemning the coup d'etat now under way against the president of the Republic of Honduras, Jose Manuel Zelaya.


The member states of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas, represented here at the United Nations, are deeply concerned with regard to present events in the Republic of Honduras. They declare the following:

We emphasize that the coup d'etat now under way aims to block the achievement of a democratic vote by the people called to establish whether the people wish to convene a Constituent Assembly.


We condemn this coup-like action against the genuine aspirations of Honduran citizens who insist on being taken into account through democratic forms of expression and consultation.


We call on the international community to reject this effort to break with the democratic, constitutional order, and to reject any violent and destabilizing moves against the Honduran people and government.


We proclaim our unconditional solidarity with companero Presidente Jose Manuel Zelaya and the sister people of Honduras.


We reiterate our firm support of the declaration in support of the people's referendum in Honduras, adopted by the ALBA summit meeting that took place yesterday, June 24, in the city of Maracay, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

New YorkAntigua and Barbuda
Plurinational State of Bolivia
St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, June 25, 2009

The Central American republic was shaken this week by a series of efforts by right-wing forces to block the vote, initiated by President Jose Manuel Zelaya. The president has led Honduras into the Bolivarian Alliance (previously known as ALBA) and favours a Constituent Assembly as a way to open the door to social reform and social justice. (see http://www.prensa-latina.cu/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=94965&Itemid=1)

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