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민주노총 재해... 생각

If it's true, that KCTU "leadership" want to resign in January (Korea Times wrote some days ago), then - I guess - we'll get a real chaotic situation. But on the other side that's also a great opportunity to renew our trade union. First of all the left, the progressive, internationalist fractions must strengthen their positions in the KCTU! We (ha, actually I can just watch what’s going on...) should - now we have the opportunity - fight for more basic democracy, for more transparency in the KCTU... Many groups, organized in the KCTU, still are fighting for a new, free society (not only for to get more labour rights, more money, and so on)... But for to achieve it we must start now to create this in our own present organization! If we just promise the people that "in the future we will make everything better...", nobody will believe us. We must do it/fill out with life NOW! And if we concentrate all our power NOW on this project, perhaps - just perhaps - we'll get the possibility to change many things in our society sooner or later. At least in the KCTU... This is just the beginning of some thoughts... But perhaps you can think and discuss about it also. Please remember that until January the time is very short!! By the way, if it is really true that Lee Soo-ho and his gang want to resign in Jan. we should demand that they don’t make any statement in the public anymore in the behalf of KCTU!
진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

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    자본주의 박살내자!
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    no chr.!

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