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THAAD배치 결사반대(#31)

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Last Wednesday(3.22) morning(KST) about 50 activists(since last Monday they've been on a solidarity/agit-prop tour across S. Korea/some of them are still staging a sit-in struggle in central Seoul... since almost 5 month!!), representing hundreds of workers, dismissed from several enterprises(such as HYDIS, DongYang Cement, Seoul's Sejeong Hotel, Cort/CoreTek, Asahi Glass etc..), arrived in Soseong-ri(village)/Seongju-gun(county)/Gyeongbuk-do(province)...


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...to support the struggle(by the locals and millions of other S. Koreans) against the planned THAAD deployment..(a detailed report in Korean you'll get here)

During the day until late evening/night...


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...they joined several anti-THAAD acivities, organised by the locals...



...and activists, belonging to Won Buddhism, who're trying to block the way to the planned THAAD side by their own sit-in struggle...


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Int'l solidarity with the "Yellow Envelop"(노란봉투) campaign in S. Korea...


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Related article:
Noam Chomsky contributes to “yellow envelope” campaign (Hankyoreh, 3.15)


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    자본주의 박살내자!
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    no chr.!

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