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경주: 이주노동자 강제단속


Y'day, according to several sources(*), 12 Korean human right/KCTU members were arrested in Gyeongju, east of the S. Korean city Daegu. The were arrested while defending a number of 'undocumented' migrant workers (eight of them were arrested in that process) against the current crackdown.

MTU published (unfortunalelly only on its FB site...) today the following short report: "Our Korean supporters and friends, defending and trying to prevent the arrest of the undocumented workers in Gyeongsan. 8 undocumented were detained and 8 Korean activists were arrested in the process. Another 4 Korean activist were arrested by the police in Gyeongsan earlier in the day"

* Related reports (in the independet media):
7일 경주에서 12명 단속, 항의하던 인권단체회원 12명 연행 (NewsCham, 11.8)
'미등록 이주노동자 단속 항의' 시민단체 회원 집단 연행 (OMN, 11.8)
"반인권적 '이주노동자' 불법단속, 즉각 중단을" (PeaceNews, 11.8)

Related articles (in the bourgeois media):
경찰, 불법체류자 단속 막은 노조원 연행 (대구일보, 11.8)
대구경찰, 불법체류자 단속 항의 8명 입건… (중앙일보, 11.8)





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