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"이주노동자 아리랑" - 비판와 각자비판

While the majority of the Koreans today is celebrating their consumer intoxication

(현충일), we, my colleague and me, have to work – editing the stuff we recorded y’day.

Yesterday was “Migrants’ Arirang” (MA), a culture festival, organized by the …Ministry of Culture and Tourism – yeah, the S. Korean government (next year, the Ministry of “Justice”, the deportation department, a.k.a. immigration office should be the organizer of the event)! The same m…f… who are hunting and deporting daily migrant workers! So the whole event was a totally lied event!

But a much greater shame: all the migrant communities were playing the government’s game, no one - inclusive us, the MTU - was effective protesting against it. Even we were talking about it the day before, at the time even we’d no one leaflet, no pickets, nothing, except our signature lists. And the event was a real great opportunity to stage a public-effectively protest against the government’s inhuman policy, and the daily massive acts of exploitation by the S. Korean capitalists/business people.

Instead for example the Nepalese community, usually very strong minded against this injustice system, celebrated a wedding ceremony, Stop Crackdown Band just played songs about the “love to Korea” and that they “one day want to go home” (exactly the same, what our enemies want to hear!), the next entertainer, a Korean, sung also about “good bye”, one of our supporting groups (www.stopcrackdown.net) was kicked out by the organizers of MA… After all it was a day of massive defeat for the case of migrant workers!!

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

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    자본주의 박살내자!
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    no chr.!

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