- '노란봉투'캠페인/국제연대..
- no chr.!
But the result of the disaster is not just the fault of the Bush administration. Since decades everyone who want to know knew about the social situation in the Southeast of the USA, the home for a majority of the poor.
But because the capitalism dont need them anymore, not their manpower, work power and so also not their purchasing power, because they dont have it, the capitalist system gives a shit on them. The system would be happy if the masses of the poor there just disappear. At the best forever!
But this is the result of every capitalist society. Just remember the Maemi disaster in Gangweon Do, Gangneung, or the subway catastrophe in Daegu. There mainly, I am sure, ordinary, poor people were effected. Not the people who are driving Mercedes Benz or life in a rich area. That is just the result of the system of maximum profit, just capitalism.
And this system is producing every day thousands of potential victims of nature or human made disasters!
For example the people in Samgak Suha Dong, Eulchiro 2ga, or Sanseong Shijang Market area: this people, when they will be driven out by the Construction Mafia, beside they will lose their basis of existence, will find cheap places to life only in the poor areas on the edge of Seoul. And the possibility to get hit deadly by the next Maemi, Nabi, or whatever, is very high! Because there the quality of house constructions is very poor, there are is no real infrastructure for an effective help in the case of any next disaster...
On the rally last Sat. many people were asking how to help the most effected, poor people in New Orleans.
So on last Sunday evening I had a discussion about it with the Afro-american who made the speech the day before, I already published it here:
We agreed that it is very helpful to organize meetings to inform the public about the real background, why the disaster was getting so catastrophic. Inform about the social, political and economic background. Try to get in contact with progressive organizations there.
It seems that the New Orleans Peoples Committee and Community Labor United are a self-organized, more autonomous organizations. Just check it out by your self, please.
But we also agreed during the discussion that the most effective help would be to get in contact with people in resistance on the spot, in the areas, countries, where we are living and struggling. Only if we support them, without the ideas just to organize them in so-called left bla, bla.. groups, we can make steps forward to undermine the power of capitalism, to undermine the system of exploitation, oppression and in general the system on inhumanity!
So, the lecture for today is finished! Ha, ha...
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