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명동 '재개발' 구역 (#22)


Last week Park Won-soon, Seoul's new elected mayor said during his (online) inauguration 'ceremony': "I'm standing here on behalf of citizens. I will work with citizens. I will always ask to hear from citizens."
   And while he promised that “Regardless of where people live in northern or southern parts of Seoul, I will do my best to guarantee that every citizen can have an equal quality of life...", he mentioned especially the current "inhuman redevelopment projects at the expense of the ordinary people..."

Well, it sounds not so bad...

But of course - ultimately - he(Park Won-soon) will/can't change nothing... without the help/pressure by the civil society/the "power of the streets"!

And in this situation, instead to mobilize ALL forces to create a broad movement to change the 'redevelopment' law("Redevelopment not against, but with the people!!"), Myeong-dong Liberation Front(MDLF) announced(via facebook) two days ago(11.17) that the group is "officially disassembled"...

Wow, that's really political cretinism!!!




진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

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    자본주의 박살내자!
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    no chr.!

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