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ETU-MB ("투쟁역사")


The following text we, activists of ETU-MB, wrote (as far as I remember on demand of LabourNet UK) in spring 2004:

ETU-MB’s struggle history, a short overview

ETU-MB (Equality Trade Union – Migrant’s Branch, a part of Korean Confederation of Trade Unions/KCTU) was founded in the year 2001. Actually the group was a splitting product of JCMK. The activists had to learn that in JCMK they have no own voice and JCMK leadership was/is complete reformist. But the activists wanted a struggle organization where migrant workers can organize themselves.

With the beginning of public discussions about the planned new EPS (Employment Permit System) bill by the government ETU-MB started in spring 2002 with massive activities in the public. After in April a demonstration, around 1000 migrant workers participated, was blocked by riot cops and later the government threaten with more repression against ETU-MB’s activities Kabir and Bidduth, together with some Korean supporters started the first sit-in struggle in the back-yard of Myeong-dong Cathedral. The sit-in struggle lasted 77 days.

After the sit-in struggle the activists concentrated on organizing migrant workers in their home regions (in S. Korea) mainly in the industrial zones in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do(province).

On September 2nd, immigration officers, accompanied by dozens of riot cops, raided two migrant houses in Maseok(Gyeonggi-do) and arrested two of ETU-MB's leading activists. In the beginning of November 2002 they begun a hunger strike and on Dec 1 they were released, but only temporary.

Meanwhile the massive anti-USFK campaign started and also ETU-MB members participated.

In the following period ETU-MB searched for more effective ways to organize migrant workers in the union. In early summer last year we begun with a massive wave of rallies in the different industrial areas in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do. The wave reached its apex with a rally in Seoul on October 26, together with Korean irregular workers. Here after the self burning of Lee Yong-seok on the end of the rally short after the beginning of the following demonstration large units of riot cops attacked the demo and arrested Bidduth and Jamal. Later they were transferred to Hwasoeng detention center.

Almost simultaneously we started with a campaign to assist/join workplace-related struggles by migrant workers mainly in the vicinity of Seoul (Gyeonggi-do). And some of our efforts were quite successful!

Meanwhile during the whole 2003 ETU-MB activists participated also in anti-war rallies and demos.

Since beginning of Nov 2003 we were planning activities against the coming crackdown period announced by the government for Nov 16. Several models were in discussions and we finally we decided to occupy Myeong-dong Cathedral’s compound on Nov 15 after a large workers rally on that day. Now since that date we’re occupying this area. During this time we held many protest rallies and demonstrations were we lost three comrades captured by immigration officers with the direct help from riot cops.




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