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11.29 투쟁 날..


11.29: S.K. in State of Emergency



Despite at least 50,000 riot cops in readiness, massive street blockades by the cops all across the S.K. highway tollgates some thousand of demonstrators filled the streets in downtown Seoul, especially in the area around Myeong-dong, to protest the planned U.S.-ROK FTA(later I'll write more about it, especially my opinion about the current wave of protests..).


Here some articles about y'day's protests by today's S.K. bourgeois newspapers:


Anti-FTA protesters defy police ban (K. Herald)

Thousands of farmers and workers yesterday clashed with riot police across the country in the second massive demonstration in a week against a free trade deal with the United States.

Despite stern warnings from state authorities, about 120,000 anti-FTA protesters took to the streets in Seoul and six other major cities including Busan, Daegu and Gwangju, the Korea Alliance Against the Korea-U.S. FTA said.

About 10,000 protesters, including 5,000 farmers from rural regions, converged in central Seoul to press for an end to the trade negotiations and reform of the government's agricultural policy.

Around 50,000 policemen were mobilized to prevent rallies nationwide including some 10,000 in Seoul, the police agency said.


11.29 Seoul City Hall Plaza..

 ..and the same place one week before (http://blog.jinbo.net/CINA/?pid=1001)

Collisions took place at some highway tollgates as police tried to block farmers from entering Seoul. To keep regional activists from reaching Seoul, 13,000 policemen were at guard at over 1,000 tollgates.

The police was .. on high alert following last week's massive rallies...

The anti-FTA coalition of about 300 civic groups has been banned from staging further rallies after the turmoil.

Pledging a peaceful demonstration this time, the alliance requested the police to permit its second rally, but their request was turned down. Despite the rejection, activists are also planning even more protests on Dec. 6, as Seoul and Washington prepare to open the fifth round of formal FTA talks...

After declaring a "zero tolerance" policy toward violent rallies, the government has been seeking to take harsh measures not only against anti-FTA protests but all other potentially violent rallies.

Blocking tollgates leading to Seoul, the police prevented several small groups of regional protesters from joining the demonstration in Seoul.

About 40 members of a construction labor union in Daegu and 33 farmers from North and South Gyeongsang Provinces were forced to return home.

A member of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, one of the nation's umbrella unions, was arrested in Daejeon for violence against two policemen who tried to block him from entering Seoul.

"We have already asked leaders of the alliance to halt all demonstrations. We have no other means but to forcibly disband all protests under lawful procedures," the police said.

State police have already summoned 170 activists involved in last week's violent rallies. Since 163 of those protesters failed to show up, the police are planning to request arrest warrants.

Labor workers joined in yesterday's unrest with the KCTU launching its second general strike opposing government-led labor bills and the FTA.

Some 36,000 union members of Hyundai Motor, the nation's largest carmaker, and Ssangyong Motors joined in yesterday's walkout.

The radical labor group launched a general strike last week, demanding the government scrap new labor regulations. The KCTU continued additional partial strikes throughout last week...




Demo near Dongdaemun Stadium at around noon


Anti-FTA Protestors, Police Clash (K. Times)


Rallies in 8 cities go off without major violence (JoongAng Ilbo)


Pitched Battles in Seoul as Police Block Anti-FTA Rally  (Chosun Ilbo)



Eulji-ro, downtown Seoul, in the afternoon



Some independent reports you can see, incl. video documentaries, here:




The Second People's Rally against FTA (VoP)



Myeong-dong area during the evening:



(sources of the pics: OhmyNews, VoP)




S.K. TV coverage:












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