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네팔뉴스 #13

The Nepalese eKantipur reported following yesterday...


Govt will foil parties’ protests at any cost: Home Minister; RNA says Maoists in capital

Home Minister Kamal Thapa on Tuesday claimed that the government will foil the upcoming parties’ four-day nationwide general strike scheduled to begin from April 6, “at any cost”.

The Minister also reiterated that the government would “treat the seven-party alliance like the Maoists as the pre-planned programmes are that of the rebels.”

The minister made the remarks while speaking at the Reporters’ Club in the capital today.

“The law has not liberated terrorists to carry out their activities in whatever guise they present themselves,” Minister Thapa said, adding, “The parties have dubbed their agitation beginning from April 6 as peaceful, the government will treat them like terrorists to control their activities.”

He also claimed that the government has received reliable information that “the Maoists had entered the capital with arms and weapons.”

“The government has intensified its search for them,” added Thapa

Thapa also alleged that the Maoists, in accordance with the second understanding with the parties, have put their programmes on the shoulder of the parties.

The Minister said that the government had beefed up security across the country keeping in mind the possible danger and the prevalent situation.

However, Home Minister Thapa did not mention whether the government would impose a curfew to thwart the parties’ programme.

Earlier, on Jan.20, claiming that the Maoists could infiltrate the parties’ political showdown, the government had imposed a daylong curfew in the capital.

Govt asks public not to participate in parties’ programme

Meanwhile, the government today requested the general public not to participate in any programme organized “in accordance with the understanding between the seven-party alliance and the Maoists.”

In a statement issued this evening, the Home Ministry made the appeal requesting the general public not to attend the programme as the security authorities could use force to foil such a “disruptive” programme.

The ministry appealed to all to avoid travelling to Kathmandu during “the so-called programme (of the parties).”

The ministry has also requested that industries, educational institutions, public transport, businesses be run as normal.

“Maoists’ special task force have entered Valley”

The Royal Nepalese Army (RNA) today claimed that a tip-off was received that the Maoists’ Special Task Force has entered the Kathmandu Valley. The RNA said it would be committed in providing security, as per the government’s directives.

“The soldiers might be mobilized, if necessary, (during the seven–party alliance’s showdown) in order to provide security against the terrorists,” said Army spokesman Nepal Bhusan Chand at the RNA headquarters, while speaking about the information received by the RNA on the entrance of the Maoists’ special task force. He, however, did not elaborate on this.

NC calls on all its cadres to come Kathmandu

Meanwhile, the Nepali Congress (NC) today directed all its district working committees to bring the party cadres to the capital to join the showdown beginning from April 6.

The party has also summoned its zonal cadres living in the capital, to its party office at Sanepa on March 30 and 31 to discuss the issue.



And NepalNews wrote this..

Over 8000 Maoists killed since RNA deployment



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